Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 38: : The last hostage

Although Xiao Lang used the teleportation array of the Sky Floating Star Territory for the first time, this teleportation array had already been constructed by Venerable Epoch, and it was only necessary to provide enough energy to activate this teleportation array.

This is the same as making Feiyun Disks and controlling Feiyun Disks. To make Feiyun Disks requires at least a powerhouse at the level of the Great God. It is much simpler to control Feiyun Disks. When Xiao Lang was still the Great Emperor, he could already control Feiyun It’s up.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang threw a massive amount of purple sacred stone into the formation center, the teleportation formation was opened successfully in an instant.

The Supreme God of Asura, Xing Tian and the others were overjoyed, and when they opened the teleportation array, they could escape the scene.

Those patrolling historians who were bluffed by Xiao Lang’s unicorn phantom claws had already discovered something wrong at this time. The claw prints made by Xiao Lang were just imaginary and in fact not very powerful, so they were very angry and broke them one after another. After the paw print in front of him, he killed Xiao Lang and the others.

Xiao Lang frowned, and it took a while to activate the teleportation array. At this time, these people shouldn't make trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Lang said to the Supreme God of Asura: "You continue to infuse the teleportation array with energy, and I will hold those guys."

"Okay, pay attention to safety!"

The Supreme God Shura said.

Xiao Lang quickly swept out of the teleportation formation and came outside.

At this time, there were hundreds of patrol histories rushing in from all directions, and among them there were four or five world realm powers. Faced with the siege of so many people, Xiao Lang did not dare to do it.

Therefore, Xiao Lang directly released Xu Minyan and those patrolling histories hidden in the space treasure, and then instantly put a sharp dagger against Xu Minyan’s throat, and shouted: "Who dares to take a step forward? I immediately abolished him!"

At this time, those patrolling histories dare not move. Xu Man is the distant nephew of Canglin Grand Commander. He has good talents and is highly valued by Canglin Grand Commander. If Xu Min is really killed by Xiao Lang, it is estimated that Canglin Grand Commander will Fall into anger.

Seeing that the patrol history had stopped, Xiao Lang was relieved. He was really afraid that the patrol history would kill him desperately, and then he would really have no choice.

At this time Xu Man and the patrol historians finally reacted. The patrol historians saw that they had regained their freedom, and they immediately fled the scene without hesitation and were rescued by the surrounding patrol historians.

However, Xu Man didn't dare to move the slightest because Xiao Lang held a dagger against his throat.

However, Xu Man was stunned at this time. He looked at Xiao Lang and said with a puzzled look: "Who are you? Where is Xiao Lang?"

No wonder he didn't recognize Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang had already changed his face at this time and became a man with a scar face. It was normal for him not to recognize him.

"Don't care who I am, you just stay honestly."

Xiao Lang said in a low voice.

"You are Xiao Lang!"

Xu Man's eyes widened and he exclaimed in astonishment. Although Xiao Lang changed his face, his voice did not change, so he immediately heard that this person was Xiao Lang.

"Shut up, dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you now!"

Xiao Lang drank a low voice, and Xu Man was so scared that he shut up quickly.

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly in his heart, and finally changed his appearance. As a result, he was exposed in just a few days, which is equivalent to a waste of work.

Xu Man turned his head to look at the teleportation square, and soon he saw the surrounding patrol history and the large Canglin commander in mid-air, and immediately shouted in surprise: "Uncle, you are here too!"

While talking, Xu Man looked at Xiao Lang and sneered: "Xiao Lang, my cousin is here, don't you let me go!"

Xiao Lang ignored him. He would definitely not let Xu Mani go now. After all, this was his last support. If Xu Mani was let go now, those patrolling histories would definitely kill him without hesitation.

"A bunch of trash!"

At this moment, the big Canglin leader in the sky moved, and he walked towards Xiao Lang step by step, his expression very gloomy.

"Boy, you are the Xiao Lang wanted by the Xuan Yu family, right? Do you know what you are doing now?"

Commander Canglin stared at Xiao Lang, and said indifferently. Just now, those patrolling historians who were let go by Xiao Lang had already told him concisely three days ago, and pointed out who caught them. It is Xiao Lang.

Of course, those patrolling history are not stupid. They deliberately changed the course of things and turned them into suspicious Xiao Lang's whereabouts. They asked for routine inspections, but they were forcibly caught by Xiao Lang and his team and imprisoned. In the space treasure.

"Of course I know."

Xiao Lang sneered: "But I can't blame me for this matter. If it wasn't for your people who wanted to arrest me and go to Xuanyu's house in exchange for a bounty, I wouldn't make such a bad move."

Commander Canglin was silent for a while, and then he said, "Anyway, Xu Man is also the patrol captain of my Moyu City. You are hitting my Moyu City in the face, so I advise you. , Immediately release Xu Man, I can spare you not to die!"

Although Canglinda's commander's voice was not loud, it contained irresistible majesty.

However, Xiao Lang didn't even hear about it, and didn't mean to let people go. In fact, before the teleportation formation was fully opened, he couldn't let Xu Minyan go, even if it was Venerable Mo Yu.

Therefore, Xiao Lang immediately shook his head after hearing the words of Chief Canglin, and refused: "I'm sorry, I can't let Xu Mann go before the teleportation array is activated."

As he said, Xiao Lang's dagger leaned against Xu Man's throat again, making Xu Man's face pale and screaming again and again.

"Do you really think that if you hold Xu Man as a hostage, this commander can't do anything about you? Believe it or not, even if you turn on the teleportation formation, this commander can kill you before you enter the teleportation formation?"

Canglin said in a cold voice as the leader, in the early stage of a small world, he even dared to disobey his orders, which made his heart very angry.

At the moment, a terrifying pressure suddenly came out from him, and then it all fell on Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang suddenly felt his body sink, as if a mountain was pressing on his back, which was extremely heavy.

However, Xiao Lang's temperament was extremely tough. He knew that Commander Canglin wanted to subdue his heart with coercion and let him obey the latter's orders. Therefore, he also gritted his teeth and carried this terrifying pressure. Down.

"It seems that you are planning to fight to the end with our Mo Feather Star Legion!"

The commander of Canglin was very angry. He did not expect that Xiao Lang's character was so tough that he would not let him go for a long time. In desperation, he had no choice but to put that coercion back. It was only a kind of pressure to suppress others. If it doesn't work, it won't work for a long time.

"In order to survive, I can only offend."

Xiao Lang smiled helplessly. After the great commander Canglin removed the pressure, he was finally relieved. In his heart, the world **** king of the Great Perfection of the World Realm was indeed powerful. Just his own pressure gave him a kind of pressure on the mountain. a feeling of.

"Good boy, you have a seed!"

Commander Canglin gritted his teeth and said with an unhappy expression on his face.

However, the unhappy return was unhappy, but the Great Commander Canglin did not continue to exert coercion on Xiao Lang. After all, Xu Man is still in Xiao Lang's hands. It would be better for him to relax a little bit. It's troublesome.

You should know that Xiao Lang did this kind of thing before. The two hundred guards of the Xuan Yu family and one guard commander, didn't he just kill him?

Listening to the threatening words of Canglin's commander, Xiao Lang smiled noncommittal. He didn't mean to let others go, and he didn't even speak any more.

Commander Canglin was very annoyed, but could only wait helplessly in the distance, so the two sides froze like this.

The people on the teleportation square already knew the identity of Xiao Lang at this time. They didn't expect that this guy who dared to hijack the history of patrols actually made a roar in Xuanyu City thirty years ago and killed more than two hundred Xuanyu's family. A defensive army and the ruthless man led by a defensive army.

At the moment, curious and admiring gazes cast on Xiao Lang.

Although Xiao Lang did not look like the person on the wanted list, there were many ways to change his appearance in this world, so everyone didn't feel surprised.

It's just that everyone admires Xiao Lang even more. Only the strength of the early stage of the world dared to offend the power of the Xuanyu family, and now they are openly fighting against the Great Commander Canglin. This courage is extraordinary.

However, I admire and admire, but few people at the scene are optimistic about Xiao Lang. After all, Xiao Lang's strength is far from that of Canglin's leader. Now Xiao Lang is surrounded by Canglin's leader and a group of patrolling historians. Up.

"Xiao Lang, the teleportation array is about to start, come in quickly!"

At this moment, the voice of Shura Supreme God came from the teleportation array.

Xiao Lang glanced back and found that the teleportation array was shining at this time, and a terrifying space force was contained in it. It was obvious that the teleportation array had been fully activated and was about to start teleportation.

Generally speaking, once the teleportation array is activated, it only takes a moment to complete the teleportation.

Therefore, Xiao Lang must enter the range of the teleportation formation at that moment in order to be sent away by the teleportation formation, otherwise he will miss this teleportation. At that time, facing the menacing Canglin leader and the group of ruins The patrol history of a wolf like a tiger, he really can only catch it with his hands.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang guarded the great Canglin leader and the group of patrolling histories, while staring at the teleportation array from the corner of his eye, waiting for the opportunity to rush in.


At this time, there was a strange spatial fluctuation inside the teleportation array.

"It's now!"

Xiao Lang's eyes condensed, knowing that the teleportation formation had been fully activated, he didn't dare to delay the time at the moment, and he shot Xu Man away with a palm.

"People give it back to you."

After that, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate to turn around and swept into the teleportation formation.


However, as soon as Xiao Lang flew out, the large Canglin leader in midair also moved.

I saw that he was in the shape of electricity, and soon chased behind Xiao Lang, the surging divine power on his palms emerged, and the golden light flashed into a fierce palm wind, attacking Xiao Lang's back. .

The Great Commander of Canglin is a cultivator of the Great Perfection of the World Realm, whose strength is far above Xiao Lang, and the power of this palm is far beyond Xiao Lang's ability to contend.

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