Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 48: : Rush to the East

"Zhang Fengling, take your people and leave here immediately. I assume this has never happened."

Mr. Tokugawa on the top of the building, looking at Ling Lao and others with electric eyes, said indifferently.

Hearing this, the muscles on Ling Lao’s face trembled. He gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: “Mr. Tokugawa, forgive me for not agreeing to your request. The thief Xiao Lang interrupted my young master Zhang. Arm, if this is the case, where will my Zhang family's face go from now on?"

Mr. Tokugawa’s face showed a trace of sarcasm, and said: "Zhang Fengling, don’t think I don’t know what’s happening here. I was already nearby before you built the alien space. If you didn’t work hard, Xiao Lang How could he put such a heavy hand? Besides, Zhang Teng mastered the world's magical skills, but Xiao Lang broke his arm. It can only be said that his skills are not as good as humans."

With that said, Mr. Tokugawa ignored Ling's increasingly ugly face and waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's the end of the story. I don't want to repeat it. If you don't take Master Chiyun's order in your eyes, you can Continue to work on Xiao Lang, but the aftermath, I hope you Zhang family can afford it."

Seeing Mr. Tokugawa lifted all the Venerable Scarlet Clouds out, Old Ling could only hold back the unwillingness in his heart.

Maybe their Zhang family can barely fight the Scarlet Cloud City auction house, but in front of the Scarlet Cloud Venerable, they are nothing. Even the Patriarchs of the three major families treat him respectfully and bow their heads. They Zhang Family What's more.

If Xiao Lang were really killed today, then they would not have to hang around in Scarlet Cloud City from the Zhang Family anymore, so hurry up and pack away!

Thinking of these consequences, Ling Lao could only suppress the killing intent in his heart, and gave Xiao Lang a cold look.

"Boy, you are lucky today."

With a cold word, Ling Lao waved his hand to greet those Zhang Family masters, and then walked away with the unwilling Zhang Teng.

After Ling Lao, Zhang Teng and others had left, Mr. Dechuan flew down from the top of the building and came to Xiao Lang.

"Mr. Tokugawa, you rescued me again."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, although even if Mr. Tokugawa does not come, the Zhang family may not be able to treat them, but that would definitely be very troublesome. Now that Mr. Tokugawa has come forward, he helped them pull out the Chiyun City. Qi, it saves them a lot of trouble.

"It's just a trivial matter. I'm also doing business for business. You buy something at my auction house, and my auction house is obligated to protect your safety. Moreover, I also look forward to your trouble finding the wolf house in the Eastern Region, like the Zhang family. I'll help you clean up the stone that hinders you."

Mr. Tokugawa waved his hand indifferently and said with a faint smile. In fact, he would only help when he saw Xiao Lang's potential. If Xiao Lang acted like a straw bag, he might just open one eye and close one. Obviously, after all, the Zhang family is one of the big customers of their auction house. It offends them too much, and it does no good to their auction house.

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly, feeling this Mr. Tokugawa is also a little selfish!

"No matter what, I still have to thank Mr. for this matter." Xiao Lang clasped his fist.

"Haha, all right, I will help you solve the trouble here, what should you do next, you can arrange it yourself!"

Mr. Tokugawa laughed, then turned and left.

Xiao Lang looked at Xiao Demon God, Shura Supreme God and others. Just now, Xiao Demon God and the five of them dealt with dozens of good hands against each other, and it was relatively hard. Fortunately, their strength was not bad, so no one was injured.

"Let's go, offended Zhang Family, Chiyun City is probably not safe, let's go directly to the Eastern Region!"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly. Although they now have the protection of Scarlet Cloud City Auction House, this protection also has a time limit, only ten days. After these ten days have passed, how the Zhang family wants to avenge him, Scarlet Cloud City Auction House will I won't care.

Therefore, it is better to leave here early while it is still safe, anyway, their real destination is the Eastern Region of Qingguang Great World.

Xiao Moshen and the others all nodded their heads, expressing no objection, and then the group left the small alley and walked straight to Scarlet Cloud City Transmission Plaza.

Next, Xiao Lang and the others embarked on a long-distance journey. The Scarlet Cloud City they are now in is located in the northern part of the Qingguang Great World, a very long distance from the eastern part of the Qingguang Great World. Although the teleportation array can save them a lot It takes time to hurry, but it still needs to be tossed many times before reaching the Eastern Region.

Therefore, just sitting in the teleportation formation, Xiao Lang and the others spent half a month.

During the period, Xiao Lang had inquired about information about Sirius County many times, and finally concluded that Lang Yunfeng was likely to be in Sirius City in Sirius County.

The Sirius Territory is a well-known large territory in the Eastern Territory. It has a vast area and is twice as large as the God Territory of the Chaos World. There are dozens of large cities and countless small and medium-sized cities in the Sirius Territory, and Sirius City is the headquarters of the wolf family The land is the largest city in the Sirius Region.

"From the current information, you must rush to Sirius City in Sirius County to find out about Lang Yunfeng." Xiao Lang said.

However, in order to minimize accidents, Xiao Lang decided to improve his strength before going to Sirius City.

Therefore, Xiao Lang stopped in a big city called Fire Wind City in the Eastern Region, and rented a training space in the special city to improve his strength.

The so-called cultivation space is actually an independent space opened up by the great power of the world. It is not very large, but it is sufficient for cultivation.

Xiao Lang was also unambiguous. After entering the cultivation space, he found a place to sit down.

He took out the world source stone and put it in front of him, after a little thought, he began to absorb the world source energy in the world source stone.

Because the world source gas in the world source stone has been integrated with the world source stone, special methods must be used to extract the world source gas from the world source stone.

Xiao Lang had already prepared. On the way to the Eastern Region, he spent 50,000 Saint Quartz and bought a similar exercise secret book.

As Xiao Lang performed his exercises, soon there was a trace of World Origin Qi on the World Source Stone, slowly permeating from the World Source Stone, and then Xiao Lang was inhaled into his nostrils.

As soon as the World Origin Qi entered the body, it drifted towards the heart of Xiao Lang's body, and then merged into Xiao Lang's heart of the world.

Xiao Lang could clearly feel that after his World Heart had absorbed the World Origin Qi, both its mass and volume had increased a lot.

"It seems very useful."

Xiao Lang smiled and continued to run the exercises, absorbing the world origin qi from the world origin stone.

This absorption took Xiao Lang a full half a month.

After half a month, Xiao Lang smiled slightly when he looked at the rocks that had turned into a pool of powder.

After half a month of absorption and refining, the World Origin Qi in the World Origin Stone has been completely absorbed by Xiao Lang.

After refining the World Origin Qi, Xiao Lang's World Heart has also been greatly improved.

Xiao Lang felt that now his world heart had reached the peak of the early world stage, as long as his strength kept up, he would be able to advance to the middle stage of the world stage.

However, improving strength is not a matter of a day or two, so Xiao Lang is not in a hurry, so next, Xiao Lang put all his energy on the "Dragon Elephant Magic Technique" and the newly merged magical skills.

The dragon elephant magical skill is a world magical skill. Of course, it goes without saying that if Xiao Lang wants to improve his combat ability, he must successfully cultivate it, not to mention the newly integrated magical skill. He had already experimented as early as in Scarlet Cloud City After that, the power can completely match the world's magical skills, and there is even room for improvement, and Xiao Lang naturally cannot give up.

In this way, Xiao Lang continued to retreat and studied these two world magic skills.

This research is another half month's work.

In the past half month, Xiao Lang has cultivated the dragon elephant magic to the stage of Xiaocheng.

Secondly, he perfected the newly merged magical skills to make it a little more powerful. Xiao Lang also specially named the newly merged magical skills, called "Split God Prajna Palm", because of this new movie. The fusion of magical skills is the result of the fusion of God Splitting Hand and Thousand Chance Prajna Palm.

With two extraordinary world magical abilities, Xiao Lang's confidence was also a lot, so he stopped retreating and walked out of the cultivation space.

However, Xiao Lang discovered that during his retreat, the Xiao Demon God Knife and the others had also retired, so he had to wait for Xiao Demon God and the others to leave the gate in Huofeng City.

After this wait, it was another month, Xiao Devil God Little Sword Poison Dragon and the others finally came out of the cultivation space.

Xiao Lang soon discovered that Devil Xiao had actually reached the realm of the 9th-order Void True God in this retreat, which is the highest divine realm in the Chaos World. It seems that these years of killing and escape have caused Xiao Devil God. A great influence, unexpectedly broke new realms at this critical moment.

Xiaodao, Poison Dragon, and Wuhen did not break through. They were still the peak of the eighth-level Void True Gods, but Xiao Lang found that their strengths had improved, and they were no weaker than those of Liuhuo and Xingtian. If they were placed in the Chaos World, they would be enough Compete for the top five in the ranking.

The Supreme God of Asura also had some sentiments, but his improvement this time was not much, and there was still a way to go before the world realm.

"Well, since everyone's strength has improved, let's not delay and go directly to Sirius City! It is time to settle the account 30 years ago with Lang Yunfeng."

Xiao Lang looked at Xiao Moshen and others in front of him, and said with a rather relieved smile.

"Listen to you."

A group of people nodded their heads, expressing that they had no opinion, especially Xiao Demon God, who had just broken through to a new realm, and the whole person was full of war spirits, and wanted to go to the Sirius Region and Yixue's shame.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the teleportation square of Firewind City, and took the teleportation array to Sirius City.

Sirius City is the main city of the Sirius Region, and the traffic is very developed, connecting the teleportation formations of various major cities.

Xiao Lang and the others only spent half a day before they had arrived in Sirius City.

Looking around, Sirius City seemed to have no boundaries, it was so huge that it was unimaginable, and the streets and alleys in the city were crowded with human figures, bustling and prosperous.

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