Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 34: : The glorious past of Love Song

"Xiao Lang, how exactly are you willing to let me go?" Xu Man asked angrily after he tied himself up.

Xiao Lang smiled faintly and said, "It's very simple. After I leave Mo Yuxing, I will naturally let you go."

"Don't you want me to follow you to other star regions!" Xu Man said angrily.

"Shut up! You are not qualified to resist now!"

Xiao Lang yelled impatiently, too lazy to pay attention to this guy, and threw him directly into the space treasure.

There is no way. If you kill Xu Man directly, you may anger Venerable Mo Yu. They have already offended a Xuanyu family. There is no need to add another Venerable Mo Yu. Therefore, Xiao Lang can only hide Xu Min in Inside the space treasure.

Later, Xiao Lang took other patrol histories into space treasures, and after clearing the battle scene, Xiao Lang said to Demon Xiao and the others: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

Xiao Demon God and Asura Supreme God also understood this truth, and they nodded one after another, and then returned to the Feiyun Disk with Xiao Lang.

After returning to the Feiyun Disk, Xiao Lang did not hesitate, directly driving the Feiyun Disk, and flew towards Mo Yuxing quickly.


"Those **** from the Xuan Yu family are too much!"

Inside Feiyun Disk, the more irritable Xing Tian yelled angrily, the incident of being intercepted this time made him very upset.

Others nodded their heads after hearing this. Although Xiao Lang killed two hundred guards of the Xuan Yu family and one of the leaders of the guards, those from the Xuan Yu family provoked first, if it wasn't for the Xuan Yu Longbow. He and Lang Yunfeng used conspiracy and trickery on them, how could they kill for no reason?

"Okay, I'll settle accounts with them later on the Xuan Yu family's affairs. You still need to think about how to fool around on Mo Yu Star!" Xiao Lang said helplessly.

Hearing that, a group of people frowned, and the Xuan Yu family issued a reward to the Sky Floating Star Territory. It was obvious that as long as they appeared on Mo Yu Star, someone would recognize them.

At that time, someone will inevitably chase and kill them regardless of danger in order to get the huge amount of holy spar. Once more people chase them, it will be difficult for them to escape.

"You have to disguise yourself!"

Shura Supreme God said.

Xiao Lang and others nodded when they heard this, and then they all looked at the Supreme God of Love Song.

Xiao Lang and the others were all people who came out of the chaos world, and they all knew that the love song Supreme God had a special skill, that was disguise!

It is said that the transfiguration technique of the Supreme God of Love Song is unpredictable, and there is also a story in it.

It is said that when the Supreme God of Love Song was still in the Divine Ancestral Realm, he was chased by a large sect in the Divine Realm.

At that time, in order to avoid the chase of that big sect, the Supreme God of Love Song of Weicheng Avenue changed himself and became another person.

The big sect couldn't find anyone, and still refused to give up. It sent more than a dozen Tianzun experts to search for the whereabouts of the Supreme God of Love Song. As a result, after hundreds of years of searching, the whereabouts of the Supreme God of Love Song were not found.

It was not until hundreds of years later that the Supreme God of Love Song suddenly appeared in the Gods Realm, but at that time the Supreme God of Love Song was no longer in the God Ancestor Realm, and in the late Heaven Realm, his strength was countless times stronger than before!

Knowing that the Supreme God of Love Song had appeared, the people of that big sect immediately sent twenty-one powerhouses from the late stage of the Celestial Realm to kill the Supreme God of Love Song.

As a result, the Supreme God of Love Song fought alone against the twenty-one Tianzun late-stage powerhouses with his powerful strength, and beat those Tianzun powerhouses so much that he never dared to attack again.

Later, the Supreme God of Love Song broke through the realm of the Supreme God. After the great power's Sect Master learned of this, he was very frightened and personally took the entire sect of people to come to Love Song City to plead guilty.

However, the love song supreme **** at that time had already achieved the highest position, and his xinxing was different from before, so he didn't embarrass that big sect.

However, other forces deliberately alienated them because that big sect had offended the Supreme God of Love Songs. In the end, the big sect was completely defeated after less than a thousand years.

This matter has been circulated in God's Domain and is talked about by people in God's Domain. In addition to admiring the courage and strength of the Supreme God of Love Song, they also admire the superb disguise of the Supreme God of Love Song.

After being searched for hundreds of years by a large sect with the power of the sect, it is rare to find such a disguise technique.

Later, someone suggested that if the Supreme God of Love Song did not have that powerful disguise technique, he would have died long ago. In that case, there would be no Supreme God of Love Song who would later Megatron Chaos World.

In view of the above reasons, Xiao Lang and the others will naturally put their hope on the Supreme God of Love Song. Now they are facing such a situation, only the disguise of the Supreme God of Love Song can help them get through.

"Love Song, this matter requires your help!"

Shura Supreme God smiled.

The Supreme God of Love Song nodded. They all came out of a chaotic world. Now that there is something useful to him, he would naturally not refuse.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me to help everyone change their faces."

Love Song Supreme God said confidently.

A group of people breathed a sigh of relief, and they were relieved with the words of the Supreme God of Love Song.

The Supreme God of Love Song didn't procrastinate, and went straight to the closed room to make disguise materials.

In order to make enough time for the Supreme God of Love Songs, Xiao Lang did not land on Mo Yu Star for the time being, but hovered in the nearby starry sky.

Three days later, Xiao Lang suddenly became vigilant because he discovered that the patrol history near Mo Yuxing suddenly increased.

He guessed that most of these people were from Mo Yuxing. It was discovered that Xu Man was missing and he sent someone to look for it.

In order to avoid more and more patrol history nearby, Xiao Lang had to cheer up and try his best to avoid the search of those patrol history.

Fortunately, the Supreme God of Love Song left the customs in time and brought his special secret disguise mask.

"Everyone, here is the disguise mask I made. Come and try the effect!"

Love Song Supreme God placed the eleven disguise masks he had made in the past few days on the table, and then said.

Xiao Lang and others all walked over and took up a disguise mask to check.

From the outside, the disguise mask made by the Supreme God of Love Song looks like a human skin, but before putting it on, there is no effect.

"You only need to wear the disguise mask on your face, and then inject a small amount of supernatural power into the mask, and it will automatically stick to your face and change your appearance. Try it all!"

Love Song Supreme God smiled.

Hearing that, a group of people found it novel, and they did not hesitate at the moment. They put their masks on their faces according to the way that the Supreme God of Love Song said, and then poured magic power into the masks.

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