Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 98: Samurai lore one (4)

When the news reporter arrived on the scene, the entire temple was already half destroyed.

Half of the wall collapsed, even if it did not collapse, a web of spider-like cracks spread over it, seemingly caused by a huge impact. The crumbling, dangling walls are as weak as paper. The small temple, like a boat in the waves, wavered.

The ground is bumpy and there are also cracks pervading. From the center of the temple, it extends to the surroundings and spreads to hundreds of meters outside the temple. The closer to the temple, the denser the cracks.

The violent waves of waves kept coming.

There are golden lights in the sky from time to time, interspersed with dark, twisting space-like colors, and the sound of "booming" is like a morning bell and a drum, shaking again and again.

Everyone felt the power of shock ...

"... What should I do? Do you still want to see? Inside, it seems ... weird!" A reporter said carefully, yes, a little scared. The scene in front of me seems to be beyond the scope that science can explain.

so horrible!

What if you die here!

"Fear, fear, fear! We are secretly shooting in the distance, it's okay! As a reporter, we have to do our duty and we can't abandon it!"

Everyone nodded.

Then he moved closer to the temple again.

In the photo shoot, the video camera, the violent waves, the people are holding each other, and they must also guard against the eccentric atmosphere of tyranny at any time.

All in all, the scene is very dangerous.

However, when everyone approached, suddenly found something was wrong.

Why, there is human voice?

How about the "drink and drink" call, as in playing tennis?

Several reporters glanced at each other and decided to go some distance again.

Then, everyone saw the most incredible thing in this life:

The two of them slammed on the court, the violent air flow on the court, the space burst, the light shone, the trees rose up, the tiles on the house were swept by the wind brought by the tennis ... … All of this is like a fantasy novel, tennis, to such a degree!

After everyone was shocked, they suddenly blew up!

"Just kidding!"

"This, this, is this earthquake caused by tennis ?!"

"Look! That man, I know that man, he is a miracle of the tennis world, Samurai Minjiro!"

"Who is playing against him?"

"I also know this person. He is the Nobel Prize winner, the talented young man Chu Tian! God, he actually fought against Nanjiro's senior? No, even, he has the upper hand!"

"So strong!"

"Quick! Quick! The camera, the camera is ready! This is a moment to witness history, a moment of shock to the tennis world! Photographed, quickly photographed!"


A group of journalists are busy frantically, doing various shootings ...

This is definitely a moment to subvert history!

A moment that shocked the world!

The two people in front of me are definitely the pinnacle of tennis history! It is even possible to expose the mystery of God!

Everyone stared at the stadium intently, for fear of missing any segment. The confrontation between Chu Tian and Nan Jilang is not something you can usually see ...

"--Star break."

Chu Tian on the field once again performed his stunt.

The tennis ball burst and then burst, and then burst and burst.

The little tennis ball burst Chen 666 pieces of debris and flew towards the opposite Nanjiro. At the same time, every piece of debris is all in the "empty" package, hidden in the space.

After the combination of Star Crush and Void, it even encloses countless world-class stunts. Every fragment is a ball skill. 666 unique skills, incredible!


Echizen Minjiro immediately waved more than ten shots!

The black hole of Echizen Minajiro again collided with Chu Tian ’s hundreds of hidden voids. The roaring sound burst on the stadium, the clouds in the sky churned, and the twisted space exuded a heart-wrenching atmosphere.

As if the breath of the end is coming.

A ray of light was shining on Nanjiro's racket, and it was fully and seamlessly displayed. When he hit back, the field also turned to the extreme, observing all the **** of Chu Tian.


Boom! ! ! !

Chu Tian's attack seems to be more and more fierce. As the interest gradually rises, Chu Tian's strength is becoming stronger and stronger. The speed and power of tennis are unconsciously increasing every second.

Break through the shackles of black holes!

Break through the constraints of the realm!

666 fragments, in no particular order, landed loudly, Echizen Minajiro lost points!

"40: 0."

Chu Tian said calmly.

His face was ruddy, his breathing was smooth, and there was no hurry. On the other hand, Minjiro has already sweated a lot, and his state seems to be a little unstable.

"Nanjiro, you will not be distracted because someone is shooting. How do you feel you are getting weaker?" Chu Tian waved his racket and pointed to a group of reporters outside.

It's also rare to play a ball for so long. Chu Tian rarely has such a great time. He was expecting Nanjiro to have 10,000 percent super long hair.

"No, my cards are one after another! It's only you who got stronger. Your kid ... it's just not strong enough!" Minjiro took a deep breath and adjusted his disordered breathing.

No matter what kind of killing trick, it doesn't work for Chu Tian.

The additive effect of the two seamless skills in the sky and the field is still crushed by Chu Tian.

Phantom ball skills, speed ball skills, power ball skills, strategic ball skills ... no matter how complex the ball is, it is not worth mentioning in front of Chu Tian.

Impeccable ...

"However, the more this is, the more challenging it is! I won't lose again in this game! It seems that I have to use this trick ..."

Echizen Nanjiro had already realized it, and then continued to fight, it was just repeated uselessly. Ordinary tricks have no effect on Chu Tian! Under this trade-off, Chu Tian ’s bottomless physical strength definitely has an overwhelming advantage. If he does not consume energy, he will lose!

Get up to speed!

Echizen Minjiro held his breath and slowly raised his racket.

Behind Echizen Minjiro, a shadow of a samurai appeared.

The wind rises and the clouds surge.

A wave of turmoil swayed around Echizen Minajiro!

The spirit, energy, and spirit of the whole person instantly soared to a terrible and unimaginable height! Under the strong momentum, those reporters holding various detectors clearly discovered that the magnetic field here has increased by more than ten times in an instant! Tennis, it really is not scientifically explainable!

Minjiro, will you win! ? Everyone thought in my heart.

"This is prepared to deal with that guy, you have to be careful." Echizen Minjiro said calmly, his body's momentum continued to rise, and then he threw the tennis ball high!



Uh, the original serve cannot be received before landing, BUG ,,,,

Amount, thanks to reminders from book friends, it has been corrected. Please note that the children's shoes that have been read have been modified before, PS:

It ’s a little sleepy at 20 o’clock for the next update.

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