Demon Becoming the Lord

Chapter 101: Celebrity effect

In the end, the boy chose the He family. He didn't hesitate for too long, obviously he had considered it long ago. Then the young man was immediately brought here by the deacon of the He family, and personally saw the Patriarch of the He family, and the children of the He family also entertained him with great enthusiasm, making the Cambrian over there look enthusiastic.

In the next few rounds of awakening, the success rate was not high. Only one teenager and a young girl awakened the lower-level spirits, and three of the poor family awakened the human-level spirits.

The youth who had awakened the low-level spirits were immediately recruited by various families, and the deacons of the human-level spirits also went to recruit, but the treatment was obviously much worse. But the girl didn't have the family solicitation, but the family son who fell in love with her, asked her to start marriage with his parents.

Even if a woman awakens a high-level spirit, her final achievement will not be too great, but as long as she looks good, she can basically marry into a wealthy family and breed more qualified children for the family.

"This world is really cruel!"

Xiao Lang looked at him and sighed secretly, this family of Samurai is not a human being, just like a cow and horse raised by the family. No matter how hard they work, the Cambrians will eventually jump out of the sheepfold and become loyal servants of the family, working for them for a lifetime, or becoming a tool for their breeding.

How sad is life?

Of course, there have always been many legends. The poor family struggled for a lifetime, jumped out of the sheepfold, and did not become a slave to the family. Work alone, and eventually become famous, establish a family or become a high-level family, and become the high-level of the food chain.

For example, military gods walk alone, such as Xiao Futu.

However, their identities have only changed a bit, from a herbivore to a carnivore, and they still cannot escape this cruel circle.

"This round is very good. I awakened the two. Fei Qing's lower-ranked spirit, Long Shaohan...the lower-ranked spirit, Howling Tianhu! Next round..."

While Xiao Lang was thinking about it secretly, the divine master walked out again with ten Camelites. As soon as they finished speaking, there was an uproar in the audience. Xiao Qinglong and the others immediately put down their tea cups and stopped talking, and their eyes all focused on a young man with a flushed face and trembling body because of excitement.

Heavenly Soul!

An elder of the Xiao family immediately got up and walked quickly towards the young man with a green robe. Xiao Lang also saw that the Zuo family of the Dongfang family had been dispatched. A general from the royal family was also dispatched and went straight to the boy.

Countless envious and jealous eyes fell on this young man. The four super families and the royal family rushed to grab the first person. This young man will be destined to be an emperor, and will be rich and glorious for a lifetime.

"I choose the Xiao family, I am going to enter the Xiao family, I am going to enter the family of my idol, I can finally enter the family of the young man!"

Unexpectedly, the five high-level representatives of their respective forces hadn't opened the invitation to give a promise, and the boy suddenly cried out with excitement.

There was an uproar in the audience, and countless lights swept towards Xiao Lang at the same time. Xiao Lang rubbed his nose in a weird manner and lowered his head in embarrassment. He didn't expect that he still had a celebrity effect, which would make many poor students regarded as idols.

The young man was brought back by the arrogant Xiao family elder, and first met Xiao Qinglong and the family elder. Xiao Qinglong's face continued with a spring breeze smile, and he warmed up and made a big cake for the boy at will. Long Shaohan, who looked extremely excited, kept nodding, and was finally brought towards Xiao Lang by the elder.

"Long Shaohan, this is Young Master Xiao Lang, this Young Master Xiao Kuang, this is..."

The elder of the outer door quickly introduced Long Shaohan, and Long Shaohan was even more embarrassed, rubbing his clothes continuously, not knowing whether he should kneel and bow or what to say.

Xiao Lang stood up and smiled gently: "Hehe, Brother Long Xiao family welcomes you, I hope you can continue to practice hard and become a powerful man in the Megatron Continent in the future!"

Xiao Kuang and the others also lent their encouragement, the atmosphere was strong, and Long Shaohan was even more at a loss. There were faint tears in his eyes, but he kept nodding his head, unable to say anything excited.

"Young wave, cow!"

Long Shaohan was taken by the elder to arrange for family matters, and Cha Mu smiled with a thumbs up. Yun Zishan, who was sitting in the distance, suddenly brought some people to come quietly, and immediately shouted: "Xiao Lang, you owe me another favor. I didn't ask my father to make you a young man. What about your family today? Can you grab a talent so easily? Humph!"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly. The Xiao family grabbed the talent to do his ass, but because of so many people, he could only respond casually: "Yes, thank you Princess, if you have something to do in the future, even if you have to greet Xiao Lang, you can do everything!

Yun Zishan ignored the jealous gazes of Xiao Kuang and others, and chatted again with a few words of satisfaction and led the people away. Cha Mu leaned over and whispered: "Young Master Lang, the princess has affection for you, how about it? When will you take her? I drink your wedding wine? How about taking the Dongfang Hongdou together and having a double happiness? "

"Fuck off!"

Xiao Lang cursed in a low voice, righteously said: "They are not my food, I and them are just friends!"

Cha Mu smiled leisurely and whispered: "Hehe, I know, it's a very special friend! Lang Shao's Yanfu makes me mad with jealousy."

Xiao Lang was speechless and didn't explain, anyway, in the eyes of everyone, he and the two were intimate and ambiguous, and he couldn't explain it clearly.

Cha Mu suddenly stopped smiling and said seriously: "Young Master Lang is serious, if you like it, hurry up. These young ladies and princesses are all the proud girls of heaven, and the most fickle. And now, it’s too late to regret it!"


Xiao Lang asked inwardly in silence, and found that he was a little vague about the senses of the two.

All aspects of Yun Zishan's conditions are extremely high, but the scheming is too heavy, Xiao Lang doesn't like it very much. As for Dongfang Hongdou... I can't say I like it very much, let alone hate it. The first lady of the Dongfang family is also extremely good in all aspects, is the ideal spouse in the man's heart, and he does not resist what happened to Dongfang Hongdou.

It's just... he doesn't seem to fully agree with this world, and his heart is very resistant to marrying a wife and having children. Dongfang Hongdou is no better than Liuya. Once a relationship occurs, you must marry home.

"Big wedding?"

Xiao Lang blinked, feeling lost. He didn't have a sense of belonging to the Xiao family. Perhaps one day he would take his aunt with a knife and go far away. How dare to harm a good girl like Dongfang Hongdou?

Shaking his head, Xiao Lang threw the matter aside, choosing to avoid thinking about it, let the bridge go straight to the bow.

During the time when Xiao Lang was pondering, all the poor students were awakened, and the chances of awakening were still pitifully low later, but there were a few warriors who had awakened human-level spirits.


[Author's digression]: The station is updated during the public period, and there are rules for the station. I hope everyone will understand. After it is on the shelf, the old demon will update by himself. He will work hard!

The shelf time has been confirmed, May 13th! On the 13th, 25 chapters broke out in the guarantee period, and thereafter it broke out continuously. The guarantee period lasted for 4 chapters every day until the saved manuscripts were used up. Friends of, please collect them!

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