Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 124: Overpower

"call out!"

The teleportation array kept teleporting, and Xiao Lang's expression became silent. After teleporting to a city, he turned his eyes and immediately transmitted to Xuanyuan Tianxin, "Big Brother Xuanyuan, or... you withdraw first? Shall we bring people back to Tianzhou?"

Xuanyuan Tian rolled his eyes and cursed directly without sound transmission: "What kind of **** is your kid talking about? Don't be wordy, follow me to Shura City!"


Xiao Lang thought he had heard it wrong and went to Shura City? Is this going to be surrendered? Xuanyuan Tianxin explained: "I told my father about the matter here, and my father said that everyone will go to Shura City. When Xiaoyu's resurrection is at a critical time, he can't leave. As long as he goes to Shura City, he can keep us. The spies just sent the message. Give it to me, the people from the Celestial Devil's house behind are chasing after hundreds of ancestors."

"Hundreds of ancestors!"

Xiao Lang twitched his nose and could only follow Xuanyuan Tianxin to send all the way north. As a result, halfway through, when I was in Wuyuan Mansion, I just walked out of the teleportation formation, and a teleportation formation next to it was lit up, dozens of strong men appeared, and the one in the front turned out to be a perfect match.

"Xiao Lang, your kid is really unkind, and such a lively scene is not called uncle? Do you still have my uncle in your heart?"

Wanyan Lore to ask in a reproachful tone, Xiao Lang warmed his heart again, and said embarrassingly: "Uncle Wanyan, am I not afraid to hurt you?"


Wanyan Lore flew over, and slapped Xiao Lang's head and said, "You saved my life, and I can return it to you. What's the problem? Isn't it just a demon clan? Moteng? I thought I was a bird character? The Xiu family would really help him?"

Wanyan Lore had some reservations, but the meaning was clear. As long as the Xiu family does not come forward, the Wanyan family will fight to the end. If the Xiu family came forward, the Wanyan family would not make a move, but he would make a move! The weight of these words is enough, after all, behind the Xiu family, there is Shura, the first person in the land of destruction.

Xiao Lang cast his gaze on Xuanyuan Tianxin, saying that with so many people, why don't you just go with the Tianmozu directly?

Xuanyuan Tianxin pondered for a moment, and shook his head: "It's better to go to Shura City. If my father can ask someone to mediate, it's better not to go to war. Both parties will suffer losses. And the Supreme God will also blame it, at least. Regardless of the overall situation."

Wanyan Lore also nodded and said: "Yes, if you can mediate, it's best to mediate. Anyway, you have saved the face. It doesn't matter if you pay for the Purple Sacred Stone..."

Everyone set off again, Wan Yan Jue Khan was not relieved, leading the people along the way, and continued to teleport towards Asura City.

"They actually go to the north? Do they want to go to Shura City all the way? Humph! Follow me, even the war demon can't keep Xiao Lang this time!"

Everyone is teleporting. After Xiu Yuer and others set off naturally, it was a lot slower. After Xiu Yu'er made people bring Moteng back to the Demon City, he continued to teleport along with the more than one hundred members of the Demon's family without killing Xiao Lang It's hard to calm the sickness in her heart.

After one day.

Xiao Lang and the others arrived at the Chilong collar, which was only two collars away from Shura City. Everyone was dizzy and dizzy, especially the knife and Mo Qingqing, they were even more exhausted.

Xiao Lang stopped to rest for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "Go!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin did not move. Instead, he said bitterly towards Wanyan Lore, "The Xiu family has been dispatched, wait for the next lore brother, you'd better not come out! Otherwise, your ancestors will be mad, your Patriarch's position I’ll sit unsteadily."

"People from the Xiu family? Xiu Yu'er is so valued by the Xiu family?"

Wanyan Lore's expression turned gloomy, his eyes rolled, and he waved his hand and said to Elder Longhu, "Retreat over there."

Xiao Lang also nodded, with a solemn expression. This time he was going to take care of the matter alone. Now that he is actually alarming the Xiu family, he naturally can't hurt the Wanyan family. He said, "Uncle Wanyan, go there too, don't worry. Well, I shouldn't be able to die."

Elder Longhu took people aside, the Xuanyuan family was related to the Supreme God of Asura, but their family did not. The lord of the Chilong City seemed to have received the news, but he did not show up, and everyone waited on the square.


It didn't take long for the teleportation array to light up, only to walk out of the three powerhouses, all of them at the peak of the ancestors. One of them looked like a middle-aged person, with a green brocade robe, with extraordinary aura. ,

"Master Xiuyuan!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin and Wanyan Lore both smiled bitterly and saluted the people who came here, Xuanyuan Tianxin specially transmitted to Xiao Lang: "Wait be polite, this is the third generation of the Xiu family, and is the core child."

Master Xiuyuan glanced over the two of Xuanyuan Tianxin, nodded indifferently, and fixed his gaze on Xiao Lang's face, and said indifferently: "Boy, you are very kind? My niece, do you dare to move?"

The comer is not good!

Xuanyuan Tianxin and Wanyan Lore looked at each other, and immediately glanced at the Tiangang behind and asked him to secretly send a message. This Xiuyuan seems to be going to help Xiuyuer? If they really get ahead, he and Wanyan Lore wouldn't dare to move. Who would dare to do something with the grandson of the Supreme God of Shura?

Xiao Lang's complexion was solemn, and he felt the powerful pressure of the Master Cultivator. He exhaled and bowed his hand before he bowed his hand and said, "My lord, you are compelled to do so. You can investigate the matter afterwards. If it's not too much for Master Moteng, I won't be strong enough!"

Xiuyuan smiled coldly, and his voice increased a little: "Oh? What do you mean, I'm making trouble for no reason, and suppressing people with power?"

Xiao Lang cursed secretly in his heart, this man is so thick-skinned, he made it clear that he used his power to suppress others, but he asked them in a straightforward manner? On the surface, he can only respectfully say: "I dare not!"

Xiuyuan nodded faintly, and said: "What is the specific thing, let's talk about it when the fish comes! I have always been fair, never wronged a good person, and never... let a bad person go!"

"Let go of your mother..."

Countless people wanted to break through the air and yell at them. This cultivation of fate shows that Xiao Lang is dead!

When Xiu Yu'er came, the Wanyan family dared not move. He suppressed the Xuanyuan family. Didn't this make Xiao Lang confront the more than one hundred ancestors?

Despite this, Xuanyuan Tianxin still did not dare to speak. Xiuyuan is the grandson of the Supreme God of Shura. Even if you were beaten by him, you would be beaten in vain. You still dare not fight back...

Everyone can only pray that Xuanyuan Tianzun will come soon. Only when he comes can he be able to suppress this cultivation. After all, he was the fierce man who followed the cultivation supreme **** to smash the chaotic Xinghai.

The lord of Chilong City finally came out, but the Tianzun of Chilong collar didn't show up, obviously didn't want to mix up. And the city lord at the pinnacle of the **** ancestors, he was eager to please the cultivation, completely ignoring Xiao Lang and others.

Time passed bit by bit, and half an hour later, a teleportation array lit up, Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't come, but Xiuyuer and the members of the Tianmo clan came.

"Uncle, you have to help Yuer call the shots!"

As soon as Xiu Yu'er teleported over, he immediately screamed and rushed towards him, and the people of the Sky Demon Race instantly surrounded Xiao Lang Xuanyuan Tianxin's perfect killing and others...

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