Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 53: Wan Yan Ruoshui

Although the situation is extremely bad, Xiao Lang is not a person who gives up so easily, so even though his whole body is torn and painful at this moment, there is not the slightest expression on his face. Instead, a mockery swept across the face of the Lord of Fire, and on the rest. Several powerful ancestors swept across the eyes, and then he vomited a mouthful of blood and said, "This is how the Wanyan family treats guests? Spies? Do you often have spies in the Wanyan family? Do it without verifying? Go and invite Miss Ruoshui. , Isn’t the spy all clear? There is a kind of you kill us immediately, and see if my family chief will ask your ancestors for an explanation? Kill? Dog offal, why don’t you do it?"

Xiao Lang's calmness and arrogance successfully shocked everyone. If the spies were severely injured and arrested, how calm would they be? This guy is less than thirty, right? Even the **** body is not so courageous in the face of a group of **** ancestors, is it really from a big family?

City Lord Agni also hesitated. The first thing he thought of when he saw this token was the young master. Because this token is really small in the entire Wanyan family, the token in his hand is of the same level, but the appearance is completely different. This is only for the direct children of the Wanyan family. Miss Wanyan couldn't easily give the token to others, so the only explanation was that Xiao Lang was the wicked species, so as soon as he met, he asked people to do it.

But the news said that the young master was only fourteen or five years old, and he was still in the mid-term. Xiao Lang didn't have any divine body. His divine sense swept away and he didn't have the blood characteristics of the Wanyan family, which made him very confused. Is this token really perfect?

The blinking eyes of everyone fell into Xiao Lang's eyes, his heart warmed slightly, and he spoke again: "Miss Ruo Shui has been to the Red Fish Region for a while? Isn't she supposed to be in Wanyan City at this moment? You can send her a message. I warned for the last time, released me immediately and gave me compensation and an apology, otherwise today’s affairs... will not end!"

The ancestors looked at each other, completely shocked!

Because Wan Yan Ruoshui went to Red Fish to inspect the area very concealed, and most people really don't know it! The next **** ancestor immediately transmitted the voice to the city lord of Agni: "Sir, do you think this is a misunderstanding? It is better to heal him first, even if it is a spy, the young lady should be back soon? It is not too late to kill if it is confirmed. what?"

"Okay! Take it home first..."

City Master Agni hesitated for a while, ready to let people go to verify and then make a decision. If it is really a distinguished guest, he might be headed off.

Just as he was preparing to let Xiao Lang heal his injuries, a voice transmission made his face immediately changed: "Sir, the little one found a child of the clan who was taking the teleportation array to Wanyan City. He did not use the token. It’s the purple holy stone..."

Tiaohulishan, Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang, the token is indeed the young master!


The Lord of Fire City instantly figured out the matter, and his murderous aura surged, shooting towards the city at the fastest speed, and roaring in his mouth: "There are spies, all teleportation formations stop teleporting!"


The other powerful ancestors were startled, and they didn't understand what had happened that made the Lord of Fire City so angry? He quickly ran after him.

"Two adults, offend first!"

The **** who had taken Xiao Lang led the two of them and flew towards the city. Xiao Lang and Dulong looked at each other and laughed bitterly. It seems that the young master is exposed, and if the young master dies, they will not survive...

With a roar from the Lord of Fire City, Ivory City was shocked, and many guards immediately shut down the teleportation array. But a teleportation array that was teleporting to Wanyan City was already on, and it was too late to close. There are four people in the teleportation formation, it is the young master and them.

"call out!"

A firelight lit up from the direction of the West City Gate, turning into an afterimage and hitting the square near the teleportation array.


The ground near the square was suddenly exploded into a deep hole, the mud and rocks rolled, and many nearby guards were lifted out. The seven or eight teleportation formations nearby were all dimmed. In order to prevent the young master's teleportation, the city lord of the flames even destroyed the formation base.


The formation was destroyed, the transmission was interrupted, and the four young masters were twisted to pieces by the twisted space, vomiting blood and smashed heavily on the totem pole in the distance, shocking a group of people in the square.

The strongest of these four is the pinnacle of the great god, is it necessary to do this? Can you escape even if you go to Wanyan City? The foundation stone of the teleportation array is extremely valuable.

"Kill these four spies!"

The body of the city lord of the burning fire had not come yet, and the loud shouts had arrived. His consciousness had flown over long ago and found that the unique blood of the Wanyan family on the young master was very rich, and he was definitely the most direct child. There are not many direct children of the Wanyan family, this person is very strange to him, and his identity has already been revealed.

"call out!"

The guards of the four gods on the square immediately shot up, and the command of the city lord of the flames was the imperial edict in Ivory City, and the warriors of their level would naturally not hesitate. However, the four of them didn't have the energy to release, for fear of ruining the teleportation formation, they just took out four war knives and spit out a wave of knives that severely smashed the four young masters.

"and many more!"

A burst of shouts rang behind the city lord of the fire, that was a strong ancestor in the city, since the city lord of the fire could detect the blood of the young master, they could naturally detect it. How can such a strong family blood be killed indiscriminately?

"Kill! I will bear all the consequences!"

The Lord of Fire City shot in anger, and the sound of sound transmission rang in the minds of the four guards. The identity of the young master has already aroused suspicion, the only way to do this is to kill first, otherwise it will cause endless disasters. But he still didn't dare to do it himself, after all, so many people watched. Once the old ancestor left the customs, he would definitely die if he investigated. As for bearing the consequences, it's bullshit. When the time comes to kill these four people, there is no evidence that he is a crime of oversight at best, and the crime does not lead to death.

The four guards halted in the air, a little confused. But in the end it was still taken by the mighty power of City Lord Blazing, the long knife pierced the sky, and slashed at the young master and others.

"It's over."

Xiao Lang, who was held by two gods, let out a long sigh when they saw the situation from a distance...


At this moment, an undamaged teleportation formation next to it suddenly lit up, and the figure in the teleportation formation had not flashed yet, and a huge breath enveloped the entire square. This breath is extremely terrifying, except for the ancestor strong, everyone can't move. The four long knives that swallowed through the waves were only one meter away from the young master, but they couldn't cut it anymore...

"It's over..."

The Lord of Fire City paused, looking at the three figures slowly condensing in the teleportation formation, and also let out a sigh. His gaze swept towards Xiao Lang behind him, and his murderous aura turned to him. The young master couldn't kill him. He could only flew behind him furiously, grabbing hard at Xiao Lang, preparing to kill him and the poisonous dragon. .

"Wan Yan Lihuo, you dare to move him, I guarantee that all 13,000 people in your line will die without a place to be buried."

The light of the teleportation array weakened, and a beautiful suffocating woman walked out, with a clear and soft voice resounding around the square.

Wan Yan Ruo Shui!

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