Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 110: New journey (grand finale)

"call out!"

He burst out, and he appeared in a void, a completely dark void. He swept away his spiritual sense but found that the spiritual sense was useless. He shot his eyes around, only to find that there was nothing and no trace of energy.

It was pitch black all around, and I couldn't see my fingers, it was terribly dark.


Fairy Baihua shot out from the cracks in the ocean of chaos. She looked at Xiao Lang who was stupid and laughed. She pointed around and gently shook her head and said, "Xiao Lang, are you giving up now? My palace told you. , There is nothing but nothing but nothingness except the chaotic world. The palace was flying nearby for ten thousand years, and there was nothing but chaos world! Everything is nothingness. You think you can escape if you escape. Now? Dreaming!"

"How can it be nothingness? How is it possible?"

Xiao Lang muttered in disbelief, and his eyes were dim.

Fairy Baihua is very fast, flying for 10,000 years, so there is really nothing outside of the chaotic world. His inference is completely wrong, and there is indeed no one in the sky or the earth who can save him.

"call out!"

A ray of light shot out again from the chaos mirror, Xiao Lang's body was knocked out, and his shield finally burst! There is no trace of the power of reincarnation in his body. There is no energy outside the chaotic ocean in these surroundings. He is doomed to die!

"Xiao Lang asks you one last sentence, are you willing to be my slave?" Fairy Baihua held up the Chaos Realm, she was already very impatient. The aura outside the chaotic world made her uncomfortable, and he still liked to stay in the chaotic world.

If Xiao Lang doesn't know what is good or bad, she will kill him mercilessly.

"How is it possible, how is it possible that there is nothing?"

Xiao Lang didn't answer, it was just that the gods kept talking, and he glanced around blankly, only to find that there was nothing but the chaotic world behind him!

"What do you want? Do you want the power of dominance outside? Let you absorb it at will? Dream!"

Fairy Baihua finally got angry and snorted coldly, holding the Chaos Mirror in his hand high, and screaming at Xiao Lang: "Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

"call out!"

A blue streamer shot and flew towards Xiao Lang, but Xiao Lang was completely stupid at this moment, turning a deaf ear to him, and seemed crazy!

There was no trace of reincarnation power on his body, nor did he release the shield. When the light arrived, he would be broken to pieces.

"What do you want? Do you want the power of dominance outside? Let you absorb it at will? Dream!"

Xiao Lang was indeed a little crazy. At this moment, he was filled with the words of Fairy Baihua. His soul started to rotate at a hundred times the speed at this moment. He was inexplicably awakened by these words, and his mind entered a state inexplicably. . It's like being outside of Baihua Domain last time!

"Do you think that the power of dominance is flooded outside? The power of dominance? Fairy Baihua said that the power of dominance is the origin of this world and the origin of chaos? Thunder is also the birth of the power of dominance, and the power of dominance is the mother of heaven and earth? The source of energy? In other words-the power of dominance in the chaotic territory gave birth to the entire chaotic world?"

"Since a trace of dominance can nurture a world! So where does this dominate power come from? Since there is a trace of chaos? Why can't there be a second thread of chaos? Why can't there be countless dominators?"

"The power of reincarnation? Everything in heaven and earth is a reincarnation! The reincarnation of heaven and earth maintains the normal operation of this world, so that all the energy of this world can circulate, so that this world can continue to evolve and continue to prosper! And the power of dominance is this Dominate the world? Dominate everything? Dominate reincarnation?"

"I get it, I get it! Hahaha, I get it!"

"No wonder the power of reincarnation cannot harm the power of dominance, because the power of dominance is the real core of this world! The Chaos World is not a separate world, but a small world in this vast world! There are countless dominators in this vast world. The power of conceiving countless small chaotic worlds! Hahaha! The power of dominance, you are understood by me! Can you still hurt me? Do you dare to hurt me? You hurt me, how do you... explain to your master ?"

"call out!"

The ray of light in the Chaos Mirror hit Xiao Lang's body, and a water-blue ray of Xiao Lang's body lit up. Not only did the power of dominance not knock Xiao Lang into dust, but instead wandered around his body. , It seems that it is not a powerful and terrifying power that can dominate the entire chaotic world, but a harassing sheep...

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

The power of Domination in the Chaos Mirror shot out, Xiao Lang kept talking nervously, and then the power of Domination did not harm Xiao Lang, but instead surrounded his body, docile and meek like a sheep, everything just changed in the blink of an eye.

Everything came too suddenly, and Fairy Baihua suddenly couldn't react at all. She looked at Xiao Lang in horror, at the Domination Power hovering around him, and then suddenly looked at the mirror in her hand.


The beautiful mirror was torn apart, turning into a piece of dust and slowly falling downwards, Baihua Fairy reached out to grab it, but found that there was nothing in the air.

Fairy Baihua looked at her trembling hands, and her body shivered. Her pretty face instantly became ugly. She snarled at Xiao Lang hysterically, "How is this possible? Xiao Lang, what demon technique did you use? My master. The power, the power of my dominance, you give it back to me, you give it back to me! That's mine, that's my house!"

"you are wrong!"

Xiao Lang's complexion returned to calm, and his eyes became deeper and farther, as if his eyes contained the whole world.

He pointed at it and said: "The power of dominance does not belong to you, nor does it belong to me. He belongs to the true master of this world! He created the entire world, divided the power of dominance into countless parts, and gave birth to countless chaotic worlds. This power of chaos is only contained in the realm of chaos, and it happened to be acquired by you when you were born. You did not really perceive it, and-I understood it, so he is now used by me, and I became a chaos The real master of the world."

"No, I don't believe it! You must have used the demon technique, Xiao Lang, I want to kill you! I want to kill you! I want to regain my dominance, I am the master of the chaotic world! The real master!"

Fairy Baihua ignited an aura soaring to the sky, and rushed towards Xiao Lang frantically, her face completely distorted. Although she did not have the power to dominate, she still possessed powerful strength and a terrifying aura.


Xiao Lang sighed faintly. He didn't do anything. The aqua-blue dominating power surrounding his body automatically turned into a stream of light and shot towards the approaching Fairy Baihua.


A violent explosion sounded, a bright light shining all around, illuminating the void within a radius of a million miles, Baihua Fairy's body was passed through by the streamer, and the whole person was turned into powder and dissipated in the surrounding void space. Fairy Baihua, die!

"What's the point of fighting over and over?"

Xiao Lang's face did not have the joy of a winner. He stood in the void, the power of dominance coiling around his body, his eyes were deep and far away looking at the endless void in the distance, and he sighed: "After all, we are just There are a few frogs in a well in this vast world, and a few frogs fight to the death in the well, vying for the dominance of the well. But I don’t know how many big people are watching the theater outside the well and watching us jumping. Life. Ah, how sad..."

Xiao Lang stood in the void for a long time, and finally flew into the chaotic space with a face full of loneliness, walked inside, waved his hand casually, and controlled the power of the dominion to slowly start to repair the channel cut by the origin of thunder.

The power of dominance, possessing the energy to dominate all of this chaotic space, can naturally repair this chaotic ocean. Xiao Lang opened the cover of this well, but at this moment he was about to seal the well completely.

He still has too many things to do. He wants to resurrect Ouyang Lengyan and resurrect the beloved woman. He wants to bring Yun Zishan back to the Soul Continent to bury her. He wants to find a new domain to let his people and relatives live quietly in the domain.

He still has many mysteries that he hasn't figured out, such as what's in the purple jade coffin? For example, why did the Zimei royal family have civil strife? For example, who sealed Tianzhou back then? There are too many mysteries, and he is ready to go back and investigate them thoroughly.

He used to have no time and no mind to explore. Now he has a lot of time, he is still going to go back to the earth to see, to see what the earth has become now? He is going to give birth to many children, and he is going to tell them that this world is still very vast, there are more and more powerful warriors, and there may be one—Creation God.

He is not going to build an empire to unify the chaotic world.

Because this world is a reincarnation, he doesn't want to interfere with the order of this world like Baihua Fairy, even if the world is destroyed by the war of the gods, he will not interfere, because this is the reincarnation of the heavenly path.

Countless pictures flashed in his mind, he watched the chaotic ocean slowly heal, his deep gaze cast on the vast and endless void, he asked himself a question!

If one day, he finishes everything and solves all the mysteries, he has lived for thousands of years, he is too lonely, will he pick up the saber and walk out of the chaotic space again? To conquer the larger world?


The ocean of chaos was finally completely integrated, and the manhole cover was closed, but Xiao Lang was still not sure whether he would go out, because of this problem, he didn't know at present!

"Maybe one day I will come out, big people in the outside world, you wait for me, when Xiao Lang decides to be born, when I embark on a new journey, this world will tremble because of me Xiao Lang!"

Xiao Lang turned around and flew away into the passage. The corner of his mouth was curved in an arc, and his temperament changed abruptly.

One word, demon!



"End of the Book"

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