Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 99: Xiao Lang, you can't afford it!

The door of the Baihua Palace suddenly opened, and a group of maids filed out, standing on both sides in a descent pose, not daring to move. Mandala and Violet, as well as people near the Hundred Flower Palace, all flew over, all respectfully saluting.


Not long after, a middle-aged beautiful woman in a bright red robe walked out. The moment she walked out, the flowers around the entire palace were suddenly eclipsed. Everything in the world seemed to lose its color, and the woman seemed to change. Become the center of this world, the brilliance is not dazzling.

The woman half-squinted her eyes, and she felt a lazy breath all over her body. She was arrogant like a cat. She didn’t see the crowd just walking out of the yard, enjoying the sunshine comfortably, with a refreshing fragrance that made all the maids drunk. It seemed that this woman was not a person, but the most beautiful and most beautiful flower in the world. Fragrant Kao.

Fairy Baihua didn't speak, everyone didn't dare to get up, let alone speak, just standing quietly. It took a full half an hour before Fairy Baihua opened his eyes, waved his hand and said, "Get up, all except Mandala and Violet, withdraw."

A group of maids retired immediately, Violet and Mandala walked over and saluted again and whispered: "Palace Master."

Baihua Fairy’s eyes are pure, black and white, like two of the most beautiful black gems in the world. She didn’t look at the two of them, but looked at the flowers around her with affection and love. There was a trace of fascination on her beautiful face, with a soft opening. A: "During my sleepy days, nothing happened in the chaotic space, right?"

Mandala and Violet looked at each other, Violet said first: "Palace Master, two big things have happened!"

"Say!" Fairy Baihua turned his eyes.

Violet explained coldly: "First, Xiaoyao King chased and killed Long Ao. At this moment, Long Ao is still hiding in the Dark Devil Star Territory and dare not come out. The second is that a Supreme God was born, and this Supreme God is still chasing after him. Killing immeasurable old people, it seems that they are still endless!"


Fairy Baihua's face suddenly became cold, and a trace of coldness appeared on her body. The flowers all around him began to wither so strangely, and there was a murderous air all around.

She stretched out a hand, and Mandala immediately took out a mirror from the space ring and gave it to Fairy Baihua. Her phoenix eyes swept across the mirror coldly, and there were many scenes in the mirror, including a scene where Xiao Lang was chasing and killing the immeasurable old man.

"So courageous!"

Fairy Baihua's face was completely cold, and the aura on her body made Mandala unable to stand, and both knelt down. She turned her phoenix eyes, and snorted coldly: "This group of bastards, is it going to turn against the sky? Xiaoyao Wang seems to be itchy? The lessons we taught him last time were not enough, right? This newly born Supreme God is too crazy. Huh? Do you regard this fairy as nothing? Do you still need this world order?"

Although Baihua Fairy's tone is soft and weak, but the words are domineering and tough. It seems that this world is her back garden, and she is the ruler of this world.

Mandala is cold, and his face is silent without saying a word. Obviously, he is obedient. A hint of coldness flashed in Violet's eyes, but he did not speak.

Fairy Baihua groaned and waved his hand: "Mandala, you go and let Xiaoyao Wang be honest. Also tell the new Supreme God to stop chasing and killing immediately, will be at your own risk."

Mandala bowed to salute, got up and flew out quickly, and then began to move. Fairy Baihua turned around and walked slowly inside, Violet stood up, took a meaningful look to the south, and followed Fairy Baihua into the palace.


The outside world is still extremely lively. Xiao Lang is fierce. He has been chasing for a few days and nights and is still chasing after him. Every time he attacks, he is bombarded by the thunder dragon and the power of reincarnation. He is not afraid at all. Lose the power of reincarnation.

The old man Boundless is miserable. He is the earliest Supreme God in the realm of God's realm. His understanding of the heaven is the lowest special kind of heaven, so the power of reincarnation bestowed by heaven and earth is not much, but he has always been honest in his duties and never separates. The Supreme God of God has disputes, and the power of reincarnation accumulated in him after millions of years is not too small.

But the last time he was hit hard by Xiao Lang, he was anxious for revenge and had no time to find the treasure to repair his body, so he used the power of reincarnation to repair his body. That time, he consumed nearly one-tenth of the power of reincarnation. Just now, outside of the Hundred Flower Domain, he consumed a little and a half of the power of reincarnation. In the past few days, the power of chasing and killing reincarnation has been continuously consumed, and he estimated to continue. Going on, he will run out of reincarnation power for at most three days, and then die!

It is very difficult for the Supreme God to kill the Supreme God, because the Supreme God does not dare to go shopping, killing three thousand enemies and harming himself 800. If you want to consume the opponent's power of reincarnation, your own power of reincarnation must consume more. Therefore, the Supreme God generally does not go to war, and it is not easy for everyone to prove the Dao. In addition, every time there is a dispute, Baihua Fairy will mediate, so after the birth of the Chaos World, the Supreme God has never died.

"Lunatic, this is a lunatic!"

The old Man Boundless kept cursing secretly, and the whole world began to move greatly. His heart was furious and at the same time incredibly suspicious. Why is Xiao Lang's power of reincarnation so much? I feel the power of this kid's reincarnation is endless...


His body appeared above a mountain collar in the Demon Realm, but Xiao Lang's figure appeared early, and he was still greeted by two giant dragons!


The Boundless Old Man was blown up, and at the same time, a city below and countless people of the Demon Territory were bombarded. A figure appeared in the sky, with monstrous demonic energy on his body. A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Xiao Lang and roared: "Xiao Lang, what do you mean? You want to kill me regardless, why kill me?"


Elder Wuliang seized the opportunity to immediately move away, Xiao Lang coldly glanced at the Supreme God of the Demon Realm, and snorted coldly, "Not convinced? Believe it or not, I did it with you? The things I was chased and killed in your turf have not yet been matched You count, get out!"

Xiao Lang chased and killed him again. The supreme expression of the Demon Realm changed. The devilish energy on his body rose to the sky, rolling in the sky and obscuring millions of miles of space. A trace of killing intent flashed in his blood-red eyes, and he was about to face Xiao. The waves chase away.

"The Northern Devil Emperor don't get angry, you dare to chase and kill you. In the end, you are also a dead end! Haven't you seen the endless power of Xiao Lang's reincarnation? Xiao Lang, you...can't afford it!"

A sound transmission sounded, it was the sound transmission of another Supreme God of the Demon Realm. The body of the Supreme God of the Demon Territory paused, his blood-red eyes flickering, and finally he snorted a few furiously, and flew towards a valley in the distance. Xiao Lang really couldn't provoke him.

The immeasurable move to the Demon Realm is naturally not random, but deliberate! The place where he appeared was still above a big city in the Demon Realm, his original intention was to anger the Supreme God of the Demon Realm and jointly deal with Xiao Lang. However, he did not expect that the Supreme God of the Demon Realm did not chase him. He secretly said that it was not good. As soon as his eyes turned, he finally began to move quickly towards the God Realm.

Xiao Lang did not rush to kill him, the power of reincarnation was too hard, and he couldn't kill him if he didn't exhaust all the power of reincarnation. He had no other thoughts in his mind at the moment, he just wanted to kill Boundless, and then go to Long Ao. Otherwise, there will be many variables when the two are joined together.

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