Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 25: : One dozen three

All three aircraft were blown up, and two hundred defenders were killed and injured. Such a loss directly caused the Mad Army World God to fall into a state of anger.

Not to mention him, it is the Xuanyu family, this kind of loss is also somewhat unbearable.

Their aircraft was made by a superior sect in the Sky Floating Star Territory. The sniper impact gun rune on it was very expensive, and even the Xuanyu family could not afford too much. Now they have lost three ships. , If the Xuanyu clan knew it, I'm afraid he would immediately deprive him of the position of commander of the city guard.

The guards of Profound Feather City had a total of only 3,000 people. In this explosion, 200 people were killed or injured, which is close to one-tenth of the total number of guards. It was a heavy blow.

Not to mention, the leaders of their three major guards also suffered damages in this explosion.

For these reasons, where can the God of Mad Army World keep calm, it would be good if he didn't rush to fight Xiao Lang immediately.

Motian World God and Blazing Fire World God were equally angry, but they complained more about the Mad Army World God. If this guy Cai was obsessed with his heart and had to chase Xiao Lang, this would not happen now.

They all prayed in their hearts, hoping that after the Xuanyu family knew about this, they would be able to open their doors to the two of them, not to deprive them of the position of commander of the guard army.

Of course, they were also very resentful towards Xiao Lang. This kid was too cruel, and he used this kind of big move when he shot it. If they weren't for their strength, they might have become a scorched corpse.

They never thought that when they used the sniper blaster to chase Xiao Lang, they were quite cruel.

"Mo Tian, ​​Agni, let's shoot together! Today I will kill this thief anyway, and give an explanation to the dead brothers."

The anger in the heart of the wild army world **** broke out completely, and after a roar, he took the lead in attacking Xiao Lang.

"it is good!"

The Motian World God and the Blazing Fire World God both responded, and then one after another shot. This time they have suffered such a heavy loss. If Xiao Lang's head is not taken back, the Xuan Yu family will probably not spare them lightly.

"Just based on your current state, you want to kill me?"

A mocking sneer evoked at the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth. He was the world god, so he could naturally see the state of the three world gods.

If the three of the world gods of the wild army are in their heyday, even he can only temporarily avoid the edge, but the current three of them do not even have half the combat power of the peak period, and it is not a concern.

Although Xiao Lang also suffered some injuries, because he evacuated in time before the explosion, his current state was much better than the three of the World Gods of Mad Army.

Therefore, when the mad army world **** three came over, Xiao Lang did not retreat, but took the initiative to meet him.

Since these people wanted to kill him, he didn't need to be merciful.

"Kirin Phantom Claw!"

Now that he decided to make a move, Xiao Lang immediately released his magical fusion skills.


In an instant, Xiao Lang's palms suddenly turned into paw prints, and each paw print contained terrifying power, and there were electric arcs between those paw prints, which was quite powerful.

Of course, this Kirin Phantom Claw is only a fourth-class fusion magical skill, no matter how powerful it is.

Therefore, after Xiao Lang released the Kirin Phantom Claw, he immediately slapped the palm of his other palm three times.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three loud explosions sounded one after another, and then three powerful palm winds respectively pounced on the three of the flying mad army world.

Since Xiao Lang's strength entered the world realm, the power of his previous magical skills has also risen, even if it is just the claw marks of the unicorn phantom claw, it can easily defeat the defense of the highest god.

However, the three of the world gods of the wild army are not vegetarians. Although Xiao Lang's Kirin Phantom Claw and Thousand Chance Prajna Palm are good, they are still a bit reluctant to threaten them.

"Shoot together!"

The **** of the wild army shouted angrily, took the lead in raising the cyan long knife in his hand, slashing out in the air, and with a bang, the terrifying sword energy instantly smashed the claw marks and palm wind in front of him.

On the other side, the Motian World God and the Blazing Fire World God also shot at the same time, and they played their own magical skills, defeating Xiao Lang's first attack.

"Okay, keep on attacking!"

The Mad Army World God shouted, uniting the Motian World God and the Blazing Fire World God to continue to attack Xiao Lang.


Xiao Lang snorted coldly when he saw this, but instead of making a direct move this time, he moved his body and displayed his love skills, and came to the front of Motian World God and Blazing Fire World God.


Xiao Lang gave a low cry, and two black lights burst out in his eyes, shooting at the necks of the Motian World God and the Blazing Fire World God respectively.

Sui's killing speed is extremely fast, almost instantly slaying in front of the Motian World God and the Blazing World God, horrifying the two world gods to the death, and quickly retreating.

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang grinned and sneered. His purpose was to separate the two world gods of Mo Tianliehuo and the world **** of Mad Army.

With the three world gods working together, it was difficult for Xiao Lang to defeat them. Only by separating them could he defeat them one by one.

Therefore, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and after pushing back the two world gods of Mo Tianliehuo, he immediately aimed his spearhead at the crazy army world god.

"not good!"

There was a thud in the heart of the mad army world god, the secret path was not good, Xiao Lang obviously wanted to separate them, and then defeated them individually, but he was still in the calculation.


At the moment, the **** of the wild army world did not succeed, turned around and fled.

His current state is very sluggish, and he has also suffered serious injuries, so it is not Xiao Lang's opponent to fight alone.

"Thunder Dragon, stop me that crap!"

Xiao Lang had long expected that the Mad Army World God would flee, so he immediately summoned the Thunder Dragon in the energy world.


From Xiao Lang's body, a silver dragon flew out, and the silver dragon flashed with white light, and immediately turned into a giant thunder dragon tens of thousands of meters long, and then chased it towards the **** of the wild army world.

Thunder Dragon's speed was very fast, and he even caught up with the mad army world god, opened his mouth and bit at the mad army world god.

"Go away!"

The World God of Mad Army is not afraid of Thunder Dragon. This Thunder Dragon looks mighty, but in fact it is not very powerful.

Therefore, the mad army world **** directly slashed a blade of light, preparing to kill the thunder dragon with a single blow.

"Thunder Dragon, burst!"

At this moment, Xiao Lang shouted loudly.

The body of the giant Thunder Dragon swelled quickly and then exploded completely.


With a loud bang, the Thunder Dragon turned into a huge silver light group and completely exploded. Although the power could not kill the mad army world god, it intercepted him.

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