Delicacy: Start The Game Instead Of Kurokiba Ryo

Chapter 7 Nakiri SōE: I Always Feel Like The Wild Boar Arching Cabbage I Saw

"I don't know where my teacher went. After leaving some things, he left."

Guan Lin shook his head. Anyway, this teacher was fabricated. Even if you don't believe it, it's okay. If you have the ability, go find him. No one wants to get such a thing as a system, okay?

"Wandering chef? I know, but we will also arrange some competitions and WGO assessments for you."

Nakiri Sōe said, this can be regarded as a test, after all, except for the talents recruited by money, one cannot completely ignore them.

He has no intention of sending Guan Lin to Tōtsuki. Now Guan Lin's culinary skills have surpassed those of his peers by a large margin. In his opinion, this is just like his sister Nakiri Mana in the past.

In the past, the holders of the God's Tongue were not allowed to enter Tōtsuki, but were always released, because the holders of the God's Tongue grow too fast, and putting them in the school will limit the speed of the opponent's improvement.

Therefore, none of the previous holders of the God's Tongue had entered the school. It was not until Nakiri Mana had an incident that Nakiri Senzaemon directly put Nakiri Erina in Tōtsuki despite the objections of others.

Using this to limit Nakiri Erina's improvement, Guan Lin's current situation is completely beyond the scope of normal people.

Therefore, people like Guan Lin naturally cannot be placed in the school. It is his plan to let Guan Lin go to Tōtsuki as a teacher when the Jade Age is fully activated in the future.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Guan Lin nodded, he was also paid, and Nakiri Sōe had already given him enough autonomy, so he wouldn't be greedy enough to ask for more conditions.

"That's good, how many stars is your WGO star certification now?"

Nakiri Sōe asked another question.

"No, I haven't had time to authenticate yet."

Guan Lin shook his head. The WGO in this world is a bit different from what he saw in the comics before. WGO has a chef star certification.

Anyone who is a chef can go for the assessment. The star certification is divided into one star to nine stars, with one star being the lowest and nine stars being the highest.

This point Guan Lin has seen information on the Internet not long after he came to this world, he is not Yukihira Sōma, Yukihira Sōma can be said to be a wonderful flower.

The eating halberd system is not well-known internationally, but it can be said that it is popular all over the country in Sakura.

Anyone who watches TV can also see the news of Shiji, but Yukihira Sōma doesn't know.

Guan Lin had seen the information about WGO before, and also knew about these star certifications.

It's just that I have been busy training myself, and then I became the chef of this restaurant, so Guan Lin has never been certified.

"Well, it shouldn't be a problem to get the four-star certification with your culinary skills. I can help you skip the previous star assessment and go directly to the four-star certification assessment."

Nakiri Sōe said, Nakiri family still has a lot of connections, and this kind of privilege can be easily obtained, but Guan Lin needs to pass the assessment by himself, and he is only responsible for helping Guan Lin get into the team.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Guan Lin nodded, anyway, WGO's assessment and certification is also a good thing. As a leading organization in the culinary world, the gold content of the certificate given by WGO is still here.

"Are there no other assessments after Nine Stars?"

Guan Lin asked a question that he was a little confused about. He hadn't taken the test, but he knew about it. Combined with the fact that Nakiri Sōe said that he has a four-star cooking skill, Guan Lin was very curious about whether there would be an assessment after nine stars.

"Nine stars is certainly not the end, but there is no need for assessment after nine stars."

"The purpose of WGO's assessment and certification is nothing more than to gain international fame, but this part of the chefs who have surpassed the nine stars, each of them has a famous international reputation, and there is no need to borrow the name of WGO."

"And there are no specific assessment standards for chefs of this level, so naturally there is no need to set up assessment items."

Nakiri Sōe shook his head and explained the reason.

"I see, what star are you now, Alice?"

Guan Lin looked at Nakiri Alice, and his address also made Nakiri Alice blush. After all, Nakiri Alice used to live on the side of Sakura, and the habit of addressing her was the same.

Now Guan Lin called her by her name so directly, which was originally only used in very intimate situations, but she did not refute such a name.

"I'm a two star now, don't think that you are powerful because you are two stars higher than me, I will keep chasing you, until I defeat you, then you will be my follower."

Nakiri Alice said her star level, she only has two stars now, but this does not prevent her from speaking harshly.

"I haven't promised you yet."

Guan Lin looked at Nakiri Alice speechlessly. He didn't promise Nakiri Alice to continue to challenge himself, nor did he promise whoever lost would be his follower.

"You're not afraid, are you?"

Nakiri Alice narrowed her eyes and used a very clumsy aggressive method.

"Aggression is useless, I don't take this set."

Guan Lin's words directly made Nakiri Alice furious, and he said that it is really interesting to tease little girls.

"Ahem, I'll get someone to prepare your private kitchen for you later, Alice, don't mess around too much."

After leaving a word, Nakiri Sōe got up and left. To be honest, he is a little upset now, always feeling that there is a picture of a wild boar arching cabbage in front of him.

Although it would be better for his daughter to have more contact with monsters like Guan Lin, he just felt very uncomfortable.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he would not be able to resist, so he left directly after leaving a word.

It can only be said that it is normal for Nakiri Sōe to have such thoughts. After all, as a father, seeing his little padded jacket mixed with other men, even if he is a child, he will feel somewhat uncomfortable.

"Why do you always feel that your father looks weird?"

Watching Nakiri Sōe leave, Nakiri Alice was also a little surprised, and her father's situation felt a little bit wrong.

"Maybe this is my father."

In the end, Guan Lin also felt that Nakiri Sōe was staring at him with sharp eyes. Thinking about the scene where he teased Nakiri Alice just now, Guan Lin was a little upset after he replaced himself in the role of Nakiri Sōe, so it is understandable.

"Why do you say that?"

As for Guan Lin's words, Nakiri Alice couldn't understand, it felt like playing charades, anyway, she really couldn't understand.

"Children, don't ask so many questions."

Guan Lin said something perfunctory and didn't bother to explain.

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