Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 36: People in the Long family deserve to die


The attacks of emotional rage were very domineering, and at the same time, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others were not vegetarian anymore, all of them attacked, anyway, they couldn't be killed by the same level. If the other party wants to kill them, they can only do their best.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang reacted quickly, and he moved as soon as they moved in Dragon Eagle. Sui Su killed and released, and suddenly shot towards Dragon Cavalry. When the two black lights were shining out, there were gaps in the space in front of them, and the black lights passed by, like two criss-crossing thunder and lightning.

"My son, be careful!"

Long Qi was surrounded by more than a dozen people to protect him. At this moment, many people immediately shouted in horror. Xiao Lang's attack power was actually the strongest blow of the **** ancestor peak.

"Well... Xiao Lang really refined the Ling Meng Bird, it should be killed!"

This slaying dragon knight knew something. The last time he fought with Xiao Lang and immediately investigated it, he knew that it was the increase in energy and soul. At this moment, the power has reached the peak of the **** ancestor, not to mention that Xiao Lang's soul has risen sharply.

Suan's killing speed was too fast, he couldn't avoid it, and he didn't release his sword to block Suan's death. He just raised his hand in the Supreme Divine Soldier and blocked it in front of his body.


A huge force almost made Dragon Knight unable to hold the sword. Although the shining light on the sword offset a large part of the energy, Dragon Knight’s body was knocked out by a huge force, and the energy shield on his body was almost lost. Broke.


A dozen guards immediately flew towards Longqi, but Longqi screamed in mid-air: "Leave me alone, Xiao Lang can't kill me, grab Yuan Dan!"

The dozen or so people suddenly realized, Longqi's expression was firm, and they did not dare to chase after. He could only grit his teeth and rush towards the corpse of the ferocious beast.

"call out!"

No one cared about Xiao Lang, and Xuanyuan Tianxin and Dragon Eagle and others also went to war behind him, and Xiao Lang continued to rush towards Longqi with a cruel heart. The Long Family brought too many people this time, he still doesn't know where the exit is? It seems that the only way to survive today is to take down the Dragon Knight. Of course... he doesn't think he has the ability to take down the dragon knight, after all, he has a supreme **** soldier in his hand, and he can move it slightly.


Seeing Xiao Lang's birth, Qing Li and others were all overjoyed when they chased Dragon Knight. The dragon rider has the supreme **** soldier, and he will move slightly. That is the strongest opponent to **** the Yuandan. At the moment, a group of people rushed towards the body of the scorpion beast. As long as whoever succeeds first, the others naturally dare not **** it again. .

"Drink!" "Shoo!"

Naturally he didn't dare to move after he got it, but before he got it, he could move. The Xiu family was the fastest, and he was already close to Yuan Dan. However, a person from far away was thrown a whip and wrapped around his waist. A dark shadow in the other direction also wanted to approach, but suffered several attacks and quickly retreated.

The fierce snatching battle began. Anyone who approached the Yuandan of the Jujubeast would be attacked by the group immediately. Some people rushed hard, but they were hit and flew out before they approached.

However, everyone did not dare to use energy to attack, otherwise no one would get the Yuan Dan by blowing it up. For a time, the strong of each family showed their magical powers, so it was so lively.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang's fierce killing continued to be released, and he and Dragon Knight were stubborn, so that Dragon Knight had no time to counterattack and had to keep resisting. Longqi's body was knocked into the air again and again. However, every time the Supreme God Soldier resisted, it would not hurt. It's just that every time he gets knocked a few meters away, he gets farther and farther away from the corpse of the Beast.

"Why doesn't this Dragon Knight fight back? He can obviously fight back! Is there any fraud?"

A thought flashed in Xiao Lang's mind, and the words of love on his body whizzed out to condense anger. No matter what plots and tricks Dragon Knight had, he was determined not to give Dragon Knight a chance to get close to the corpse of the Beast.


Dragon Knight finally fought back. The sword in his hand was shining brightly, releasing a black wave of swords, and then disappearing into the air abruptly.

"go with!"

Xiao Lang sent away angrily and slammed into the sword qi. He immediately entered the state of soul wandering, exploring the fluctuations in the surrounding space. Prevent the Dragon Caval from sneak attack, or grab the original pill.


What surprised Xiao Lang was that Dragon Knight did not appear beside him, nor did he go to the corpse of the Beast. Instead, he appeared near the ghost face of the Beast in the distance, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed against his head. The face is full of ecstasy of trickery.


The black knife wave collided with sentimental anger, causing a violent explosion, knocking Xiao Lang out.

"Huh? The most precious thing about this wild beast is not the original core, but the soul in his mind?"

Xiao Lang's body was flying backwards, a thought flashed through his mind, and a stubborn killing flashed away in his eyes and shot towards the dragon knight in the distance. Long Qi didn't hesitate at all, instead he burst into tears: "Long Yu came out and killed Xiao Lang for me."


Suddenly, more than a dozen warriors burst out from the underground next to Longqi's body, surrounding the Longqi Tuan Tuan, and at the same time four or five people burst into Xiao Lang.


Qingli and the others are also paying attention to the situation here. When they saw that the ghost face was split open, revealing a red bead inside, they suddenly woke up and exclaimed, "We were fooled."

Dragon Cavalry had just let people chop the beast's neck, letting it separate its head and body, and did not fight back after Xiao Lang shot it. The real goal was the bead in his head. I'm afraid that this bead is the most precious thing of the beast, so the essence pill is probably no different from the ordinary wild beast.

Only Long Ao in the chaotic space knew the use of the Beast. Longqi deliberately guided everyone to grab the yuan pill, and even asked the guard to leave him alone at that moment, and to withstand Xiao Lang's attack alone, successfully deceiving everyone to win the treasure.

"Hahaha! According to the agreement, you must not snatch, otherwise the agreement will be broken."

Long Qi grabbed the red bead in one hand and raised it high, laughing. He stared at Xiao Lang with a vicious face, and shouted: "Xiao Lang, you must die today."

"Boom boom!"

Xiao Lang was attacked by several people at the same time, and his body was blown out. He got up from the ground and rushed towards Longqi like lightning against the ground. He knew that he could not kill Dragon Knight, nor could he escape. But he still wanted to do everything he could, even if he couldn't kill the dragon knight, he would destroy the beads in his hand.

He had the token for the queen of night and the token for Xingtian, but the distant water could not save the nearby fire. In this area, the Heavenly Sovereign Supreme God cannot enter, so no one can save him today. Long Qi had already decided to kill him. If he were to be killed, Ye Hou and Xing Tian would naturally not turn their faces because of him and Long Ao.

The murderous spirit on his body was like a rainbow, and his eyes were as peaceful as an ancient well. He had already thrown himself out. Today, he fought for the last breath and didn't make Dragon Knight feel better. He roared, "Dragon Knight, die!"


At this moment, the beads in the dragon knight's hands suddenly lit up, and an extremely terrifying breath enveloped the audience. That breath was very familiar to everyone. It was the fierce power of the beast, and the strongest fierce power. time. When the breath appeared, Longqi and the nearby people were immediately crushed and unable to move.


A burst of energy burst out from the bead, blasting the dragon knight's body into the air, and the bead suddenly transformed into a huge monstrous beast phantom floating in the air. The four eyes of the phantom stared at the dragon knight, all of hatred and Furious, gritted his teeth and roared: "Dragon Cavalry? The people of the Long family... are all damned! Your family...can't soul orb."

The voice was very vague, and a little cryptic, but everyone understood it. All looking at the phantom of the sacred beast was a little stunned. After the warrior died, he could retain the remnant soul. How could this desolate beast also retain the remnant soul? And the remnant soul actually has such a great power.

"Dead...dead...dead! Everyone...has to die..."

The phantom roared twice again, and then a surging aura suddenly released from his body, but the entire Evil Realm immediately trembled, the sky shook, the mountain fell and the ground cracked, and the black mist in the sky kept rolling. Feeling that gravity was once again ten thousand times stronger, no one could stand firm, all fell to the ground and looked around in horror.

"It's not good, this sacred beast actually activated the natural restraint in this domain, and this domain is about to explode! We are all going to be twisted and strangled by space..."

Qingli looked around and yelled in horror, instantly everyone's face was pale as snow.

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