Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 87: See you at the National Contest (3/3)

Star broken.

Among the three types of Chu Tian, ​​the most inhumane move.

There are unavailable [Void], some can't get back [Do not jump], and [Star Broken], there are both unreachable and unreachable. A lot of debris, you ca n’t break it no matter how powerful you are!

Like the previous two types, star breaks are also superimposed ball skills.

Almost all the ball skills can be superimposed on it, thus exerting a powerful and unimaginable power. It's just that all the changes after the explosion of each fragment are taken into account, and each fragment retains a ball skills. This control, even the top players like Nanjiro, cannot do it ...

Moreover, the stars in front of you are just simplified versions.

As the name implies, the greatest power of Star Crush should be like a starry sky. Chu Tian deliberately reduced his power in order not to attack his opponent!

It's just that reducing the power version of star fragments is still not something that Komura Village can fight back ...

"Boom !!"

Fortunately, the city of Sekimura had only two shards to fight back. However, after flying forward for a distance of about 3 meters, the two fragments suddenly stopped.

Then fall freely from stillness.

No Internet access!

One of Chutian's three forms, [Do not jump]!

Xingcun Jingshi finally knew the gap between the two, Chu Tian's last ball, and his tennis, are basically two dimensions!

After the fusion of the three ball skills of No Leap, Void, Star Break, and 23 different ball skills were added, distributed on 23 fragments. At first glance, this sounds like crazy thinking ... but Chu Tian just hit it!

Even professional players can't play this game! With such a strong man, the national competition meets and still can't win ...

"Huhu ... Huhu ... I am very happy to play against you. At the national competition, I will continue to ask for advice, until ... Huhu ... I will become stronger."

Xingcun Jingshi sweated heavily and shook hands with Chu Tian.

Did not say the bold words that defeated Chu Tian, ​​Xingcun also knew that it was impossible. Fortunately, because the village is strong enough, it knows this better than anyone.

This year's champion is Chu Tian's team. Fortunately, the village made this conclusion ...

"Well, let's fight again then."

Chu Tian smiled.

[End of the game, 6: 0, Mr. Chu Tian wins! 】

[The Kanto Competition ends here, and the award ceremony will be held tomorrow. The national competition will be held in Tokyo a month later, please prepare for all participating teams ...] ...

After chatting with Xingcun, Chu Tian walked off the court.

Chu Tian's cheerleaders cheered enthusiastically. A charming young girl, wearing an energetic colorful dress, holding a variety of colorful **** and flowers in her hand, waving in the air. The whole square is immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

A bunch of flowers were thrown continuously from the audience, fell onto Chu Tian, ​​and the accompanying, endless cheers ...

"Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian! Chu Tian!"


Chu Tian beckoned everywhere and greeted the beautiful women one by one.

In the Kanto tournament, when I watched the Prince of Tennis, it was an excitement. Now I have come to participate by myself, and I feel ... but so! Chu Tian sucked his mouth and walked ahead arrogantly ...

"Senior !!"

Ryugasaki Sakura trot over, surrounded by a large group of cheerleaders.

His face was red and glamorous, like a flower. Sakura took out a wet sweat towel and handed it to Chu Tian. The pink blouse is worn on the body, with a fresh girl.

Ying Nai raised her head from time to time, looked at Chu Tian in admiration, and then the friends of the cheerleaders around her laughed for a while, and then quickly lowered her head. Wave after wave of faith came from Ryuzaki Sakura's body, but Chu Tian clearly knew how much this little girl admires herself now!

"Sakura, you are getting more and more beautiful, and the seniors are almost fascinated. Oh, just your cheering, but I heard it, thank you." Chu Tian smiled, a gentle smile.

"No, this, this is what it should be! Cheering for the seniors, Sakura no Sakura is very happy!" Ryugasaki Sakura said helplessly.

Chu Tian took the towel, wiped it, and then grabbed Sakura Nasui. The tender and tender little hand, walked to the beauty in front ...


"God brother, the last goal is really handsome, although shameless!"

Xia Ba Yu'er smiled and crossed her face, slamming her mouth on Chu Tian's mouth. Chu Tian also responded fiercely, enjoying the beauty of her lips ...

"Teacher, play well!"

Little Lori Ziyan also ran over, slammed on Chu Tian's face, the lovely cute face, the small but exquisite figure, really let Chu Tian put it down.

"Senior, you are so handsome!"

Pengxiang also fluttered over, and the little girl became more daring. She actually touched Chu Tian ’s little friend intentionally, and it seemed to have some hidden meaning. Oh no, Chu Tiancai is not that kind of person!

"Daddy, Daddy!"

Seven or eight Ling'er quickly rushed into Chu Tian's arms, coquettishly said. Why are there so many? Among them are Linger from the world of fairy tale and legendary heroes, one from the game world of three swords, three from the world of three swords, three worlds from four swords, five worlds from sword, and the world of fairy swordsmen. Ling'er ... Chu Tian can't tell anymore!

And the countless cheerleading girls in the distance, every girl is awesome, rare in the world. Some came from all over the country to transfer Chu Tian, ​​and some were members of the harem brought by Chu Tian from other worlds.

So many beauties surrounded Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tiandong and West. Touch. Touch Xuefeng, twist a twist. Buttocks, in the crowd, it's really cool to death!

"Tezuka, goodbye to the national competition! Also, take a leave for me and my teacher, and I will go to class in a few months!"

Chu Tian in the flowers had no time to avail, shouting to Tezuka in the distance. Then left arm around the plump and full of nightshade, right arm around the brave Asuna, and countless other beautiful women, walked out of the game.

Outside the stadium, about 1,000 luxury cars of Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini and other brands lined up in a long line. Such a vast scene is rare in the history of the whole world! One by one luxury cars almost covered the streets, ushering in countless passersby watching ...

Chu Tian then took thousands of beautiful women and got into the car one after another ...

"Lying trough! Deceptive!"

"Too extravagant!"

"Who is this guy? There are so many beauties in one person, and they still make people alive! I will go to the car in front and wipe it. The lights are made of diamonds! Fuck !!!"


No matter how envious others are, in summary, Chutian's vacation begins again ...

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