Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 90: Biggest challenge

"Master Tianming Tiangang?"

Xiao Lang woke up, and looked at each other with Dulong and looked at each other, and unexpectedly met someone from the Xuanyuan family. These two ancestors still followed Xuanyuan Tianzun’s ancestor peak...

The Feiyun disk was approaching quickly, Xiao Lang and the poisonous dragon's spirits immediately probed there, and soon discovered that the two ancestors were being chased by a group of strong men. The other party was also a human divine ancestor. There were four people and twelve divine monarchs, and there was a divine ancestor's body in midair. Xiao Lang's heart sank as soon as he explored it. He was actually the divine ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

"The other party has three ancestor peaks, so it's no wonder that Lord Tianming is not in the match, Huh? Why don't you see Tianzun?"

Xiao Lang was secretly surprised, but Xuanyuan Tianxin had already exploded out. The person had already whizzed out of the palm of the Prajna in the air, and shouted, "Tianming, Tiangang, kill!"

"It's Tianxin, kill!"

The two of Xuanyuan Tianming were suddenly shocked when they saw it, and they didn't flee and turned and started fighting. The other party saw a protoss peak powerhouse flying here and thought that reinforcements had arrived, and the formation suddenly panicked. However, it was discovered that only Xuanyuan Tianxin was alone, and he quickly calmed down.

As for Dulong and Xiao Lang, they were naturally ignored again...

"Dulong go to help, we cooperate to kill the gods!"

Xiao Lang saw that the situation had begun to interweave. Xuanyuan Tianxin would never leave Tianming and the two of them. If they continued, they had a miserable ending. He gritted his teeth and shot out, ready to go desperately.

"call out!"

The poisonous dragon followed silently, and the poisonous mist released from its body in the air, covering half of the sky, and the two of them went around in a circle to kill the more than a dozen gods.


The opposing divine monarch was cooperating with the sneak attack, and seeing Xiao Lang rushing towards him both showed disdainful eyes. A divine monarch in the early stage, a semi-divine realm, dare to come and die?

At the moment, four gods flew towards this side, the weapons in their hands were open and bright, like the sickle of the **** of death to tear everything.

"Poisonous dragon, the poisonous fog expands!"

The distance between the two sides was close to several kilometers, Xiao Lang burst into a scream, and the palm of the palm of Thousand Opportunities suddenly whizzed forward. At the same time, the God Splitting Hand was released, imagining hundreds of claw shadows and grabbing forward.


The poisonous fog of the poisonous dragon suddenly expanded three times, covering all the four gods and martial artists. The four of them didn't care much, and they immediately felt bad after the poisonous fog enveloped.

The poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon merged with the powerful toxins in the body of Wanyan Lore. It was already very terrifying. Hundreds of toxins were once again fused under the Feng Volcano. The poisonous dragon itself did not know how powerful it was.

The Dadao Tree is a wonderful tree in the world, which can attract many poisons to gather under the volcano. The poisonous dragon incorporates hundreds of toxins. His poison has become like a martial arts master who has gathered a hundred families. As soon as the poisonous mist touched the shield of the **** martial artist, it began to penetrate quickly, scaring the four gods to death.

The four of them had just fought against drugs, and Xiao Lang's attack had arrived!

The palm of the Prajna easily slapped the two gods out and the shield burst. The phantom unicorn claws slammed down at a divine emperor, and as soon as he reacted, he shattered his shield, the **** of splitting drove straight in, continuing to enlarge in his horrified eyes...


Another divine warrior was shocked, and his body shot away for the first time. Two black lights flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes. The slaying was released, and the black light shattered the shield and hit this person's body. The body burst open.

"Um...Master, the power of your weird supernatural power has increased a lot!"

The poisonous dragon exclaimed, Xiao Lang grinned, and did not say anything that his body flashed like a wandering dragon, rushing towards the two gods and martial artists who were shot into the air.

This slaying release requires the use of the power and energy of the soul, and the stronger the power and energy of the soul, the greater the power. He has refined a million purple sacred stones. If the power of the slaying does not increase, it is not white refining. ?

Those two gods were completely black, and it was not a big deal to be slapped by Xiao Lang. The problem was that the shield was broken? The shield shattered, and the poison of the poisonous dragon instantly entered the body, and the two of them were still good at the mid-term, otherwise they would have been poisoned to death.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang roared like a nine-day mad dragon, and hundreds of dark golden claws gleamed in the air, and the electric arc in the claws was full of destruction.


The two were attacked by toxins all over their bodies, and were killed immediately without any suspense under Xiao Lang's attack. The body burst and turned into blood mist.


The situation on this side immediately attracted the attention of the other side, and a strong ancestor of the other party frowned and burst into a shout: "You all go over and kill the two small gangsters."

"call out!"

The remaining eight gods all flew towards this side, Xuanyuan Tian's heart swept away and immediately became anxious, and the sound transmission came over: "Xiao Lang, don't you ask you not to come out? Run away, wait until we kill these **** ancestors. "

Xiao Lang didn't escape, but instead looked at Dulong, and the two rushed towards the eight gods!

The two Xiao Lang killed very swiftly just now, and the line of sight in the poison mist is affected, it is always impossible for the martial artist to reveal the spiritual sense when fighting? That will affect the speed of response.

and so--

The eight people rushed over without knowing the situation, obviously some tragedy, the poisonous mist enveloped the eight people in a sudden, except for the peak of the gods, the faces of the other gods changed immediately!

The toxins in the poison mist instantly penetrated into the shield and began to invade the martial artist's body. The body of a **** in the early stage instantly became pitch black, and his body was constantly trembling, obviously unable to resist such powerful toxins.


"Thousand Chances are like palms!"


"Kirin Phantom Claw!"

Facing the peak of the god, Xiao Lang didn't dare to be careless, and the four most powerful magical powers were released almost at the same time, locking on the martial artist of the gods peak.


A rotating huge black love character first smashed down from mid-air, smashing the peak of the god, and the shield was about to burst. Thousands of chances whizzed away and collided with the sword light he released. . The powerful shock wave lifted several gods and martial artists around, and at the same time shook his shield again. When the slaying attack came, his shield completely burst, and his body was shaken by the attack of slaying soul.

The shield can be opened again if the shield is broken. The slaying soul attack is not strong, but at this moment his body is in the poisonous mist. The soul attack may only affect him for one second, but it was this second that caused the toxins to flood into his body.

So there was no accident. When the Qilin Phantom Claw came, he had already been poisoned in his body, and Xiao Lang killed him with every move.

The next thing is simple, the poisonous dragon also began to attack, his attack is very simple, he just shoots a long spear that is collected by poisonous fog, shoots everywhere, and attacks the shield of the warrior. Those warriors had already resisted the toxins difficulties, and it became worse...

The cooperation between Dulong and Xiao Lang was perfect, but within a few breaths, all the eight gods burst. When Xiao Lang rushed to the last god, he finally attracted the attention of the other side.

"Asshole, Hachi, you go and kill those two gangsters!"

An ancestor of the other party burst into tears, and the attack of the three became more fierce. Xuanyuan Tianxin and the three of them were desperate. The six great ancestors fought fiercely at the pinnacle, while a previous warrior of the ancestor came to Xiao Lang and the poisonous dragon.

"Poison Dragon! Life or death depends on this battle!"

After killing twelve gods in a row, Xiao Lang had a high morale and looked at the flying **** ancestor proudly. He knew that this would be the biggest challenge in his life.

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