Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 12: :Time and Space Jade Slip

Xiao Lang was worried in his heart. If there are many such star-eaters living in this dark border, doesn't it mean that their chaotic world is in a dangerous situation?

The strength of the Star Devouring Beast is almost comparable to the World God, and the ordinary Supreme God is not its opponent at all. Once their chaotic world is targeted by this monster, the consequences will be disastrous.

His wife, children, and relatives are still living in that chaotic world, and their strength is generally only at the level of a great god. If they encounter a terrible monster like a star-eater, there is no chance to escape.

Therefore, Xiao Lang had to ask clearly, if there are a large number of such star-eaters, then he must consider where to stay in the future.

"Star Eater!"

Speaking of the Star Eater Beast, Ning Fu'er also sighed: "That kind of beast is too hateful. It is huge and specializes in feeding on the chaotic world. The boundless universe does not know how many creatures are buried under the blood of this beast. But. It's hateful. The strength of the Star Devourer is quite powerful. The Star Devourer we hunted is only an incomplete body, not a powerful character. A truly complete Star Devourer, its strength is comparable to that of the Venerable Era ."

"Are there many Star Devourers?" Xiao Lang hurriedly asked.

"Definitely not much!" Ning Fuer said silently: "If there are many such evil beasts, the top powerhouses of the Infinite Universe will have already joined forces to kill them, otherwise, the entire Infinite Universe will not be large and small. Eaten up by them?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the number of star-eaters is scarce, and the possibility of their chaotic world being attacked will also decrease. He still has time, and when his strength becomes stronger in the future, Take the little red bean demon Liu Ya and the others, there should be no threat of star-eaters in places like the Sky Floating Star Region.

And what he had to do right now was to reach the Sky Floating Star Territory as soon as possible and get a firm foothold in the Sky Floating Star Territory before he could take Hong Dou and the others.

"Girl Fu'er, I will trouble you to lead the way next." Xiao Lang clasped his fists and smiled.

Ning Fu'er waved her hand graciously and said, "It's nothing, it's just on the way, I will repay you."

"That's it. In addition to the three of us, our group also brought some fellow daoists. They are waiting outside the chaotic world. How about I call them here first?" Xiao Lang said.

"I'll go with you, and I'll rush to Xuanyu Star from there, so I won't have trouble." Ning Fu'er said.

Xiao Lang naturally wouldn't refuse, and led Ning Fu'er and the Asura Demon to fly away from this chaotic world, and soon came to the three flying cloud disks.

When Ning Fu'er saw the thousands of cultivators brought by Xiao Lang, she rolled her eyes. She didn't expect Xiao Lang to bring so many people, but since she agreed to take Xiao Lang and his party to the Sky Floating Star Region, Naturally will not break his promise.

The three Xiao Lang pretended not to see Ning Fu'er's expression, and enthusiastically invited Ning Fu'er into the Flying Cloud Disk, and introduced them to a group of powerful Tianzun.

As early as when the three of Xiao Lang led Ning Fu'er back, the heavenly masters on the flying cloud disk felt very excited. After drifting in this dark void for nearly a thousand years, have they finally met a living person now? ?

And when Xiao Lang introduced Nymph's identity and origins, they were even more excited. They were originally worried that there was no other world in this dark void. Now it seems that their worry is completely unnecessary.

"Miss Fu'er, I will control the Flying Cloud Disk, you can show the way!" Xiao Lang smiled.

She didn't want Ning Fu'er but shook her head and said, "The speed of your aircraft is too slow. It will take at least a hundred years to reach Xuanyu Star."

"Then what to do?" Xiao Lang said helplessly.

"I have a way."

Ning Fu'er smiled slyly, and then took out a palm-sized jade slip from the storage treasure, and said: "This is a time and space jade slip made by Venerable Ji Yuan. It contains the power of time and space of Venerable Ji Yuan. At the time, we had already settled on Xuanyu Star. It can directly lead us through time and space to reach the vicinity of Xuanyu Star, much faster than your aircraft."

"So amazing?" Xiao Lang looked surprised.

"That's, this kind of space-time jade slip is very expensive. Normally, I don't want to take it out. This time I came out to perform the task, and I took a space-time jade slip to spare." Ning Fu'er said proudly.

"Okay, I'm going to start, you guys are ready."

After Ning Fu'er finished speaking, she squeezed out a magic trick with her fingers, and uttered softly: "Time tunnel, open!"

"call out!"

In an instant, the time and space jade Jane in Ning Fu'er's hand flew out, passing through the flying cloud disk, and condensing a huge time and space vortex in the dark void outside.

"Quickly go in, this space-time jade slip is a one-time consumable, and it won't last long. After this period of time, it will be useless." Ning Fu'er urged quickly.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang injected a surging divine power into the control hub of the Feiyun Disk, and then controlled the Feiyun Disk to fly into the space-time vortex.

In the rear, the Supreme God of Asura and the Supreme God of Heaven did not hesitate, and followed Xiao Lang and flew in.

After Xiao Lang controlled the Flying Cloud Disk to enter the time and space vortex, the Flying Cloud Disk completely lost control, and Xiao Lang did not panic, allowing the Flying Cloud Disk to fly by himself.

Not long after, a dazzling light appeared in front of him.

The light grew bigger and bigger, and in the end even everyone couldn't open their eyes.

The Feiyun Disk was not affected, and quickly rushed into the light.


The next moment, the dazzling light suddenly disappeared, and the flying cloud disk rushed out of a huge space-time vortex.

After Xiao Lang's flying cloud disk came out, the flying cloud disks of the Supreme God of Asura and the Supreme God of Heaven also followed.

Xiao Lang didn't pay much attention. At this moment, his eyes were all on the huge planet ahead.

"That's Xuan Yuxing."

Ning Fuer pointed to the huge planet in front and introduced: "Xuanyu Star is also in the dark border, but there is a teleportation array with the powerful depiction of the era realm on it. We only need to go there and take the teleportation array to reach. Sky Floating Star Field."

Xiao Lang nodded, in this way, they were already very close to the Sky Floating Star Region!

"Let's go! Go directly to Xuanyu City, the teleportation formation is there." Ning Fu'er said.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang naturally did not hesitate, and immediately nodded, controlling the Feiyun Disk, and flew towards Xuanyu Star.

After passing through the time and space just now, Xiao Lang and the others are now very close to Xuan Yu Star, and it took only half an hour to reach the Xuan Yu continent.

The area of ​​Xuanyu Star was extremely huge, not even smaller than the area of ​​the Chaos World God's Domain. Xiao Lang couldn't find the location of Xuanyu City at all when he came here for the first time.

In the end, Xiao Lang and his group of three flying cloud disks arrived in the sky above Xuanyu City.

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