Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 32: : Abnormal changes in meridians

For the great power of the world, the space cage is not a powerful trick. Even in the confrontation at the same level, this trick is almost completely useless. It is the other means of the world **** that can truly reflect the power of the world god. .

Therefore, at the moment Xiao Lang escaped, Xu Man slapped again.

With this palm, Xu Man's entire arm was covered with a layer of clay.

"Clay heaven, forbidden **** heaven!"

With a bang, another huge cage appeared in the void, but this cage was not formed by the power of space, but a cage formed by Xu Man's use of clay heaven, which has the power of heaven and is stronger than the space cage.

"not good!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and this forbidden god's prison gave him a dangerous feeling. He felt that if he was trapped by this kind of thing, it would be difficult to get out.

"You must rush out!"

Xiao Lang whispered, the firmness of this God Forbidden Sky Prison was many times that of the space cage. Once trapped, it would be extremely difficult to get out, and it would be extremely likely to be caught in a human urn.

Therefore, Xiao Lang did not dare to hesitate, and quickly displayed his love skills, and went out through the gap of the God Forbidden Sky Prison.

Seeing Xiao Lang escape again, Xu Man not only was not angry, but sneered.

"Waiting for you to come out."

I saw Xu Man's both palms sending out, and endless clay burst out like a vast ocean, blocking Xiao Lang's path.

This time Xiao Lang's complexion changed. In front of him was an endless ocean of clay, and behind was a very strong God Forbidden Sky Prison. Unknowingly, his escape route was completely blocked by Xu Man.

"It deserves to be the power of the mid-world realm. Just borrowing a little power from the heavens has already forced me to have no retreat."

Looking at the clay ocean surging in front of him, Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, his strength was still a bit too weak, and he seemed a little bit stretched by his own means when facing a strong one level higher than himself.


In a critical situation, Xiao Lang could only use his love skills again, but this time, Xiao Lang had not been able to move out, and was directly blocked by a more violent sea of ​​clay.

"How to do?"

Xiao Lang was also anxious. The clay had the power of heaven and was very strong. Once trapped, it would be troublesome.

Various plans flashed through his mind, but none of them could really be used, which made Xiao Lang increasingly anxious.

Xiao Lang didn't realize that when he was in a state of anxiety, the 1,008 meridians in his body had suddenly changed.

I saw a lavender breath, slowly emerging from the 1,008 meridians.

At this moment, if someone could look inside Xiao Lang's body, they would find that the meridians in Xiao Lang's body had completely transformed into the appearance of a avenue tree, and exuded a lavender light, which looked very strange.


When the one thousand and eight meridians in his body became brighter and brighter, Xiao Lang finally felt something strange. He found that his body temperature was rising, and a light purple light appeared on the surface of his body.

"What's happening here?"

Xiao Lang was stunned, how could his body still be in trouble?

At the moment, he hurriedly looked inside his body, and soon discovered the abnormality of the meridians in his body, and was instantly shocked.

"The meridians have changed?"

Xiao Lang's face was full of consternation. Since the meridians in his body turned into the appearance of a avenue tree, apart from allowing him to absorb energy a bit faster than ordinary people, he has not found any other effects. As time passed, Xiao Lang did not care about it.

Unexpectedly, when he was in danger, these meridians unexpectedly changed.

"Wait, my strength... seems to be increasing?"

Xiao Lang suddenly stared, and he found that a mysterious power appeared in his body!

This made Xiao Lang both puzzled and happy, but anyway, his own meridians provided him with new energy at this critical moment, which was a good thing for him, although he didn't know if there were any sequelae of this good thing.

"It doesn't matter, rush out first!"

At the moment, Xiao Lang no longer paid attention to the abnormal changes in his body, his eyes flickered with purple light, and then directly turned into a purple shadow, and swept forward.

With this rush, Xiao Lang made new discoveries. He found the power of the heavens in the clay ocean, and seemed to be a little afraid of him, and he actually had the meaning of retreating.

Xiao Lang was stunned. Heavenly Dao was actually afraid of himself?

You must know that the way of heaven represents the supremacy. Although the great powers of heaven are able to perceive the way of heaven, they are essentially just borrowing the power of the way of heaven. I have never heard that the way of heaven will have a fear of someone or something, but now this Seeing the supreme way of heaven, would you actually be afraid of yourself? !

Although he couldn't guess the reason, Xiao Lang felt that it must be related to the mutated meridians in his body. After all, the meridians in his body were derived from the Great Dao Tree, and they were definitely not ordinary.

It's a pity that Xiao Lang doesn't have time to speculate about these things now. He must solve the problems before him.

Xiao Lang, who was flying by, let out a soft cry, and dark golden scales suddenly appeared on his arm, and then he directly slapped a palm toward the clay ocean ahead.

"Split God's Hand!"

"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

In order to break through the blockade of the clay ocean, Xiao Lang directly displayed two sets of magical skills. Combining the hand of God Splitting and the palm of Thousand Chance Prajna, powerful lethality burst out instantly.


A huge explosion sounded, and the clay ocean in front of Xiao Lang was directly blasted through a huge gap, and Xiao Lang flew out of the gap without hesitation.

At this time, Xu Man was ready to call it a day.

In his opinion, Xiao Lang was flanked back and forth by his Forbidden God Heaven Prison and the clay ocean, and there was no possibility of escape. He only had to wait for Xiao Lang to be anchored by the clay before removing Xiao Lang's head.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden explosion in the clay ocean, and a huge gap was directly blown out, and then Xiao Lang flew out of it in a big swing.

"How can this be?"

Xu Man's eyes widened. This Xiao Lang's combat effectiveness is also incredible. You know, when he used to catch those fugitives from the early stage of the world, once he used the Forbidden God Sky Prison and Clay Ocean, he was basically stable. , In the end, he actually lost this time on a little-known Xiao Lang.

The Supreme God of Asura, Xiao Demon and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief when Xiao Lang came out. Xiao Lang was their main combat power. If Xiao Lang were all imprisoned, they wouldn't want to escape.

After that, they all looked at Xiao Lang in surprise. At this time, Xiao Lang emitted a faint purple light. He looked like a **** of war, very mighty and extraordinary.

They didn't know what magical skills Xiao Lang displayed, but the stronger Xiao Lang was, the more beneficial it was for them, so they were also happy to see it.

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