Delicacy: Start The Game Instead Of Kurokiba Ryo

Chapter 32: The Meaning Of Eating

Guan Lin can't read minds, and Nakiri Erina is very good at disguising herself. She likes to hide her thoughts in her heart, and the only person she can confide in is Arato Hisako.

But there was something buried deep in his heart that even Arato Hisako didn't know.

Guan Lin also didn't know that Nakiri Erina had already started to waver now. He could only say that the comparison of education from a peer was indeed very lethal, so it had such an effect.

This effect even exceeded Guan Lin's imagination, so much so that he still feels that his dish is basically useless, and he still needs to work on it slowly to correct the other party's thinking problems.

After chatting for a while, Arato Hisako's cooking was ready, but to be honest, it would be better to stew this kind of medicinal food for a while, but because the time is too long, I served it directly after it was ready to eat.

Although it will affect the effect and taste, Arato Hisako can't control so much.

It has to be said that Arato Hisako's cooking taste is also very good, and it can be regarded as a relatively top-notch part among her peers. This is because she often needs to help Nakiri Erina with various things.

After all, her position is a secretary, which also limits her growth. Otherwise, Arato Hisako's potential, not to mention being able to catch up with Nakiri Erina, can definitely catch up with Nakiri Alice before Guan Lin's influence.

The outcome of this so-called competition is not important, what is important is that everyone has tasted each other's food and has a little understanding of each other's situation.

Nakiri Senzaemon is also very satisfied with Guan Lin's operation. Indeed, Guan Lin's approach has an impact on Nakiri Erina. It depends on whether this thinking can be corrected later.

Even if you can't completely change it, as long as you can change part of it, it's good.

Seeing that there are certain effects, Nakiri Senzaemon also plans to stay here for a while. As for the matter, let's deal with it after returning.

Early the next morning, Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako found Guan Lin early in the morning and asked what they needed to learn. After all, according to Nakiri Erina, they came to learn from Guan Lin.

"I will teach you some skills in the morning. These skills are based on your performance yesterday."

Guan Lin said that when he observed the cooking of the two people yesterday, he didn't just look at them, but also observed the specific situation of the two of them.

He is already aware of some problems with the two of them, so what he has to do now is to correct these problems.

It's a pity that he didn't have a medicine bath in his hand, so he couldn't teach the two of them how to carry out basic training. Although the equipment is very simple to build in this era, and even his set can be used, there is no medicine Bathing is not good at all, it will directly use up people.

I can only see if I can get the attendant gift bag later, and whether the potion can be prescribed in it, otherwise there is absolutely no way now.

Under Guan Lin's guidance, the two also discovered their own problems.

Until lunch time, Guan Lin asked the two to change into a set of clothes, and then left with them.

"Where are we going?"

Both Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako were a little puzzled. It’s no problem to go to eat during meal time, but why should they go far away? You need to know that there are many restaurants where they are now, and they can also do it by themselves.

But now Guan Lin led the two of them forward.

"Going to a place, now I will ask you a question, what do you think is the meaning of eating?"

Guan Lin smiled and asked a question, which is his second step, because Nakiri Erina's philosophy is to look down on the so-called low-level cuisine, dismiss those cuisines, and completely forget the meaning of eating itself.

"What's the point of eating?"

"It's to eat enough to survive, right?"

Nakiri Erina asked a question, but Arato Hisako gave a direct answer.

The reactions of the two were completely different.

Nakiri Erina was puzzled because she was really stunned for a moment, because she had never thought about such a problem at all, or for her, eating was a very enjoyable thing.

It is indeed a kind of enjoyment to taste the dishes made of high-end ingredients, but is the meaning of eating to enjoy? So she didn't give an answer immediately, instead she had some doubts.

Unlike Arato Hisako, she does not have such distorted thoughts, and she is more aware of the meaning of eating. After all, she is a person who plays with medicated food, and medicated food itself is a food for conditioning the body.

Eating is to survive, there is no doubt about it, although with the current technology, you can live without eating, but living is quite hard, just look at Nakiri Mana.

She is indeed alive, but a weak body is like a piece of paper, and she will fall if she touches it, and even her movements are problematic.

Eating is to live better with a full stomach. This is the answer, an answer that ordinary people can blurt out directly.

"There is no problem with what Arato said, just to have enough food and to live better. The place I took you to is right in front. Have you ever eaten the box lunch next to the construction site?"

Guan Lin asked with a smile, and both of them shook their heads directly, joking, how could they have eaten the box lunch next to the construction site?

Although Arato Hisako's family is not as good as Nakiri's, it is also a culinary family and has been with Nakiri Erina since she was a child. How could she have eaten the box lunch next to the construction site?

"It's a pity that I haven't eaten it, although this kind of box lunch is indeed very ordinary compared to the dishes you have eaten, and in order to replenish physical strength, heavy oil and salt, it can be said that there is nothing else besides cheap and filling your stomach. There are advantages."

Guan Lin said that in the gourmet world, such box lunches really have no advantages at all. In the world before he travels, the food in such places is much more delicious than those so-called big restaurants in Guan Lin's opinion.

But it’s not enough to put it in the gourmet show, the gap is too big, but Guan Lin’s lesson is to tell them the real meaning of eating.

Use this to try to correct Nakiri Erina's mind.

That's why he chose such a place.

When the two of them followed Guan Lin to the destination, it was already the noon break time, and these small stalls were full of people, all of whom were hungry workers who had worked all morning.

This can be regarded as a shock to the two of them, after all, it can be judged from the smell that the food here is indeed very ordinary.

Normally, neither of them would eat this kind of food, but now, there are so many people eating it, and it is still crowded.

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