Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 23: : Give them a big gift

Although Xiao Devil God Shura Supreme God and the others were still in a state of horror just now, they did not froze at this time, and they flew up into the new flying cloud disk.

Although sitting in a flying cloud disk is in danger of being hit, it is better than running naked*. After all, flying cloud disk can also block an attack, but if they choose to run naked*, once they are hit by that kind of impact beam In the middle, they will undoubtedly die.

"These thieves still have aircraft available, very good! Keep firing the sniper blaster for me, I don't believe they have too many aircraft to use up!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang's comrades had entered the new flying cloud disk, the World God of Mad Army immediately issued instructions to continue attacking.

At the moment, the three aircraft gathered energy again, and the beams of three sniper impact cannons blasted out.

Xiao Lang's expression changed. He has not had time to enter the Flying Cloud Disk. If he does not stop the beams of the three sniper impact cannons, the newly taken Feiyun Disk will definitely be hit. Then Demon Xiao and the others will not die. , Also suffered serious injuries.

"It's really troublesome!"

Xiao Lang cursed, and then he turned and flew to the destroyed flying cloud disk, hit out with a palm, and the terrifying force instantly pushed the flying cloud disk out, blocking the new flying cloud disk. In front of the cloud disk.

"Boom boom boom!"

The next moment, the beams of the three sniper impact cannons had arrived, and they all blasted on the broken flying cloud disk. In an instant, the flying cloud disk exploded and turned into a pile of debris.

And Xiao Lang took advantage of this gap and quickly flew into the new flying cloud disk, and ran away with the flying cloud disk.

"Cunning fellow, I want to see where you run today!"

Seeing Xiao Lang escape, the World God of Mad Army sneered. He commanded the three aircraft to continue pursuing, and at the same time made the three aircraft emit new sniper blaster beams to continue attacking Xiao Lang's flying cloud disk.

Next, Xiao Lang was driven into embarrassment by the mad army world god’s aircraft. The sniper impact gun was not only powerful, but also fast as lightning. If it was accidentally hit, Xiao Lang was also very experienced. Was attacked.

"Big Brother, it's not a way to go on like this!"

Demon God Xiao showed a sad face, and even Xiao Lang was forced into this embarrassed appearance by the sniper impact cannon. One can imagine how powerful that impact cannon is.

Xiao Lang was also full of anger at this time, the crazy army world **** and their attacks were too intensive, and he had no room for counterattack. This made him feel very aggrieved.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang suddenly gritted his teeth and a fierce look appeared in his eyes.

"Sura, Demon, Love Song, you three will control the Flying Cloud Disk."

Xiao Lang said to the three of the Asura Supreme God.

"Xiao Lang, what do you want to do?"

The Supreme God Shura asked, showing a trace of worry, Xiao Lang's temperament was clear to him, and if anyone pushed him in a hurry, he could do anything crazy.

"Those guys are deceiving too much, I'll give them a big gift." Xiao Lang gritted his teeth.

"Xiao Lang, don't mess around!"

Xing Tian walked over and persuaded that although Xiao Lang's current strength is stronger than them, they are after all Xiao Lang's elders, so they are not afraid of Xiao Lang being angry.

"Yes, Xiao Lang, there are three world gods over there, and the attack power of their aircraft is also very powerful, how can you fight them alone?"

Liu Huo also persuaded that they were actually very angry when they were chased down like bereaved dogs, but the difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and they had no other way to escape.

"Uncle Xing Tian, ​​don't worry, I am not arrogant, but I have really thought of a solution to them. I will not do things that I am not sure about."

Seeing Liu Huo Xing Tian came to persuade himself, Xiao Lang suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded, and explained helplessly.

"you sure?"

"Extremely sure!"

"Well, you go, pay attention to safety."

The Supreme God of Asura came over and took over the control of the Feiyun Disk with the Heavenly Demon Supreme God and Love Song Supreme God. Their strength is not as good as Xiao Lang, so only three people who control the Feiyun Disk together can hope to escape the attack of the sniper god. Cannon attack.

And Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and nodded before rushing out to the outside of Feiyun Disk.

As soon as Xiao Lang came out, a fierce beam of light blasted over. Xiao Lang let out a cold snort, stepped out, and struck out directly.


With a blast, the beam of light was shattered by Xiao Lang's palm, and Xiao Lang was blasted back thousands of meters by the fierce force, and even the sleeves of his clothes showed signs of scorching.

Xiao Lang frowned after he stabilized his figure. He was worthy of being a flying machine in the big place, and his attack power was completely comparable to the **** of the world.

"Huh? That kid actually came out of the aircraft? Mo Tian, ​​Agni, immediately focused fire on him!"

The Wild Army World God spotted Xiao Lang appearing in the void, and immediately said to Motian World God and Blazing Fire World God.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the beams of the sniper impact cannon fired one after another, blasting towards Xiao Lang without money.

Xiao Lang was expressionless, he summoned the last flying cloud disk, and then controlled the flying cloud disk with all his strength, while avoiding the beams of the sniper impact cannons, he flew towards the crazy army world and their aircraft with all his strength.

The Mad Army World God hadn't noticed the abnormality at first, and it wasn't until Xiao Lang's flying cloud disk got closer and closer to them that something was wrong.

"What did the kid want to do, why did he take the initiative to lean in?"

Mad Army World God said, Motian World God and Blazing Fire World God also frowned, expressing puzzlement at Xiao Lang's actions.

"Keep on attacking, don't let him come near!"

Finally, the World God of Mad Army issued an order to increase the intensity of the attack. Xiao Lang's approach gave him a bad feeling.

As Xiao Lang attracted all the firepower, the pressure on Xiao Moshen and the others dropped sharply, and they looked at Xiao Lang who was embarrassed by the intensive sniper impact artillery, and they all showed worry.

At this time, Xiao Lang used the speed of the flying cloud disk to the extreme, avoiding those sniper impact guns dangerously and dangerously, and finally came to the 10,000 meters away from the wild army world gods.

"Miss, you played well, right? Next, enjoy the gift that the uncle has prepared for you!"

Xiao Lang showed a hideous look on his face. He took out hundreds of millions of purple sacred stones from the space treasure, and then put them all into the energy center of the flying cloud disk.

In an instant, the energy inside the Feiyun Disk became extremely swollen, and the entire Feiyun Disk exuded a manic aura, like a volcano about to explode.

"This is the self-explosive formation designed specifically to deal with critical situations when I designed the Flying Cloud Disk, choppy, you will enjoy it next time!"

Xiao Lang laughed, his eyes filled with madness.

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