Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 39: Expulsion from the Long Family

"Shit, shit!"

Leaving Xuanyuan Tianzun and the others in the tens of thousands of miles in the chaotic space of the Feiyun Disk, an angry low roar sounded inside a Feiyun Disk.

In a luxurious room, there was a handsome young man lying on a big white jade bed. The young man's injuries were in good condition, but he had many obvious scars on his face that were too late to deal with. His handsome face was full of rage, and the two maids in the room stood helplessly, trembling because of fear.

"Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang! It's all you, all you!"

Longqi grabbed the teapot on the table beside the bed and threw it towards the wall. He kept mumbling, "Xiao Lang, if it weren't for you! I would have got the soul orb of the monstrous beast, if it weren't for you. The bird is mine too. If it weren't for you, the family wouldn't have to die so many people. It's all you, all you! You are not sorry for death."

Dragon Cavalry seemed to be a little enchanted, this time the incident hit him too much. In the end, if Xiao Lang hadn't called out his name, I was afraid that the remnant soul of the ferocious beast would not riot, and the soul orb would indeed belong to him. Now there is nothing, and even the people who led the Long Family are almost wiped out.

The most important thing is... this time he made countless promises. After returning, he will ask the family for tens of billions of purple sacred stones. This time, not only did the bamboo basket go empty, but he also lost a lot!

So in the past few days, he has some mental disorders, and he has a faint tendency to become enchanted. He hated everything on Xiao Lang, thinking that this incident would be spread out, and Sister Wanyan would look down on him even more when he heard it, and his heart suddenly burned.

It's just... Xiao Lang is dead!

He has no place to sprinkle if he is angry. If Xiao Lang is not dead, he will do everything possible to tear Xiao Lang with his own hands, perhaps he will feel better in his heart.

"No, this tone must be released, must be released! Otherwise... I will have a demon in my heart, and I will be ruined in my life."

Longqi's eyes flickered, and he gritted his teeth and said. He forced himself to calm down. He is a smart man, knowing that he will be insane if he continues, and he is destined to no longer improve in his life.

"By the way, killed Xiao Lang's clansmen, razed Tianzhou City, and killed all Xiao Lang's clansmen!"

Suddenly, Longqi was murderous, and the fierce light leaked out of his eyes. The two maids were completely frightened. The two ran out hurriedly and reported the matter to the Dragon's Heavenly Lord.

Dragon Cavalry’s actions were taken seriously by the Dragon Family Tianzun. A Heavenly Lord strode in and saw that Dragon Cavalry was still gritting his teeth and roaring: "Kill, kill, kill! I want to kill all the people of Xiao Lang... "


The Dragon Family Tianzun sighed deeply. He knew that Dragon Knight had been hit badly this time. Since childhood, he has never been frustrated and proud, but at this moment he has been hit by Xiao Lang one after another. It is a good thing not to fall into the evil spirit.

"Dragon Knight!"

Long Jia Tianzun suddenly snorted and awakened Dragon Knight. He looked at Dragon Knight with a blank face, and said coldly: "It is nothing if a man fails once or twice. If he fails, he can't afford to lose, then he is a real waste. It’s not good for your family, don’t you understand the truth? Do you want to make the Long Family ashamed?"

Longqi was startled, and some did not dare to refute the lowered eyelids. After a long silence, he looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Grandpa Six, I understand what you are saying, but I still can't pass this hurdle."

Long Family Tianzun shook his head, turned around and walked outside, and walked to the door before turning around and said: "Since you are obsessed, then I don't care about you. can't think of the family giving you any help in this matter. You have to kill Xiao Lang. Family members, rely on their own strength to kill. I warn you! Xuanyuan Xueji values ​​Xiao Lang very much. Even if you are killed by Xuanyuan Xueji, we won't care. I only give you three years. Three years later, if this matter fails, I will roll back to Longbao."

Longqi was taken aback again, then nodded heavily, and grinned: "Thank you Grandpa Six, rest assured! I will do this without leaving any traces in three years."

Long Family Tianzun walked out, and there were two Tianzuns outside looking at him a little dignifiedly, and one of them said in a low voice, "Brother Six, why do you let Longqi go mad? If this matter spreads out, how will the world think of our Long Family?"

The other person also nodded, killing some people is not a big deal. The problem is that Dragon Knight will do it? Still under Xuanyuan Xueji's nose? This matter is about to ruin the reputation of a bad Long Family.

"if not?"

Long Liu sighed and sighed: "This child has been spoiled by his ancestors since he was a child, and his heart is arrogant. If he is not allowed to breathe, I am afraid that he will be ruined. Don't worry, I will make arrangements for this. , Even if the world knows about it, it won’t affect the reputation of the Long Family. You can’t remember this matter and let Long Qi play by himself. Maybe after he kills Xiao Lang’s clansmen, he will let go of his mind and break through the heaven. ."


After the powerhouses of God's realm returned to God's realm, the news immediately spread throughout God's realm, and there was a curtain of mourning in God's realm. Almost every city was hung with white silk and black cloth. This time, the Seven Supreme Gods ordered that many families sent their ancestors to the evil realm. All those who went were wiped out.

Xuanyuan Tianzun and others were still in Love Song City, and the news had been sent back to Tianzhou City, and the warriors in Tianzhou instantly felt that the sky had fallen. Although they had thought about it, maybe Xiao Lang would encounter danger this time, but they still couldn't accept the news of Xiao Lang's death.

The countless families in Tianzhou City had already sincerely surrendered, but the dark tide surged immediately after receiving the news. Without Xiao Lang, it was impossible for a group of their families to submit to Xiao Demon God Chamu and others.

Hong Dou and the others still couldn't believe it, and asked Xiao Moshen and others to inquire around to confirm the news. After the Wanyan sisters came over, they notified everyone of the news received by the Wanyan family, and several people passed out.

Ten days later, Xuanyuan Tianzun took the people back, brought that faint hope to everyone, and brought Xiao Bai back, and everyone had a glimmer of hope.

Xuanyuan Tianzun spoke again, and Xiao Lang's clansmen will be his clansmen in the future. Tianzhou City will always belong to the people of Tianzhou, and the city has calmed down. Xuanyuan Tianzun was in a bad mood. Whoever dared to jump out to find something at this moment would be dead.

This uproarious matter has been lively in God's Domain for a long time, God's Domain is considered to be greatly injured this time, and the worst is the Long Family. In order to form an alliance, Longqi made a promise to nowhere and scattered tens of billions of purple sacred stones. At this moment, the Long family would all pay for it.

It is said that the senior leaders of the Long Family were also furious, and Long Ao personally ordered that Dragon Cavalry be expelled from the Long Family.

When the news came out, countless people felt compassion towards Longqi, but Wanyan's family was embarrassed. If Longqi can't return to Longbao for a lifetime, what about his marriage with the Wanyan sisters?

Could it be possible that the two of Wanyan Ruoshui followed Longqi as their home from all over the world, and the world fell apart?

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