Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 23: Oni region


Everyone approached the domain for a million miles, and suddenly felt that their bodies were enveloped by a powerful force of gravity, and all their bodies were pulled downwards uncontrollably. Although it has long been known that the gravity of this area is 10,000 times that of the outside, the terrifying gravity still scared everyone.

Everyone immediately ran their energy to resist the strong gravity, but their bodies were still pulled down quickly, even if Xuanyuan Tianxin only slowed down a bit.

"Xiao Lang, grab my hand!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin prevented Xiao Lang from falling to the ground by himself, giving up resistance and grabbing Xiao Lang. Only then could he run his energy to slow down the speed of the fall.


After a while, the eleven people were heavily smashed to the ground. Before they landed, Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others immediately searched for their spiritual sense, only to find that the spiritual sense was suppressed here, and they could only explore a distance of 100,000 meters.

"Attention, there seems to be a group of warriors over there!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin's soul is a bit stronger than everyone else, so his spiritual consciousness is stronger. He pointed to a forest on the left and told everyone.


The crowd spread out their spiritual knowledge and looked around, Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly spoke, and led the crowd towards the small mountain on the right.

This area is indeed very strange, the sky is gray, and the outside is almost invisible. The visibility inside is very low, only a few kilometers, and the fog looks very scary.

Divine Sense glanced around, there was no warrior in the small mountain on the right. Everyone ran fast and found that the speed was slowing down to a snail, very unaccustomed.

After entering that mountain, Xuanyuan Tianxin probed, and then said, "Okay! Let's hide here first, get used to it, and be ready to fight at all times."

"call out!"

Xuanyuan Tianming rushed to the side with all his strength, and came back at once, and said bitterly, "This ghost place, my speed is so slow, this area is so big, if we want to travel the whole area, it will take a lot of money. Two years."

"its not right!"

Xuanyuan Tiangang suddenly thought of a question and said in horror: "The speed of our flight can hardly withstand the gravitational force of this area, how do we get out?"

Everyone has a pimples in their hearts, it seems like this is the case? How can everyone fly out because their speed cannot resist gravity? Is it possible to be trapped here for a lifetime?

Xuanyuan Tianxin waved his hand and said, "Don't think so much. If others can get out, we can get out. Or get used to the gravity here first?"

"call out!"

After thinking about it, everyone immediately started running in the mountain, and still released some little magical powers to test its power. Xiao Lang also started to run with all his strength. He mobilized all his energy, and his body turned into an afterimage and ran across the mountain. It turns out that his speed is no different from that of Human Sovereign Realm, and jumping and the like can only jump hundreds of meters in the sky.


The black light in his eyes swept away, and he suddenly shot a huge ancient tree in front of him, only to find that the speed of slaying had an effect, and his power was suppressed. Although the huge tree immediately turned into powder, Xiao Lang clearly felt The power is a bit small.

He cast his gaze on Xuanyuan Tianxin and others, and he was quickly confirmed, and their attack was suppressed. Everyone finally gathered together to discuss it and came up with a conclusion!

In this ghost realm, everyone's strength was suppressed by 30%. At this moment, the attack power of Xuanyuan Tianxin and others was only comparable to the mid-level **** ancestor outside. The speed is even worse and the semi-divine realm is incomparable, but they are all stronger than Xiao Lang.

"Yeah! That's not right..."

Xiao Lang suddenly remembered something, his legs suddenly stepped on the ground, his body shot like a cannonball, and everyone's eyes shrank.


Xiao Lang stepped on a huge boulder and shot back again. He said to Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others: "Don't use energy, just use the power of the body, the speed can increase a lot."

Xuanyuan Tianxin and others all rolled their eyes, looked at the monster and looked at Xiao Lang and said, "Do you think we are all the same as you? Your physical strength is in the late ancestor stage, and my body is the strongest among us, only The early strength of the ancestors."

"Oh, too!"

Xiao Lang embarrassedly scratched his head but was secretly excited. He used the power of his sex, and the speed was even faster than Xuanyuan Tianxin. It seems that the natural restraint in this domain is only the energy that suppresses the martial artist, not the energy* *what.


Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly thought of something and solemnly said: "If you encounter a powerful warrior in the future, you must be careful. If you can't fight, you must never fight, otherwise we will all suffer."

Everyone nodded in agreement, Xiao Lang could be faster than them. If you encounter the kind of monster race or demon martial artist who specializes in **, you will really suffer.

"Let's go!"

After testing it again, Xuanyuan Tianxin began to lead everyone in a random direction. This is not for fun, but to find Ling Meng Bird, staying here Ling Meng Bird will not take the initiative to fly here, besides, everyone has to find a way out of the domain.

The terrain within this Evil Domain is very peculiar. It didn't take long for everyone to see that there was a huge mountain range in front of them, and under the mountain range were the cave entrances. Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't know that he was heading there, and his eyes turned to Xiao Lang said: Xiao Lang, do you think you should go into the cave or go to the mountains?"

Xiao Lang pondered for a while and said, "I'll go into the cave. If the Ling Meng Bird was outside, it would have been caught long ago. I guess I went into the cave and hid in that corner."

"It makes sense, that's it!" Xuanyuan Tian thought for a while, and pointed to a cave casually and led the crowd towards the inside.

The cave is completely black and visibility is lower. Everyone can only see a few hundred meters ahead. But the divine sense can explore tens of thousands of meters, but it's the same.

The cave inside is really well-connected. After walking in, everyone found many intersections. They found a random intersection and walked around, but they came out again...

"Go here!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin saw another hole not far away, anyway, he didn't know which way to go, he could only go where.

After drilling into the cave and walking for half an hour, everyone has walked into the depths of the mountain this time. When they reached a fork in the road, they found that the road ahead had become three. When everyone didn't know which one to take, Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly shouted, "Quickly, there are a group of martial artists from the gods."

Everyone turned into hedgehogs, their hairs erected, and they immediately rushed into a passage next to them, and they encountered warriors in it, fearing that it would be very likely to go to war immediately.

Fortunately, the group of people is still far away. Xuanyuan Tianzun has been investigating. Everyone walked into the passage for tens of thousands of meters, but he suddenly stopped and began to drink heavily: "Wait, it is the martial artist of the gods who are being chased by the monster race. See if there is anyone you know? Um... from the Han family?"


Xiao Lang didn't understand very much, but Xuanyuan Tianming and the others became murderous. Xuanyuan Tianxin probed for a while and waved his hand: "Go, help, the strength of the monster race is not strong!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin ordered that Xuanyuan Tianming and the others didn't hesitate to shoot out, Xiao Lang could only follow. Seeing Xuanyuan Tianming and the others were like this, I was afraid that the Han family had a good relationship with their family, so I must help.

Xuanyuan Tianxin ran out for 10,000 meters and immediately roared: "Han Liu is walking towards this side, I am Xuanyuan Tianxin, we will kill these monster races together."

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