Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 93: Echizen Nanjiro suspicion (4/5)

"Nice ball skills."

In the face of hundreds of laser shots, Chu Tian's face did not have a slight tension, but instead showed a somewhat pleasant smile. A slight compliment is like an elder's praise of the back.

Compared with Tezuka and Xingcun, this kind of skill is really better. Chu Tian raised a little interest.

The racket is pressed down.

The entire venue was instantly shrouded by a powerful momentum. Kawagi opposite, suddenly breathing nervously. That is, a sense of oppression never felt in my life!

As if to be cut by the opponent's waist!

Severe momentum, like a sword! The sharp edge is unstoppable! Chu Tian, ​​who majored in swordsmanship, has experienced the precipitation of countless years, and the powerful sword intention can even kill the entire world in an instant! Even if you don't use a sword, in a moment of seriousness, that momentum is still as fierce as a sword!

Kawagi's heart suddenly mentioned his throat! !

"Thousands, squares, remains, shadows, swords--"

Chu Tian suddenly thought of a trick in a certain world and used the ball instead of the sword.

Hundreds of phantoms appeared in front of Chu Tian as if there was no such thing. Chu Tian hit the real tennis ball in an instant, and hit back in an instant. No matter how subtle the trick is, there can only be one real tennis.

For people in this world.

寧 啦 ——

寧 啦 ——

The sound of breaking the sky sounded.

The moment Chu Tian's racket swung, the tennis ball also turned into a phantom, striking back towards Kawagi opposite. It is also a phantom, but Chu Tian's moves are not the same as Chuanmu's previous moves!

The shining yellow light is dazzling and shiny like the sun!

A sharp edge, revealed from thousands of phantoms!

Every phantom is like a sword!

Every sword cannot be resisted!

Thousands of golden swords crossed the stadium in an instant. Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, as if to see the scene of Kawagi being pierced by Wan Jian in the next second.

"No! Impossible! How is it possible, how is it possible! Every phantom, how could it be so powerful! Me, I want to fight back--"

Kawaki held the racket with both hands, and the whole person's mental state entered an extremely excited state!

No, it's not so much as excitement, it's better to say, when you anticipate a crisis, your full potential bursts out! The realm of selflessness enters in an instant, and the whole person instantly uses the most powerful moves. Kawagi took three steps and made two quick steps forward, vigorously swiping with all his strength—





The sound of breaking through the sky passed by Kawagi's ear.

A few small holes appeared in Kawagi's clothes.

There are also four broken holes in Kawaki's tennis racket. That was the intense destruction caused by the four phantoms. However, this kind of thing is simply impossible!

The illusion actually caused the destruction of the entity!

"Just kidding!"

"Isn't it an illusion? Why, how can this power be?"

"Are there more than a thousand phantoms, each one is true?"

"so horrible!"


Everyone was stunned by Chu Tian's move. Illusions, as the name suggests, are false moves. In tennis games, although this type of moves is not very lethal, it is extremely difficult to deal with. If you don't understand the principle, it is difficult to fight back. This is not a trick that can be cracked with brute force.

But Chu Tian's move, illusion, actually had a physical effect.


"It's unbelievable. This strength, let alone U-17 represents, I am afraid, it already has a professional level. No, the strength of Chuanmu is already the level of a professional player, Chu Tian he ..."

Tokugawa Kazuya also looked at Chu Tian in shock, and his heart was surging.

He, who has always been a professional player, has worked harder since he was defeated by the Phoenix of the Byodoin. His strength is almost different from the original. However, now, he simply can not see Chu Tian's goal. No, even if it is one or two phantom afterimages, it is impossible to catch it!

too strong!

Kawagi on the court has been dull.

Chu Tian shouted several times in a row before the other party recovered. Picking up the tennis ball, Chu Tian attacked again.

"--I said, what are you doing. Are you jealous of this uncle's handsomeness and want to break up me and Nanako? Do you regret it now? Tell you, uncle I'm a genius, even if I never play tennis, I still abuse you!"

Chu Tian threw the tennis ball high.

Above the tennis ball, there was a golden glow.

Boom! ! !


The tennis ball disappeared in the air, and within a fraction of a second, a crack in space behind Kawagi appeared distorted, and the tennis ball jumped out of it quickly!

"It's too late--" Kawagi reached out quickly, trying to hit the ball back. However, when he first touched this ball, Kawagi's face changed dramatically again!

"This force!"

Boom! ! !

Tennis slammed Kawagi's racket!

[Chu Tian score, 4: 0! 】


Bang Bang!


[Chu Tian score, 5: 0! 】

[End of the game, 6: 0! 】

Did not even show too many stunts. Chu Tian has completely defeated Kawagi by virtue of the combination of hermit and some ball skills.

Any combination of ball skills and air and air, the strength has more than doubled. Without the ball of the route, it is a big difficulty to judge the landing point, not to mention, it is necessary to hit him back ...

All the audience finally realized. Chu Tian, ​​it turned out to be a true civil and military combination!

It's too good!

"Nanako, I'm awesome! This scum, actually wanted to stop us from interacting, it's really boring!" Chu Tian narcissistically walked to Nanako and Yingnao.

"Chu Tian, ​​when did you, me, and I say to you ... to have a relationship with you."

"Haha, make a joke, joke, don't be shy ..."



"How is it?" Echizen Ryoma on the side of the stadium turned and asked.

Minjiro thought for a while, and said: "Although I don't want to admit it, this Chutian is very strong, even better than me. Voidness should be an alternative usage of [black hole]. However, while the space is compressed, tennis The package does not destroy it, and the appearance of the ground instantly, combined with other ball skills. This control, even for professional players, is not comparable. "

Ryoma was startled.

Originally I just wanted to ask the old man, how specific is Chu Tian's strength, and he could set a goal to defeat Chu Tian. However, how do you know that Nan Jilang actually criticized Chu Tian like this!

Stronger than Minjiro!

How can it be!

"--Boy, don't believe it. There are still a lot of geniuses in this world. Although your dad was invincible at that time, he also encountered many things that he could not understand. The world is very big, and there are so many amazing people." Echizen Nanjiro saw Ryoma unbelieving and added seriously.

"And, I have one thing to confirm, otherwise, I am always puzzled. Chu Tian, ​​whether it is him, if not, what does it matter ... It seems that only one match is known ..."



Have a meal, look like 10 o'clock in the next chapter,

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