Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 102: Profanity

The first lady of Chaos Xinghai is naturally very exciting to play, not to mention that this identity is enough to make a man burst. Not to mention that this girl is a bit stunning, especially a pair of slender legs, it's absolutely fascinating.

What is Xiao Lang's temper?

He is just a donkey, cursing not to go, and backing away. Xing Tian was good to him, he would naturally not kill this little girl, nor would he abolish her, but today he has been tortured so much, how could she give out such a bad breath without punishing her?

At the moment he didn't say a word of nonsense, and the arm that encircled Xing Xinyue suddenly grabbed, and a sound of tearing of her robes sounded, and her beautiful pink leather armor was immediately torn apart, revealing the pink robes inside. The clothes were a little exposed, but it covered the fullness of the chest, and the smooth belly of the snowy shoulders was completely exposed in the air.

Xiao Lang's arms once again encircled Xing Xinyue's waist like lightning, and continued to use energy to control her body before she did not react at all, making her immobile. Feeling the amazingly slippery skin on her pretty waist, and the virgin fragrance coming from her body, Xiao Lang couldn't help but feel relieved, and quickly moved his power to resist the evil fire and healed by the way.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Xing Xinyue felt cold, she closed her eyes in horror like a frightened rabbit and screamed. The sound of the shock made Xiao Lang's ears numb.

Xiao Lang turned away and looked at this eldest daughter with contempt. When she was no longer screaming, he said with a smirk: "Miss, I haven't started yet, why are you screaming? Is it that your whole body is so sensitive? Just touch it to the culmination of excitement?"

Xing Xinyue stared at Xiao Lang viciously like a hedgehog, and yelled in her most bitter tone, "Xiao Lang, you are dead! Your whole family is dead, and all of you will die. How dare you? So to this lady? You dare to blaspheme this lady, heaven and earth, even the Supreme God can't save you, ah..."


The following Yiliang successfully turned Xing Xinyue’s scolding into a scream. Xiao Lang was tired of hearing it. With a slip of his hand, the energy shook, and he easily tore the small leather skirt that tightly wrapped the plump buttocks and slender thighs. A pair of thin pink pants was exposed. This girl's thighs and buttocks are indeed beautiful and perfect, and the thin pants are the urge to give people a nosebleed.

Xiao Lang forcibly endured the evil fire in her heart. After her terrifying screams stopped, she jokingly leaned over and laughed: "Continue to scold, next time I think it's better to scold clothes or trousers?"

Xing Xinyue didn't dare to scold her, she was still a yellow girl who was really terrified this time. From childhood to adulthood, anyone who saw her was not polite and polite? Even her parents dare not scold her because of Xing Tian's love. Her body is even more precious. Her mother is constantly nagging with her. She will definitely marry a peerless son in the future, so she must cherish her identity and not be ambiguous with men...

Now let alone the ambiguity, the body is almost completely seen. How can she marry this matter?

Xing Xinyue's mind was in confusion. She looked at Xiao Lang with bitter eyes, but she didn't dare to scold her. Instead, she trembled a little because of fear. She was afraid that Xiao Lang was being stimulated today, and she would really be strengthened by this demon.

Seeing that she was softened, Xiao Lang didn't continue to scare her. He turned his eyes and said, "Miss Xing, do you know what Master Xingjun said last night?"

Xing Xinyue resentfully watched Xiao Lang not speaking, Xiao Lang didn't care about her, and smiled leisurely: "Last night Xingjun said, if you can see my little witch, you son-in-law of Xingtian Palace, I want it! Haha, Xingjun. As long as I nod, you will be my woman from now on."

"Asshole, you are talking nonsense, how could the ancestors say such things? Do you still want to marry this young lady? Do you dream!" Xing Xinyue said mockingly and disdainfully.

Xiao Lang shook his head and said, "At that time, many adults in Xingtian Palace were there. You can just find out if you want to. I can lie to you about such a big thing? Actually... I am not very satisfied with you as a girl, but today you Tortured me like this, so I am going to go out and send a message to Master Xingjun immediately and tell him that I agree to marry you. I will marry you in the door, and then torture you every day, strip you naked, hang you up and beat!"

"Dreaming, you scumbag still want to marry this lady? When the old ancestor returns, I will be the first to tell him to kill you! No... I'll let Xing Fei tear you up when I get out!"

Xing Xinyue kept roaring, but her eyes had already begun to flicker, and she obviously believed Xiao Lang's words. When she was catching Xiao Lang, the two close maids had reminded her that Xiao Lang was highly valued by Jun Tian Xingjun. At that time, she still disagreed. How could a godless body be valued?

"Is that so?"

Xiao Lang's expression turned horrified again when he heard that he stared at Xing Xinyue without speaking, but his eyes kept sweeping over her body. She was trembling all over, and her heart was terrified, but the surface was so strong.

"Since you want Xing Fei to kill me, I have to protect myself!"

After a long time, Xiao Lang finally spoke. He leaned over, grabbed Xing Xinyue's neck with a hand, and then squeezed her chin, raised her face, he looked at her condescendingly: "Miss Xing, you said that if I had a relationship with you, and Xing Fei knew that Xing Tianxing wanted to recruit me as his son-in-law, would he dare to touch me? Your innocence was ruined by me, so how could I hide this? Nope, you have no face to marry in your life, right? Even if Xingjun knows, you will only scold me in the end? What do you think of my idea?"

Xing Xinyue was completely frightened, but she was still dead, and she cursed again: "Dare you, Xiao Lang, if you dare to do this, I will swear to kill your whole family in this life, ah, ah!"


There was another sound of robes being torn, and Xing Xinyue screamed again. She had only one robes and a pair of trousers, and it was the robes that was torn at this moment. Her two round and jade snowballs were completely exposed in the air, exposed to Xiao Lang's sight...

Xiao Lang didn't dare to look down, for fear that he would do animal things, he stared at Xing Xinyue's mouth with a trace of evil, and said with a smile, "You say I dare?

Two lines of tears remained, and Xing Xinyue's whole body was trembling constantly. She shook her head slightly and looked at Xiao Lang in fear, choked up and said, "No, Xiao Lang, no!"

Xiao Lang's heart softened. After all, she was a young girl who grew up!

However, he still didn't say anything on his face. Instead, he stared at Xing Xinyue fiercely and said: "Girl, listen to you! I don't want to play with you, and I don't have time to play with you, let alone marry you! We will just marry you later! I will leave, I will go to the Demon Realm and then return to the God Realm. We will never meet again in this life. If you dare to trouble me again, or find someone to kill me or something, I promise to immediately ask Xingjun to ask you to marry you I, then tortured you for a lifetime, can you understand what I mean?"

Xing Xinyue nodded hard. She was really frightened. She really hadn't encountered a villain like Xiao Lang in her life. It is estimated that this matter will be a shadow for her forever.

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