Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 5: : Hurt parting

The news of Xiao Lang breaking through the world realm, after the Xiao Emperor City banquet, spread like wings to the entire chaotic world.

Countless god-level powerhouses shook. They didn't expect that the Supreme God was not the end of cultivation. Above the Supreme God, there was a realm called the world realm.

In addition, the news that Xiao Lang intends to leave the chaotic world in three years has also begun to circulate in the chaotic world. Soon, the popularity of this matter even surpassed the news of Xiao Lang breaking through the world.

It is definitely a big event for the strongest in the world to leave the chaotic world.

More importantly, Xiao Lang also said that after three years, any powerhouse above the Celestial Venerable can leave with him.

This is remarkable. It is important to know that the Heavenly Venerate powerhouse and the Supreme God powerhouse are almost the power pillars of the entire Chaos World. Once these two levels of powerhouses leave, the entire Chaos World pattern will change.

A new war may break out, and the forces of the three domains of Gods, Demons and Demons may be reshuffled.

And when everyone was discussing this matter, hundreds of thousands of Heavenly Venerate experts in the Chaos World were making plans, thinking about the feasibility of leaving with Xiao Lang.

Even some old monsters who had been in retreat for many years came out one after another, looking in the direction of Emperor Xiao Realm.

And some Tianzuns who decided to leave with Xiao Lang a long time ago have already begun to settle family matters, such as marrying their descendants with descendants of other families to strengthen the relationship between the two parties. After all, after they leave, the family is lost. If they support them, their strength will drop drastically, and it will be troublesome if they are targeted by someone who is interested, so now they must have a good relationship with other families.

However, the supreme gods who decided to leave were not so keen on arranging family affairs. Most of the supreme gods had cultivated for countless years and had already become indifferent, and they were not so keen on family affairs.

Of course, the name of the Supreme God is there after all. Even if they leave, most people don’t dare to hit their family’s ideas casually. If the Supreme God returns from the outside world, those who beat their family’s ideas can still run. Drop?

In the domain of the Emperor Xiao, Xiao Lang accompanied his few confidantes all day long, traveling around the mountains and rivers, singing and singing every night. Everyone cherished this time, after all, Xiao Lang was leaving in three years.

The four of Xiao Moshen, Dulong, Wuhen, and Xiaodao had long since gone into seclusion. Xiao Lang decided to take them out of the chaos world, and they were also willing to leave with Xiao Lang. Only their strength reached the ancestors. Circumstances, even Tianzun is not, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect himself if he goes to the outside world.

In order not to cause trouble to Xiao Lang, they all resolutely resolutely practiced in retreat, striving to break through the realm of Heavenly Sovereign after three years.

Time flies, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, the three-year deadline has come.


In Xiao Emperor City, a group of confidantes of Xiao Lang found Xiao Lang, and everyone's face was filled with a trace of melancholy. The three-year time limit was over, and Xiao Lang was about to leave.

"Everyone is here!"

Xiao Lang looked at the group of women who came by with a petting smile on his face.

Dongfang Hongdou, Mu Xiaoyao, Liu Ya, He Miao, Ouyang Lengyan, Wanyan Ruyu, Wanyan Ruoshui, everyone held or held a child in their hands, that was the crystallization of their love with Xiao Lang.

"Husband, are you ready?"

Ouyang Lengyan took Xiao Lang's hand, her voice was gentle and gentle, this was her man, the most powerful man in the world today.

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded.

"Little man, when you go outside, remember to take care of yourself and don't try too hard. My sisters and I will wait for you in Xiaodicheng."

Liu Ya also walked over. She was Xiao Lang's first woman. She has been with Xiao Lang since the Yaowang City that year. She knows Xiao Lang better than anyone.

Dongfang Hongdou, He Miao, and Wanyan sisters all came over, hugged Xiao Lang, and seriously ordered.

"Even for everyone, you must come back alive."

Finally, Mu Xiaoyao gently hugged Xiao Lang and said softly.

After saying this, not only Mu Xiaoyao, but the women present reddened their eyes and wept.

Outside the chaotic world, everything is unknown. If Xiao Lang goes to the outside world, can he really come back alive?

No one can guarantee, or even think about it, but they still support Xiao Lang's choice. The hero's journey should be the sea of ​​stars.

"Mother, Daddy is a great hero, and nothing will happen."

Beside Mu Xiaoyao, a little girl who was carved with powder and jade shook Mu Xiaoyao's hand and said firmly.

This is the second child of Mu Xiaoyao and Xiao Lang, named Xiao Xue. He is only five years old this year, but his strength has already broken through the battle, his talent is terrifying.

The other older children also looked at Xiao Lang beamingly, full of respect and admiration.

Their father is a hero!

Everyone burst into laughter, the child’s innocence always brought laughter, and the atmosphere on the court was finally not so heavy.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang bid farewell to Xiao Qingyi, Mushan Gui Chamu and others. Xiao Qingyi, who had been high and indifferent, had a little moist eyes today. Although he didn't say anything, anyone could care about Xiao Lang I can tell.

"Big Brother!"

"the host!"

Demon Xiao, Xiaodao, Wuhen, and Dulong also came. Demon Xiao still held Su Zhe in his hand, and his daughter Xiao Yu in his arms. This was also his and Su Zhe's second child.

Wuhen is also married. His wife is the princess of the Baiyue Clan, Baiyue'er, but they have been married for a short time. In addition, Wuhen has spent most of the past three years practicing in retreat, so he currently has no children.

The knife and the poisonous dragon are still two bachelors, these two guys are relatively dull, they are only keen on cultivation, and are not interested in things like marriage.

Especially with the knife, Mushangui didn't know how many women he had found for him in recent years. The princesses of various big families almost let the knife look at it. As a result, this guy was blinded and angry for a few days. Did not eat.

The reason why Xiaodao rejected those princesses was also very simple. The **** was not big enough and the figure was not strong enough.

Xiao Lang saw the four people walk in, and smiled: "Well, have everything been explained?"

After three years of practice in retreat, the strength of Xiao Moshen Xiaodao Wuhen Poisonous Dragon has broken through the Heavenly Venerable Realm. It seems that they have worked hard for the past three years!

"Brother, when will we leave?"

Demon Xiao said in a deep voice. He used to call Xiao Lang by his name, but he changed his name to Big Brother Xiao Lang ten years ago, because he was not only brotherly, but also admired Xiao Lang sincerely. , Willing to call Xiao Lang a big brother.

Xiao Lang smiled and walked out of a group of confidantes. He looked out of the face of Xiao Diyu and smiled: "Since everyone is here, let's go!"

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