Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 2: Black stone

When Xiao Lang returned to Tianzhou, life became extremely comfortable, and he didn't want to stay with his wife and children every day. Xuanyuan Tianming and the two lived happily. Xiao Lang didn't lie to them. After learning their identities, many clan chiefs tried their best to send beautiful women to the door automatically. Xuanyuan Tianming and the two randomly gave one or two magic soldiers and sent them away. Up. And those families who are still grateful for their gratitude are considered **** to Xuanyuan Tianming and two of them, and in their eyes it is a treasure.

Xiao Lang didn't care about these things. Anyway, those small families were voluntary. Xuanyuan Tianming didn't force them. Both of you were willing to fight, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

Chaos Spiritual Energy entered Tianzhou, and Tianzhou's martial artist's cultivation base generally began to improve, but it was not significant in the past four years, at least no one broke through the semi-divine realm.

Xiao Lang took out several million purple sacred stones and gave them to the Ouyang family, Mu family, He family, Shadi Chamu and others. As for whether they can break through, it depends on whether there are geniuses in their family.

tenth day!

Xiao Lang's divine consciousness began to scan through Tianzhou over and over again. Xuanyuan Tianzun once said that Tianzhou probably has a big secret, otherwise the heavenly grade profound stone containing the strange and magical power of God Splitting Hand would not be born.


Xiao Lang's Spiritual Sense swept dozens of times in Tianzhou but found nothing. He didn't find anything special about Tianzhou underground. He stood up suspiciously and confessed to Hongdou, and walked straight to the courtyard of Xuanyuan Tiangang.


"My lord, you come to catch me!"

"Sir, don't..."

As soon as he entered the yard, Xiao Lang saw an unbearable picture. Xuanyuan Tiangang didn't like Liangjia very much, so Chamu arranged for him to be oiran. As a result, the scene in the yard was naturally a bit inelegant. These oirans know how to tease men the most. Xuanyuan Tiangang is honest in Xuanyuan Mountain. Even if he goes out by accident, he still plays night stands or something. These days, he is completely crazy...

"Haha, Xiao Lang, you are here!"

Xuanyuan Tiangang's sensitivity is very strong. He knew Xiao Lang didn't like this, so he waved his hand to send a group of disheveled women back to the room. Then he came over and said, "Brother enough, when I return to God's Domain, send me How many to take back?"

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Aren't you afraid of Uncle Xuanyuan scolding?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang said with a heart: "I secretly took back to be a maid, wow, there are a few girls who are good at serving people, and I have never seen many tricks in God's Domain. I have promised them to take them back to God's Domain to enjoy service. ."

"That's OK, you can take it, anyway, they came from a brothel, so lucky to follow you."

Xiao Lang disagreed. After he invited the maid to have tea, he expressed his intention: "Big Brother Tiangang, Uncle Xuanyuan once said that Tianzhou may contain a big secret. I searched it and didn't find it. Why would you check it out?"

"What big secret?" Xuanyuan Tiangang became interested when he heard it.

Xiao Lang took a sip of tea before he talked about the splitting of the hands of God, and also talked about Meier and Tianyu's accidental visit to Tianzhou. Xuanyuan Tiangang became more interested, and quickly put down his teacup and released his spiritual sense to investigate.

Once, twice, three times...

When Xuanyuan Tiangang's eyes flashed for the fifth time, he suddenly began to drink, "Tianming, stop playing and come over immediately. I found a good thing, but I'm not sure!"

"call out!"

A disheveled man in a yard next to him immediately flew up. He put on his clothes in mid-air and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Lang was also shocked, and asked in doubt, "Big Brother Tiangang, what did you find?"

Xuanyuan Tiangang frowned, and he paused for a moment before hesitatingly said, "You look in this direction, about a million meters away from the ground, look carefully!"

Xiao Lang's divine sense swept out, Xuanyuan Tianming also explored the divine sense, and the divine sense of Xuanyuan Tiangang who followed followed went underground to explore, but all three of them were frowning.

They all detected a huge spiritual vein over there, and when the divine sense swept across the spiritual vein, there was a slight feeling of resistance, unable to probe the center of that spiritual vein. However, there was nothing in the surroundings except the spiritual veins. Xiao Lang had also probed there, because he was attracted by the spiritual veins and didn't care.


Finally, the three of them looked at each other and shot directly into the ground, rushing towards that place. The three of them were very fast and arrived underground in just a moment.

"Sure enough, there is a problem! My spiritual sense at the moment still can't penetrate into the spirit veins!"

Xuanyuan Tianming's eyes are bright, and their spiritual consciousness is so powerful that they can't detect the center of the spiritual vein? There must be something good in that spirit vein.


A magic weapon appeared in Xuanyuan Tianming's hand and swept it at will. The nearby Lingshi immediately turned into powder, and the three of them opened a channel and walked towards the center of the spiritual vein.

The closer they get to the center, the more they feel wrong, because as they walked, the three of them found that their spiritual consciousness could not detect outside at all? And the white profound stone in the center of the spirit vein gradually turned into a brown spirit stone.

"it is as expected!"

Xuanyuan Tianming and the two looked at each other and nodded. Seeing Xiao Lang's puzzling gaze, Tianming explained: "This brown stone is very famous in God's Domain. It is called the brown blood stone. It can shield the martial artist's sense of exploration! Even Tianzun can also detect it. No, Xiao Lang doesn't say what's in it, even if you make a lot of brown blood stones, so many brown blood stones can sell hundreds of millions of purple sacred stones. Which big family doesn't need to build secret rooms?"

"Hundreds of millions?"

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank, Xuanyuan Tianming didn't break the brown bloodstone when he opened the road in front of him. Instead, he divided them into small pieces and put them into the space ring.

This spirit vein is very large, it is almost the size of Qingcheng Mountain by comparison, and this brown blood stone is at least the size of a mountain, if it is used to build a small chamber, it can build hundreds of rooms.

Walking all the way inside, the brown bloodstone inside finally turned blood red. Xuanyuan Tianming's eyes were as big as cows, and they murmured in disbelief: "It is actually the highest quality black bloodstone? My God, this is Liuhuo Supreme's divine sense that can't be explored, right? Xiao Lang, you have made a fortune."

"Hey, two eldest brothers, it's not that I got rich, it's us! I'll give you half of these things!" Xiao Lang suddenly said, making Xuanyuan Tianming almost weak.

The two looked at each other and quickly shook their heads: "We can't collect this, let the adults know that we are going to be skinned! These black blood stones are worth at least several billion!"

Xiao Lang trembled, but said very firmly: "You dare not want it? Then I will give it to Uncle Xuanyuan, and give it to your family! Anyway, half of it is given to you, and you can handle it yourself."

Xuanyuan Tianming and the two secretly nodded their heads again, Xiao Lang, who was bold and powerful, was too good at life. This top-notch black bloodstone is too scarce, there is no market, it is indispensable for the two to bring it back.

The three of them are even more looking forward to the most central thing. There is no doubt that there are ordinary spirit veins nearby, which can transform the spirit stone into such a precious brown blood stone and black blood stone. What kind of treasure is contained in it?

I approached the center all the way and quickly arrived at the center. Why is the center? Because the inside is actually hollow! After the three of them opened the passage and found the space, they were all surprised!

There is something in it!

There is a black stone the size of a pigeon egg on the ground, but the bead is dark and without any energy or fluctuations. The divine consciousness can easily probe in, and it feels like an ordinary stone.

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