Deity of the Cursed Sword

Vol 12 Chapter 102: Brother became a legend (2)

Echizen Minjiro was eventually admitted to the hospital.

It is good to use such mortal body to exert such super-god power without death on the spot. Fortunately, at the last moment of Echizen Minjiro, I saw Chu Tian's shot and realized that the use of energy has improved to a higher level, barely saving my life.

However, in the next six months, I am afraid to spend in the hospital ...

"Uncle, is he alright?"

Echizen Naoko asked afterwards. Echizen Ryoma naturally looked at Chu Tian with great concern. After all, people at this level of Chu Tian looked deeper than him.

"It's not just okay, it's a good thing. Minjiro broke the limits of his self this time. Although his body suffered a lot of damage, his understanding of tennis improved to a higher level. When he was discharged from the hospital half a year later, he understood tennis , I ’m afraid it surpassed everyone in this world. "

In Chu Tian's explanation, Echizen Ryoma was relieved.

Of course, Chu Tian chose to say good things.

Although Echizen Minajiro has taken it to a new level, his physical function has indeed declined. The life potential of this overdraft was too great. When he was discharged from the hospital half a year later, his body began to decline.

Even if Echizen Minjiro's understanding of tennis is improved to a higher level, his control is even more powerful, but Echizen Minjiro's strength, reaction ability, etc., have all dropped significantly.

This battle is the pinnacle of Echizen Minajiro.

In the future, there is no chance to touch ...

"Now, Chu Tian, ​​you have to remember. I will finish this battle for Dad. I will challenge you again in the national competition!"

Echizen Ryoma lowered his brim, his eyes were burning, and the newborn calf was not afraid of tigers, so he challenged Chu Tian.

After seeing the absolutes of two peerless masters, Echizen Ryoma's tennis skills have also become more sophisticated. The battle between Echizen Nanjiro and Chu Tian cried out because of tennis, the kind of perseverance, the kind of almost crazy pursuit, also ignited a strong fighting spirit in Ryoma's heart ...

The soul of the samurai lurking inside awakened ...

One day later.

In just one day, the whole world has changed dramatically.

Tokyo, Japan, Asia, all over the world. The speed of news spread extremely rapidly. With regard to the news of Chu Tian and Nanjiro's peak battle, the blink of an eye has swept the world. All the people in the world are boiling at this time!

This is the most pinnacle of the whole world!

Since the legend of World War II, the most advanced tennis technique known to the world!

It's incredible! Incredible!

But, those videos, those photos, tell everyone with facts! Such destruction is done by manpower!

--This is real! ! !

"Tokyo Evening News", "Universal Daily", American Time Magazine, China Xinhua News Agency, European News Television ... Countless news media organizations around the world have reported relevant news in the shortest and fastest time. From the process of the big two to the dress of Nanjiro and Chutian, when the duel temple was established, all the information about this battle was excavated.

All TV series were canceled on this day, and all the TV stations repeatedly broadcast the scenes of the fierce battles that the reporters at the time shot in the ordinary temple in Tokyo.

Even news broadcasts such as CCTV-1, the speeches of the US president ’s plan, the presidential election in Russia, etc., all important news, all canceled! No matter which radio station, which organization, or even the headlines of all the newspapers, it shows the information of the battle between Chu Tian and Echizen Nanjiro.

In total, leaders of more than 220 countries and regions issued a statement at the same time, expressing their respective views on this tennis matchup.

Numerous international organizations are also spreading ...

Tennis comes first!


No matter what organization it is!

Every corner of the world, on this day, is spreading information about Chu Tianyue Nanjiro battle! This extraordinary battle has made all people see the hope of mankind!

——The potential of man is unlimited! ! !

Even the uncle and aunt who didn't leave home, the ignorant teenager who had just babbled, and the criminals who were anxiously living in prison all got information about the battle between Chutian and Nanjiro.

Even, in order to represent a huge leap in the course of human history, the world held an unprecedented celebration.

Amnesty, all criminals are commuted for half a year! All schools are on holiday on this day, and the students go home to watch this game! The factory is also on holiday, because the bosses are eager to go home to watch the live broadcast and commentary. In those factories that are not on holiday, the workers also strike forcibly. No one can stop it!

Even if the radio station repeatedly plays the scene of Chutian's game, people are never tired of it. Who can imagine that such a huge and unimaginable power is hidden in the weak human body!

The whole world is boiling on this day ...

Chu Tian ’s name has spread to every corner of the world ...

And the acquaintances who knew the battle of Chu Tian even rushed to tell each other. Either excited, proud of knowing Chutian, or immersed in shock, unable to imagine ...

"Hey? Am I ... Is Tezuka at home ... Hey, did you hear that? Tezuka, Chu Tian, ​​Chu Tian actually played a fight with Minjiro, and the news is still playing!"

"Sanada, I am Xingcun ... I really didn't expect that Chu Tian was so powerful. It seems that he lost to Chu Tian. It is really not wrong. Who wants to get Chu Tian's strength has actually reached such a level ..."

"... It seems that this year's national competition champion is none other than them. Such a powerful person is actually hidden among junior high school students ... Sister, we still have a fart!"

"When I met Senior Master Chu Tian in a few days, I hurriedly asked him for a signature. God, I actually met Senior Master Chu Tian so many times. What an honour ..."


The whole world is boiling because of Chu Tian.

This day is June 1.

In order to remember this day of history creation, UNESCO defines the future every year today as--

"Beyond the past, the Chutian Tennis Celebration Festival, a great revival of mankind".

Referred to as the Chutian Festival!

Children's Day was adjusted to June 8th because of the conflict with Chutian Festival. From June 1st every year onwards, it will be the Chutian Festival, a global celebration, 7 days off ...

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