Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 79: Freak

Opening a fan, Xiao Lang could only stand and look at it. After looking at it for a whole year, he still didn't find anything. He still couldn't figure out the problems he couldn't figure out. He stood in front of a treasure mountain and watched the shining treasures on the mountain. But it was Fa Shangshan, and a deep river in front of the mountain stopped him. Please remember the website URL:.

In one year, the square in the Ocean of Chaos where he was located was bigger, and the amount of Chaos Qi was refined by him, and the energy in his acupuncture points was surging and terrifying, and he was about to reach the energy level of the peak of Tianzun.

After cultivating for a month again, he didn't dare to continue cultivating. He inexplicably felt that as long as he continued cultivating, his body would burst and be completely shattered. Even the origin of thunder could reshape his body.

He didn't know why he felt this way, but he chose to trust his intuition, and he also guessed that the energy evolution would reach the power world of the Supreme God. There are many worlds in Tianzun Peak, but none of them have evolved energy into the energy world, obviously for a reason.

How big a bottle is, how many catties of wine, the sense of heaven does not keep up, but the energy reaches the point of the supreme god, when the law controls such a powerful energy, the human body will naturally backfire. Although Xiaoyao King once said that Xiao Lang would find a way to evolve the energy star sea into an energy world, but Xiaoyao King might not have thought of this problem for a while.

In the next two years, Xiao Lang could only remain silent in his sentiment, from time to time he felt his emotions, from time to time to see the evolution of the world, and from time to time he tried to fuse lightning and energy.

"Emotional injury, affection, affection, dying, affection, lovelessness, affection, anger, love emptiness... what will be behind? Where should I feel?"

"The world was in chaos at the beginning. After the first lightning flashed, the chaos opened up, the heavens and the earth were separated, the stars appeared, life was born, everything multiplied, the world formed, and flourished... What is contained in the evolution of this world The heaven and the earth?"

"Thunder and lightning have the ability to destroy and regenerate. Energy is transformed from the energy in the heavens and the earth. These are two completely different energies. How should I merge them? How can I make the creation between the two more Great attack power?"[

Xiao Lang found that the three roads had fallen into a dead end. The five-year agreement was getting closer and closer, and the world agreed with the beast was getting closer and closer. Xiao Lang was confused, and his heart began to faintly become uneasy. This is human instinct, and the long time of retreat also made him very exhausted and a little crazy.


He stopped and opened his eyes, one hand released lightning, letting the thunder and lightning roar around in his hand, and the other hand condensed a mass of energy, and he vented towards the front.

"Boom!" "Chick!"

The energy slammed on the Qi of Chaos and made a dull explosion, but the lightning was like a sharp blade splitting tofu, shot into the Qi of Chaos, and split a crack in the front.

"Bang bang bang!" "Chichi chi!"

He continued to vent as he talked, constantly chopping out energy and thunder and lightning, and it exploded into a cloud of smoke.


He stopped suddenly, he thought of a question!

Isn't all the energy in the world released by the ocean of chaos? So the energy in the warrior's body is, in the final analysis, the energy in the ocean of chaos. He originally guessed that thunder and lightning seemed to be born in the ocean of chaos?

In other words, can thunder and lightning be born within the energy of the martial artist? In other words, energy and lightning are originally one? So lightning and energy can be integrated in nature?

"By the way! Chaos Qi is so hard, and it is not in a solid form or a liquid form. Why is it so hard that any attack can not cause any damage? Because it is the source of all energy, and any energy in the world is It was released and transformed into various attacks. How can the energy of the warrior damage the chaotic Qi of the same root?"

Xiao Lang became more excited as he thought about it, and felt closer to the truth as he broke off. But soon he became frustrated again, because he found a problem!

He concluded that energy and thunder and lightning are one, have the same root, and can merge in essence!

But he forgot one thing, thunder and lightning can split the chaotic air, since the thunder and lightning can split the chaotic air that cannot be damaged by any attack, how can it merge with the chaotic air? Since it cannot be fused, it is naturally impossible to merge with the energy in the martial artist's body. [

"Is my judgment wrong, thunder and lightning are not bred by the ocean of chaos at all? The whole world is bred by the ocean of chaos, if thunder and lightning are not, then where does the lightning come from?"

Xiao Lang found himself walking into a dead end again, and a trace of thunder and lightning appeared in his hand, jumping and shining in the palm of his hand, making a sneer.

He looked at the thunder and lightning and fell into deep thought. After a long time, his eyes suddenly closed, and then they opened but they were terribly bright. He burst into laughter: "I understand, I understand!"

"Thunder and lightning are indeed bred in the ocean of chaos. It itself is one with chaos, but it has two unique properties: rebirth and destruction! He can destroy everything, and nature can also split the ocean of chaos, and it can be reborn. Everything, so in the repeated destruction and rebirth, the seed gene of life was born, all kinds of new lives were produced, and all the creatures of the entire world were evolved. Hahahaha!"

"I have been thinking about fusing lightning and energy. This is a wrong idea. Thunder has the destruction attribute xng. He will not merge with any energy. What I want to do is not to integrate lightning and energy, but to create lightning! Thunder and lightning are born within the energy, I have the origin of thunder, I can give birth to countless lightning, so that all the energy can be bred and transformed into thunder and lightning! Transformed into a violent thunder with destruction genus xng! Then let the thunder and lightning merge, let the thunder and lightning The power has increased several times, ten times!"

After Xiao Lang closed his eyes abruptly, he began to enter the state of soul swimming, but the origin of the thunder in the 1,008 acupoints inside his body began to roll.

Originally, there were not many thunder and lightning at the origin of thunder, and they wandered and writhed in a sea of ​​thousand and eight stars like small insects. But soon the small insects began to split into two, and the two were still the same size as the original ones. Slowly, the two became four, and the four became eight...

In just half a year, the number of thunder and lightning in Xiao Lang's 1,008 acupuncture points has changed from 1,008 to almost 100,000, and the number is still increasing.

The surface of Xiao Lang's body was surrounded by lightning. From a distance, he looked like a thunderous person. The thunderbolt surrounding the surface of his body was very scary!

"This...this kid, why are there so many thunder and lightning on this kid? How did he get it out? How come each one is as powerful as the origin of thunder?"

On the top of Xiaoyao Mountain, the wine jar in King Xiaoyao's hands fell again, and he accidentally swept over a piece of spiritual consciousness, but it frightened him.

The origin of the thunder is just a thunder and lightning. Being divided into one thousand and eight parts by Xiao Lang has made him strange. At this moment, it is constantly splitting and increasing. Although the power has not increased, it is enough to attract his attention.

After watching for a while, he shook his head and sighed again. It's useless for Xiao Lang to get so many thunders and lightnings. In this way, although he can beat the Heavenly Sovereign for several times, the power of the origin of thunder is still weak, and it hurts the Supreme God. .

Just as he watched for a while and was about to withdraw his spiritual consciousness, his eyes suddenly widened and his body stood up, his face full of disbelief.

It took him a long time to stretch out a hand, pointing to the south and exclaiming: "Freak, freak! Xiao Lang, this beast, can actually integrate thunder and lightning with each other, and the power is still increasing. How did he do it? "

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