Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 33: Can't let it escape back

Xiao Lang and others were indeed shocked!

With such a big momentum, the entire Evil Realm was slightly shaken, Xiao Lang and the others were naturally awakened long ago, and Xuanyuan Tianxin and others woke up when the Beast was out of the bottomless abyss.

It is strange that Xiao Lang didn't wake up, but fell into deep cultivation. Xuanyuan Tiangang stood up anxiously, turned around and looked at Xiao Lang a few times and Xuanyuan Tianxin said, "Why don't I go out to investigate? Don't be besieged, we are still sitting here stupidly."

"do not move!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin's eyes turned, and he said in a deep voice, "It may be the enemy's trap, which deliberately led us out. If they can find us, they will make such a big noise? Can we just go to the door and kill them?"

"Yes, don't mess around, just keep changing."

Xuanyuan Tianming also nodded. He glanced at Xiao Lang a few times and said suspiciously, "What's wrong with Xiao Lang? He should have woken up early with such a big movement? He is still in retreat? Is there another feeling?"

"This kid is just a tai!"

Xuanyuantian sighed, and waved his hand so that everyone would stop talking so as not to disturb Xiao Lang. He felt the ground trembling slightly, his face became more and more solemn. It's just that the divine sense can't detect it. They are blind and deaf in the secret room, and they don't know anything that happens.

It's not that Xiao Lang didn't know that something big had happened outside. He was in a state of astral wandering at this moment, how could he not know what was happening outside? He could clearly sense the panic of the coyote.

If he didn't wake up, he really had an understanding, he finally realized a little bit of the map of the avenue tree and found some very strange things.

The trajectory diagram of the avenue tree has one thing in common with the meridian diagram of the human body, that is, there are 1,008 acupuncture points. The difference is that the positions of the acupoints are not exactly the same, and the trajectory diagram of the avenue tree has more meridians, and there are formations inside. More cumbersome.

He had always wanted to merge the two pictures before, so he kept simulating the two pictures in his mind to confirm each other and try to merge them. Recently, he discovered that he had entered a misunderstanding. He no longer cares about the meridian diagram of the human body.

With this insight, he became more and more aware of the magic of the context map, which was a very multiplying, very grand formation. Combining the formation method in the human meridian diagram, Xiao Lang roughly analyzed that there are many magical effects in this vein diagram, such as energy gathering, energy storage, resonance, and so on.

Of course, the human body has the same effect, but the effect of this map is estimated to be ten or even a hundred times that of the human meridian map.

At this moment, Xiao Lang is not thinking about changing the veins and acupuncture points of the human body, but first thoroughly comprehend how the vein map of this avenue tree gathers energy and stores energy and resonates? As long as you understand these principles and feel the essence inside, even if the human body's meridian diagram has to become the trajectory diagram of the avenue tree, it can also soar in combat power.

The simple truth is that the same is resonance. The human body can resonate energy up to three times and five times the power, but after feeling it may reach ten times, dozens of times the power, how can the attack power not explode?

So at this moment something big happened outside, Xiao Lang ignored it, anyway, it didn't affect this side, and there was no warrior rushing here, what if the outside world turned upside down? And with such a big momentum outside, didn't they just go out to vote for it? It is better to stay here with peace of mind.

He was completely silent in exploring the mystery of the map, only leaving a ray of consciousness, through the coyote sensing the outside situation, as long as Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others did not go out, he would not wake up to stop them.

The situation outside is still in a stalemate, and the warriors continue to be killed. The ancient relic of the sacred beast still has not suffered any trauma, and the four eyes continue to shoot white light, taking away the fresh lives. At the same time, its huge tail can continuously catch up with the slow-moving ancestors of the early warriors, easily crushing into mud.

Longqi and the others did not care about the casualties of the warriors. Groups of warriors took turns to fight in groups. More than half of the deaths retired and rested, while the rest continued to rise.

There are countless attacks on the beast at all times. Although these attacks are nothing to the beast, the more ants can kill the elephant. In addition, the beast continuously releases attacks. The energy is consumed quickly but cannot be replenished, and the ending can be imagined if it continues.

Dragon Cavalry and the others are also very smart, constantly attracting the Beast Beast to circle in the Evil Realm, leaving the bottomless abyss farther and farther to prevent him from escaping.

"Stop the attack on the left, right and this side, and see if you can lead the Beast from the Chaos Space?"

Half a month after the start of the war, Longqi suddenly had an idea to send a message to Qingli and the others, and then sent people to continuously lead the Beast Beast towards the exit.

Outside of the exit, the Heavenly Sovereign garrisoned, as long as the sacred beast went out, it would be immediately beheaded. It is really trivial for a group of Tianzun pinnacles to slay the Beasts, and they can kill them in minutes.

Qingli and the others also thought that this was a good idea. There are strong people from all forces outside, and the scorpion beast may not necessarily belong to the Long family, and they don't think that Dragon is playing a ghost.

Slowly, the Beast Beast was led toward the exit, which was in a canyon, where gravity would be the same as outside, and the warrior could easily fly out.


Pulling all the way, killing the warriors all the way, the four eyes of the Beast Beast were red, and the Evil Realm was in a mess. As long as the beast traverses, there is not a complete forest or a complete mountain, rivers are cut off, lakes are filled, and the rocky ground is cracked. The sky was raging, and the smell of blood filled the entire territory.

Six days later, the Beast Beast was drawn outside the canyon, and the countless warriors who followed became excited, and more low-level warriors secretly prayed, hoping that the Beast Beast would be drawn out of the realm so that they would not have to continue to die.


This ferocious beast didn't know whether he didn't want to go out, or he didn't dare to go out with a hunch, it actually gave up chasing after the group of warriors who had attacked him for six days, turning around and rushing towards the bottomless abyss.


The surrounding warriors hurriedly attacked and escaped to the bottomless abyss for the Beast, and then all their efforts were abandoned.


I don't know what's wrong with the Beast at this moment? It seems that he has become smarter, and he actually ignored the attacking crowd and rushed toward the bottomless abyss with all his heart.

"Attack with full force, absolutely can't let it escape back."

Longqi was anxious, and 200,000 people died. How could it be allowed to escape? There was a loud shout, and all the warriors were ordered to rush up and stop the beast at all costs.

"call out!"

Eight hundred thousand warriors rushed madly towards the beast, smashing all kinds of attacks like ice roars, and even the dragon riders personally attacked. The blade light cut by the Supreme Divine Soldier successfully smashed off a piece of the scales of the Beast, and finally caused the anger of the Beast again.

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