Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 26: Xiaobai... is that you?

There are more passages in the Red Mountains, criss-crossing, and extending in all directions. I don’t know what stone this mountain is made of. With so many passages, there are constant battles inside, but it still doesn’t collapse?

Everyone could not detect the battle deep in the mountain range, but Xiao Lang could detect it early. After hundreds of coyotes died, Xiao Lang confirmed that the battle below was very fierce. The warriors of the three domains are fighting in a melee, and the number is very large, as many as nearly a thousand people. But there was no sign of Ling Meng Bird.

He asked Xuanyuan Tianxin and others to stop halfway, and continued to sacrifice the coyote to investigate. After half an hour, he suddenly said: "The Lingmeng bird should be caught, and it is still in the hands of the demon martial artist, the gods martial artist and the monster race over there. We are working together to kill the demon martial artist, Brother Tianxin...what should I do?"

Xuanyuan Tianxin's face was heavy, and he asked carefully, "How many warriors are there and how strong are they?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and said: "I'm not sure about the specifics. The coyote was killed as soon as it got close. I probably estimated that there should be one or two hundred martial artists in the demon domain, and three or four hundred in the demon domain and the **** domain. All demon warriors will be killed."

"Who is the martial artist of the gods?" Xuanyuan Tianxin said in a deep voice again, if there are children of the Supreme God, how could they dare to **** it? I am afraid that I will be hunted down all the way back to God's Domain.

Xiao Lang still shook his head and said, "I can control the coyote induction, but it doesn't mean that my spiritual sense can detect it. In the eyes of the coyote, humans look the same."

Xuanyuan Tianxin groaned, and for a long time he said: "We secretly leaned over and acted by chance. You let the coyote explore around, and don't let people approach us."

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang let the coyotes disperse in countless passages to ensure that the neighborhood is safe, and everyone quietly leaned toward the center of the battlefield.

Soon everyone’s spiritual consciousness could radiate the entire battlefield. Xuanyuan Tianxin swept away and immediately smiled bitterly: "Xiao Lang, your opponent Longqi is in it, and Master Sword Cultivator of the Xiu family is also in it! If they succeed, we It's not easy to grab. Um... Almost all the demon martial artists have been killed, and the gods still have an advantage in numbers."

"Dragon Knight?"

Xiao Lang's gaze cooled down. If Dragon Knight succeeded, it would be really difficult to **** him. After all, people have the right to grab it, even if Dragon Knight gets it, he won't let it go.

"Let's take a look first, forget it if it doesn't work." Xiao Lang's face was frustrated, and his consciousness swept over, wanting to see whose hands the Ling Meng Bird was in?

"He ***." Han Liu cursed secretly and was very depressed. This time he lost his soldiers and replaced his generals. He brought everyone here but didn't dare to **** him. This time he was embarrassed and embarrassed when he went back.

"Well, Ling Meng Bird! In the hands of that demon martial artist."

Xuanyuan Tianxin suddenly drank in a low voice, and everyone was shocked, and hurriedly followed to investigate.

Xiao Lang's divine consciousness radiated to the past. Among the dozen or so demon martial artists who survived, I saw a warrior who was covered in black mist holding a little bird emitting a sacred light in his hands. Their divine consciousness was in the little bird. Sweeping across the body, I felt warm and comfortable in my soul, and I immediately determined that this was the Ling Meng Bird.

"Stop it all, otherwise I will hold this bird and no one will arrive."

The demon warrior suddenly raised the Ling Meng bird in his hand and burst into drink, and everyone's hearts were also strained. The battle immediately stopped, and Dragon Knight took the lead and said: "Stop!"

The monster clan also stopped attacking. Everyone came for this bird. When they died, everyone went for nothing. It would be useless to kill this demon martial artist.

The people's sense of consciousness kept investigating, and the situation in the distance was well known, and Xiao Lang also discovered that there were many strong men lurking in countless caves, and there were many people thinking about the oriole attacking behind.

Longqi stared at the strong demon clan and began to drink heavily: "Give me the cute bird, and I will let you make a living, otherwise you will definitely die."

The dragon cavalry has the supreme divine weapon, and his combat power is probably the highest in the audience. His identity and status are indeed qualified to issue the commander on behalf of the warriors in God's Domain.

"Huh! What are you? Give the Ling Meng bird to the queen, otherwise no one will be able to save you." A beautiful woman from the Demon Race over there also spoke, her appearance is exaggerated, especially the pair of murder weapons on her chest. It's scary, and the waist is too thin, I'm afraid the wind will fall.

The consciousness of Xiao Lang and others swept towards that side, and when Xiao Lang swept the shoulders of a **** ancestor woman of the Yao Clan, he immediately shuddered.

He felt a familiar breath, and this breath he will never forget! His divine sense immediately locked a jade rabbit on the shoulder of the demon woman's shoulder to investigate carefully, and after the jade rabbit's body trembled, he instantly understood!

"What's wrong? Xiao Lang?"

Xuanyuan Tianxin noticed Xiao Lang's strangeness, and immediately asked concerned about it. Everyone looked at Xiao Lang, but saw that his eyes were red, and his body kept trembling around.

"It's okay, it's a good thing!"

Xiao Lang took a deep breath, ignoring everyone, his divine sense locked the jade rabbit and said, "Is that you? Little... Bai!"

The jade rabbit became even more excited, but it calmed down quickly, because the demon clan girl it was standing on was a little aware and glanced suspiciously.

Xiao Lang's consciousness quickly moved away, and when he swept over after a while, he received a voice transmission: "Master, I finally found you..."

Xiao Lang probed the demon clan woman and glanced over again, and quickly transmitted a voice message to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, don't get excited! Wait for the meeting machine to escape."

After the transmission, Xiao Lang no longer dared to lock Xiao Bai with his divine sense, but he kept sweeping around the monster clan. Here, a slightly choked voice said: "It's okay, I met a spirit beast I used to be on the side of the monster clan."


Everyone didn't care much, after all, it was just a spirit beast. Everyone swept their divine consciousness toward the center of the battlefield again, and the atmosphere there became even more tense. The strong man in the demon domain seemed to be reluctant to bear the cute bird but was afraid of death.

"Finally ask, will you give it? No, we can only kill!"

The dragon rider raised the sword in his hand, and spoke in a domineering manner. He obviously reached an agreement with the family repairers, and everything depends on him. However, thinking that Dragon Knight is also breaking through the bottleneck, if you get this Ling Meng Bird, it is estimated that there will be a chance to break through the Heavenly Venerable, it should be promised many benefits for the home repair and the strong on the scene.


The supreme divine soldier in the dragon cavalry's hand was surrounded by black energy and was about to shoot. The demon strongman gritted his teeth and threw the psychedelic bird in his hand between the demon race and the divine realm warrior, and then rushed to the other side, shouting: "Make way, Otherwise die."

There were dozens of people surrounded there, but since the Demon Martial Artists had thrown out the Ling Meng Bird, they would naturally not go on desperately stupidly, and all their eyes were fixed on the dying but still sacred Ling Meng Bird.

"Haha, the Ling Meng Bird is mine!" Longqi shot up, and dozens of **** ancestors peaked behind him immediately followed.

"Get out of the way, this is from the queen!" The leader of the monster clan was not to be outdone, and shot into the air.

"call out!"

A white shadow came through the air, much faster than them. The white shadow flashed in mid-air, turning from a jade rabbit into a golden dragon, and its four paws grabbed the cute bird and flew into a passage like lightning. go with.

"Hmm! Ready to do it, the monster race actually flew toward us!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin’s eyes were suddenly bright like stars. If this cute bird was caught by Dragon Knight, he would not take it and didn't have the courage, but the golden dragon flew over here. Is there any reason not to **** it?

"Don't attack, the golden dragon was made by my spirit beast!"

Xiao Lang's head was dumbfounded, he couldn't figure out why Xiao Bai's speed had become so fast? However, he quickly reacted and immediately let out a deep cry, and at the same time controlled all the coyotes to rush toward the passage, blocking the passage completely.

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