Delicacy: Start The Game Instead Of Kurokiba Ryo

Chapter 62 Big Explosion Twice Cooked Pork (410)

"Hey, hey, dad, what are you talking about, what is a stupid son!"

Yukihira Sōma was speechless upon hearing this.

"Isn't it? Also, look carefully, Guan Xiaozi is someone of your age, now you should also see how your peers cook."

Seiichiro said.

"Same age? Dad, you said this is someone of my age?"

Looking at the tall Guan Lin, Yukihira Sōma was stunned. He claimed that his development should not be so bad. How could a person of the same age be so much taller and more mature than himself?

"Although Guan Xiaozi looks very mature, and his height is the same, but he is indeed the same age as you. Similarly, the three girls here are also the same age as you, and the people here , all staff are chefs.”

Seiichiro smiled, Guan Lin grows faster because of his physical training, and his soul is an adult, so his temperament is very mature. The combination of the two gives people the feeling that this is an adult .

"By the way, I don't have many ingredients in this small shop11."

Soon, Seiichiro reminded, after all, the ingredients here are all prepared to make the dishes on his menu, so it is not so comprehensive.

"It's enough. The cooking I make is also very simple, and I don't use many ingredients."

After taking a look at the ingredients in the kitchen, Guan Lin has already decided on the dish he is going to cook, and he plans to cook twice-cooked pork.

The name of this dish is actually very simple, and the method is also very simple, and the ingredients are still very simple.

This is a dish that Liu Maoxing made during the first confrontation with Yakan. At that time, Liu Maoxing learned the essence of firework from master Jidi. The most important point of this dish is firework.

The Essence of Pyrotechnics is also the ultimate move to master Pyrotechnics. Liu Maoxing who has mastered this skill is also quite powerful in Pyrotechnics.

But the biggest problem is that what he met at that time was Yakan, and Yakan's explosive ability completely abused the essence of Huogong. It's no wonder it wasn't completely abused.

It can be said that anyone can make big fried twice-cooked pork, but how to achieve the ultimate in pyrotechnics depends on the person.

After getting the ingredients, Guan Lin also quickly processed the ingredients. After completing a series of preparations, he turned on the stove.

Since this is the kitchen of Seiichiro's store, it is natural that there is not much movement and noise.

Under the blessing of his explosive flame ability, the flames erupted, but did not form a pillar of fire. Even so, the flames erupted several times more terrifyingly than normal.

"on fire?!"

Seeing this scene, Yukihira Sōma also reacted immediately and planned to get the fire extinguisher. After all, the flames were really strange and terrifying.

"Look carefully, this is not out of control."

Seiichiro was a little helpless, and grabbed his own son. It was only later that Yukihira Sōma discovered that although the flame was violent, it was very orderly and did not ignite other things, as if it was under control.

"What's going on here!"

Seeing this scene, Yukihira Sōma was stunned again, always feeling as if he was dreaming, how could anyone still control the flame?

"Don't make a fuss, there are always some talented people in this world, and you will meet them in the future.

Seiichiro said, Yukihira Sōma himself is not an ordinary person, after all, he also has Saiba's blood flowing in him, and he has inherited the terrifying culinary talent from Seiichiro.

After hearing what her father said, Yukihira Sōma didn't say anything more, but kept staring at Guan Lin.

Soon, the ingredients were put into the pot, and the flame suddenly covered the ingredients directly.

Although a lot of wok flipping techniques use oil to draw flames into the wok, giving the appearance of a wok on fire.

This approach can also allow the flavor of the flame to be more integrated into the ingredients.

But it is really incomparable with Guan Lin.

Moreover, Guan Lin is not afraid of flames at all. Other chefs will avoid the flames to avoid being burned, but Guan Lin is different. Guan Lin is not afraid of such high temperatures.

So his actions won't have the slightest effect.

"Father, is it really all right? The flames are here!"

This scene was also watched by Yukihira Sōma. Yukihira Sōma was terrified. The flames covered his hands. He substituted it himself.

"Look carefully at his hands."

After Seiichiro said something, Yukihira Sōma was also stunned for a moment. When he looked over carefully, he found that although Guan Lin's hand was in the flames, it was not affected by anything, and there was no trace of being burned at all.

"This is too strange!

Yukihira Sōma was once again in a daze. All the things he saw today refreshed his subjectivity.

No matter what he thinks, under the power of the ultimate flame, the twice-cooked pork will be out of the pot soon.

Because of the assistance of the explosive flame ability, Guan Lin can easily reduce the cooking time by several times without affecting the cooking situation at all.

"Twice-cooked pork, please taste it!"

Guan Lin makes quite a lot, everyone has one.

"Twice-cooked pork, a very common home-cooked dish in China, but it's worth looking forward to if you make it."

After Seiichiro finished speaking, he moved his chopsticks, and so did the others. Everyone in 193 was looking forward to this dish.

At the moment of cooking, it is still the familiar world of flames, but this time the atmosphere of flames is stronger.

Because this dish pays more attention to firework than the previous dishes, and the most outstanding point is firework. Compared with the sauce brewed in the dragon pot before, the ingredients and seasoning used this time are from Seiichiro here off the shelf.

So the pyrotechnics performed even better.

"How is it possible that this is really the same age as me?"

Yukihira Sōma was already stunned, he tasted the taste above his own father in Guan Lin's cooking.

This is not to say that Guan Lin is stronger than Seiichiro now, but mainly because Seiichiro and Yukihira Sōma never used their full strength in the confrontation before.

But this time, in order to teach Sōma a lesson and dispel Sōma's arrogance, he asked Guan Lin to use his full strength.

This gave Yukihira Sōma the illusion that Guan Lin was stronger than his father.

Seiichiro tried his best to cook the food for everyone, but Yukihira Sōma didn't eat it.

So he still doesn't know how strong Seiichiro's full power is.

But now, he was really hit, and even his strong heart couldn't accept it for a while. .

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