Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 14: : Lang Yunfeng

After deciding who to stay, Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fuer with a smile, and said: "Girl Fuer, these people are my brothers and close friends. You have to help bring them into the city!"

Ning Fu'er rolled her eyes helplessly. Although Xiao Lang dismissed most of the people, there were still eleven people left. If you take these people to Xuanyu City to take the teleportation formation, the teleportation cost will reach one. There are more than ten thousand sacred spars.

However, Ning Fuer did not refuse Xiao Lang's request. Xiao Lang even gave her a treasure like the inner core of the Star Devouring Beast for nothing. There were more than 10,000 sacred crystal stones, and she would naturally not be stingy.

"Okay, let's go, go into town."

Ning Fu'er waved her hand and walked towards the gate of Xuanyu City.

Xiao Lang smiled and followed with Xiao Demon God and a group of people.

Due to the demobilization of the large troops, Xiao Lang and his party finally became less conspicuous, which saved them a lot of trouble.

However, just as Xiao Lang's group was about to arrive at the gate of Xuanyu City, Ning Fu'er's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her delicate face instantly became cold.

"Girl Fuer, why aren't you leaving?"

Aside, Xiao Lang suddenly stopped when he saw Ning Fu'er, and couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, here comes a nasty guy." Ning Fuer said solemnly.

Before Nymph could finish her words, a hearty laughter came from Xuanyu City.

"Haha, Fuer, I finally found you."

When Xiao Lang heard the words, he turned his head and looked at the gate of the city, only to see a young man wearing silver armor, surrounded by a group of people, strode out of Xuanyu City.

The silver armor of the young man was a bit peculiar, with a black sword engraved on his chest, which looked quite extraordinary.

As soon as the young man with the silver armor appeared, most of the monks outside of Xuanyu City were attracted to him. When someone saw the small black sword on the young man's armor, he suddenly exclaimed.

"It's actually a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace!"

As soon as this sentence came out, he looked more at the young man wearing the black armor, full of envy.

Tianfu Palace, that is the place where most monks in the entire Tianfu Star Territory want to enter. There are countless training resources there, and Tianfu Central Empire is the backer. Once inside Tianfu Palace, it represents the carp. Leaping the Dragon Gate, the future achievements are limitless.

It’s a pity that the standards for recruiting disciples in Tianfu Palace are very strict. Ordinary people can’t meet the requirements at all. Those who can really stay in Tianfu Palace are all geniuses and evildoers. The young man looks young, but Already a silver armor disciple of Tianfu Palace, his talent must not be weak.

There are three levels of disciples in Tianfu Palace, namely Xuanjia disciple, Yinjia disciple, and Jinjia disciple.

The silver armor disciple ranks above the profound armor disciple, second only to the strongest golden armor disciple, so you can imagine how rare it is.

It can be said that everyone who can become a silver armor disciple, as long as they don't die halfway, will be able to at least reach the Great Perfection of the World Realm in the future.

The silver armor youth seemed to enjoy the gazes of everyone around him. He stepped forward to Nymph, Junyi's face showed a look of blame.

"Fu'er, where have you been these days? I have searched the entire Xuanyu Star but have not found you. You don't know how worried I am."

After speaking, before Nymph could reply, the blame on the silver armored youth's face instantly turned into a spoiled look.

"But if you return safely now, I'm relieved. Fuer, where you are going in the future, you must tell me in advance, otherwise I will be worried."

"Wolf Yunfeng, please call me by my name. My relationship with you is not so good. Besides, where I am going to have nothing to do with you, why should I report to you?" Ning Fu'er said harshly, the slightest Don't save face to the silver armor youth.

After being refuted by Nymph’s face in front of everyone, the silver-armored youth named Lang Yunfeng had a stiff smile, and an anger flashed in his eyes, but this anger was well hidden by him. Then, he With a helpless expression, he said, "Well, Fuer, stop making trouble. Your father has already agreed to the marriage between us. If something happens to you, how can I explain it to your father?"

When Lang Yunfeng talked about this, Ning Fu'er was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, completely blown up. She looked at Lang Yunfeng angrily and said: "Lang Yunfeng, don't talk nonsense! Although not I know what you did to my father, but I advise you to die of this heart, no matter what, I will not agree to this marriage."

After speaking, Ning Fu'er, regardless of Lang Yunfeng's expression, turned to face Xiao Lang on the side and said, "Xiao Lang, let's go."

Xiao Lang nodded. Although he could hear some information from the conversation between Ning Fu'er and that Lang Yunfeng, he doesn't have the mind to be nosy now, not to mention Lang Yunfeng is still the silver armor of Tianfu Palace. Disciple, he’s just here now, so it's better not to be nosy.

Lang Yunfeng's heart was already exploded at this time. Not only did Ning Fuer not give him any face, but also walked with other men in front of him, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

As a result, Lang Yunfeng's eyes instantly looked at Xiao Lang next to him, full of anger and warning.

Xiao Lang sensed the look in Lang Yunfeng's eyes, and couldn't help frowning. This Lang Yunfeng actually transferred his anger to him, was it too much?

However, Xiao Lang still ignored the latter's meaning, and silently followed Nymph to the city gate.

However, Xiao Lang intends to settle the matter, but Lang Yunfeng has no such idea. As early as three months ago, he had already made a marriage with Ning Fuer. In the past three months, he has been promoting him as much as possible. The purpose of the marriage with Nymph was to tell others that Nymph was already his Lang Yunfeng's woman.

But I didn't expect that someone was walking so close to Ning Fu'er at such a time, this was hitting him Lang Yunfeng in the face!

As soon as he thought of this, Lang Yunfeng's eyes when looking at Xiao Lang grew gloomy. He chased after him and said, "Wait!"

Ning Fu'er didn't expect that Lang Yunfeng would not give up, and was very angry. A pair of willow eyebrows were erected and he was about to get angry. However, Lang Yunfeng pointed to Xiao Lang's group and said: "Fu'er, these people who is it?"

Ning Fu'er said angrily: "Lang Yunfeng, say it again, please call me by my name, don't call me Fuer, and, they are my friends, you'd better not mess around."

"Friends?" Lang Yunfeng's eyes flashed coldly, and said: "Ning Fu'er, don't forget, you and I have already made a marriage agreement, and now you are walking with other men, don't you take me too hard? The wolf family is in sight!"

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