Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 81: Gatekeeper of Baihua Palace

Long Ao has been in a bad mood recently. More than two years have passed. The story of the Wanyan Ruoshui sister's flower has been spread all over the world. He even asked the spies to go to the Demon Realm and spread it again, but Xiao Lang still did not appear. And when a figure suddenly appeared on Longshan, his mood was even worse, Xiaoyao King is here!

He walked out of the palace, his eyes narrowed, a smile barely appeared on his gloomy face, and he said, "Xiaoyao King, what wind did you blow? I remember that you never set foot on Longshan."

Xiaoyao Wang's head was raised slightly, and he looked at Long Ao proudly, and said indifferently: "Long Ao, you can't go to the Three Treasures Hall, I'm here to ask you for a treasure."


Long Ao became a little puzzled. He didn't have any powerful treasures. Even if there was Xiaoyao King, he couldn't use it? Xiaoyao King has no clans or relatives. What does he want ordinary treasures for?

Due to Xiaoyao King’s prestige, Long Ao said politely: "What treasure? If it is an ordinary treasure, Xiaoyao King, but it’s OK!"

"Million-year green blood lotus!" Xiaoyao Wang went straight in.


Long Ao's eyes narrowed even more. He had this treasure. It was originally intended for Dragon Horse to use, but he didn't give it to the Ling Meng Bird after it was born. Instead, he let Dragon Horse fight for the Ling Meng Bird and exercise by the way. He became even more curious in his heart, because the Supreme God doesn't need such treasures, who is Xiaoyao King for?

"Is it to Xiao Lang?"

Suddenly, Long Ao thought of a possibility. The cold light in his eyes flashed, and he groaned for a while. He said indifferently: "Xiaoyao King, what do you want the green blood lotus for? Isn't it for your bastard?"

Xiaoyao King's eyes widened, and he said impatiently: "Why are you asking so much? Can you give me a word? I have some treasures on my body, what do you want to say."

Long Ao's face showed a trace of anger, and he let out a sigh of relief: "I don't want your treasure, just tell me who it is for you? If it is your child, I will offer it with both hands."

Xiaoyao King's eyes narrowed, it seems that Long Ao has some doubts? He didn't bother to lie either, just waved his hand and said, "For a friend's junior, Long Ao, you'd rather give a refreshing sentence? If you don't give it, then... you can weigh the consequences yourself."

"Xiaoyao King!"

Long Ao let out a deep cry, his body immediately murderous, he is also a supreme **** anyway? Xiaoyao Wang actually threatened? Really consider yourself number one in the world?

Xiaoyao Wang stood lazily, looking like a rascal, and grinned: "Long Ao, what are you doing so loudly? Don't scare your children and grandchildren down the mountain, thinking we are going to fight..."

"The descendants of the mountain!"

The murderous aura on Long Ao immediately disappeared without a trace. Xiaoyao King, a lunatic, really could do anything. Back then, it was rumored that he would go to war with a supreme **** of the Demon Realm, and almost killed his descendants. This is holding his weakness.

"call out!"

A jade box shot over, and Long Ao turned and walked towards the palace, his face gloomy and terrible.

When he walked to the gate of the palace, he suddenly said with a side face: "Xiaoyao King, I'm in front of you. If you give this green blood lotus to someone who shouldn't be given, don't blame me for turning your face! Your strength is not the first in this world, big deal old man Go and guard the gate of Baihua Palace."

"Hundred Flower Palace? Hahaha!"

Xiaoyao Wang Yangtian laughed, glanced at the contents of the box, and stared at Long Ao and said, "Long Ao, don’t blame Lao Tzu for not reminding you. The man in Baihua is my enemy of life and death. If you take refuge in her, don’t blame me for turning my face. Recognize people."


Xiaoyao Wang left, and Long Ao's body also disappeared in the air. He very much suspected that Xiao Lang was in Xiaoyao Mountain. At this moment, King Xiaoyao acted like this, so he naturally wanted to investigate.

Only when Long Ao sneaked to the south, he saw King Xiaoyao sitting alone on the mountain. He swept his spirits around, but he still didn't notice anything.

He could naturally find the passage in the Chaos Ocean, but he didn't think Xiao Lang had the ability to break through the Chaos Ocean, and he thought it was something made by Xiaoyao King.

After investigating, he returned to Longshan in a jealous manner. King Xiaoyao had too many methods. Even if he probed it again, he still suspected that Xiao Lang was lurking in Xiaoyao Mountain, perhaps hidden by King Xiaoyao by special means.

"call out!"

At this moment, a figure flew from the foot of the mountain, and Long Ao's eyes were about to breathe fire again. How he looked at Long Luo was not pleasing to his eyes.

"Old ancestor, Long Luo has something important to report."

Long Luo knelt down on one knee and saluted. Seeing that Long Ao's expression was very bad, he quickly dared not continue to sell Guanzi. He quickly said: "Old ancestor, a mysterious woman came from the city. She said she was from Baihua Palace and she wanted to see you. ."

"Hundred Flower Palace?"

Long Ao's eyes showed two cold lights, and he drank heavily: "Please!"

Long Luo flew down, but Long Ao was puzzled. For hundreds of thousands of years, Baihua Palace had never been born without a disciple, and Baihua Fairy had never met an outsider in 200,000 years. How could a Baijia Palace suddenly appear at this time? The doorman, also came to Longshan?

Bai Hua Fairy Long Ao has never seen him, and he doesn't know how strong he is, but Xiaoyao can't even beat Bai Hua Fairy. It can be seen that her strength is indeed number one in the world.

"call out!"

Soon Long Luo flew up with a woman. The woman was very beautiful, wearing a purple dress with a veil, and her temperament was ethereal. The strength is not very high, only Tianzun's early strength.

"Violet, see Master Long Ao!" The woman bowed down and bowed, her tone was not cold or cold, but she had a big arrogance.

Long Ao didn't speak, just stared at the woman in front of him for a moment, and then asked, "Are you from the Hundred Flower Palace? Can you have proof?"

The woman spoke indifferently: "No!"


Long Luo couldn't understand a little bit on the side, so he dare to talk nonsense without proof? The person pretending to be the Hundred Flower Palace came to see the Supreme God. Is this person tired of living?

Long Ao laughed, nodded and said: "Fairy, please come in and talk, so courageous, except for the people of Baihua Palace, I'm afraid it can't be cultivated elsewhere!"

Long Ao took the woman and walked inside. Long Luo wanted to follow, but he was stared at by Long Ao and went down the mountain obediently.

The maid in the palace served incense tea, Long Ao waved away everyone, and asked: "Fairy, how good is your palace lord? Why do you dare to go out of the palace privately? Is there something important to come to Longshan?"

The woman who claimed to be Violet did not drink tea, and sat calmly, her beautiful eyes under the purple silk scarf glanced at Long Ao and said, "The palace lord is very good. I did go out of the palace privately this time. I just came out just to mention Long Ao. Your lord."

Long Ao's eyes immediately heated up, and he smiled: "Fairy, please say."

Violet said: "Master Long Ao, the person you've been looking for is...south, didn't you find a passage in the ocean of chaos? It's there!"


Long Ao flopped and stood up, glanced at Violet, then circled in the hall, and finally fixed his gaze on Ziluo Huadao: "How sure is the fairy? It's not me? How can he break through the ocean of chaos? ?"

Violet stood up and walked outside, turned around and looked back at the gate of the palace, "Believe it or not, Baihua Palace is not born, but there is a mirror in Baihua Palace that knows everything in the world. Master Long Ao, what should you do? Let's do it, Violet is leaving, and the palace lord will scold him when he wakes up later."

"Mirror, Chaos Mirror!"

A raging fire suddenly ignited in Long Ao's eyes. Fairy Baihua possessed the world's most treasured chaotic mirror, except for the Supreme God, outsiders could not know that this woman was indeed a member of the Baihua Palace!

He strode towards the gate and chased after him, beckoning: "Fairy stay!"

Violet had already walked out of the palace. She heard Long Ao's cry but kept halting. She just walked outside before turning her head and saying a word before moving away: "Don't ask me why I help you? Ask me how I can deal with Xiaoyao King, let alone expect the palace lord to help you, I have brought the news, how to do that is your business."

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