Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 51: Embarrassed

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth, Leng Xiong's world **** is not so easy to pass, the opponent is a veritable late world stage, with his current strength, it is still difficult to defeat the opponent.

Not to mention, Lang Yunfeng also brought five world gods, plus Lang Yunfeng himself is also a world powerhouse, such a combination of lineups almost made Xiao Lang feel a little weak.

"Xiao Lang, if you give up resistance now, I might be able to keep you a whole body."

Leng Xiong's World God stared at Xiao Lang with a gloomy smile.

In his opinion, Xiao Lang is now at the end of the battle, as long as they make a move, he can easily be captured.

"Give up resistance? Leave a whole body?"

There was a hint of sarcasm on Xiao Lang's face. He said: "If you have the ability, just let me go, I want Lao Tzu to surrender, something for the next life!"

Perhaps today was a dead end for him, but even if he really wanted to die here, he would have to die standing up, and he had never thought of the matter of surrendering without a fight.

"Brother, fight with them!"

Devil Xiao said coldly, his eyes also flickered with anger.

The knife drew out the nine-rank divine weapon he had photographed in the Chiyun City auction house not long ago. The muscles all over his body were swollen, and his eyes were fierce and fiercely staring at the crowd on the opposite side. Only when Xiao Lang spoke, he Will rush over without hesitation.

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have a backbone."

Leng Xiong's world **** saw Xiao Lang and the others unyielding, he couldn't help but sneered, "It's a pity, no matter how hard you struggle, you still cannot escape today."

"Then you can try it!"

Xiao Lang's face also showed a fierce look. He was not afraid of death. He just felt very sorry for his relatives in the Chaos World. The Little Demon Dongfang Hongdou had waited for him in the Chaos World for so many years. If he had died outside like this, I guess They will be very sad.

"Xiao Lang, there is a vein here."

Just when Xiao Lang was about to fight to the death, the Supreme God of Asura, who had been silent, suddenly spoke with his divine power.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was a little speechless. It's this time, the Supreme God of Asura is still in the mood to care about the earth vein?

"Xiao Lang, listen to me first. The earth veins are formed by the convergence of earth qi. Generally speaking, there is no lethal power. However, Huang Yanjing is rich in Huangyan Valley, so the earth qi here contains a lot of energy. The rich fire element, if we can collect enough Earth Qi and detonate it, the Earth Qi will become like a bomb, and it will burst out with extremely powerful power in an instant. The power of the earth's air burst through, and then we can escape?" The Supreme God of Asura explained with excitement.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes brightened, and they had just been patronizing Lang Yunfeng and the others desperately, but did not expect to come up here.

However, if it is really like what the Supreme God of Asura said, if the atmosphere of the earth here contains a strong fire element, it may really be able to break through the mask of the Futian formation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang hurriedly said, "How many earth veins are there? Is there much earth energy inside?"

These are two very important questions. Although the purpose of the earth gas has been discovered, if the amount of earth gas is not large, it will not be able to reach the power of breaking through the Futian formation.

The Supreme God of Asura shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Currently only one has been found, and there is not a lot of Earth Qi inside, but since Huang Yanjing is abundant here, I think there must be more than this one, there must be other places, but it is still needed. Look for it. Once we find enough ground veins, we can use the Chaos World's gathering array to gather the earth energy in these ground veins and detonate it, enough to break through this Futian formation."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang felt reasonable, so he said, "Well, let's split up now and look for other ground veins nearby."

Over there, Leng Xiong's World God frowned when he saw Xiao Lang and the Supreme God of Asura using divine power to transmit sound. In order to prevent accidents from happening, he immediately shouted: "Grab these people for me!"

After speaking, Leng Xiong's World God stepped out in one step and took the lead in attacking Xiao Lang, and the guard troops also showed their weapons and killed Xiao Demon God and others.


Seeing the besieged city guards around him, Xiao Lang immediately yelled and led the Shura Supreme God and others to slam through a passage and escaped from the besieged circle of the city guards.

"Catch me!"

Leng Xiong's World God didn't expect Xiao Lang to be still stubbornly resisting at this time. He suddenly furious, shouted, and took the lead to catch up.

"Master Shura, you take the Demon God and them to find the veins over there, and I will get away the clutter."

Xiao Lang said, and then without waiting for Shura Supreme God to answer, he quickly swept in another direction.

When the Supreme God Shura saw this, he didn't hesitate, and quickly left with Xiao Moshen and others.

The Leng Xiong World God didn’t pay much attention to the Supreme God of Asura. His purpose was to kill Xiao Lang. As for the Supreme God of Asura and others, in his opinion, they were just a few small people. As long as Xiao Lang died, these people were not enough. consider.

Therefore, after the Leng Xiong World God saw the Asura Supreme God and Xiao Lang separated, he only sent a small team to chase the Asura Supreme God and them, while he himself led a large team to chase Xiao Lang.

In the distant sky, Lang Yunfeng glanced at Xiao Lang indifferently, and then said to the five world gods around him: "You guys go and help Leng Xiong World God!"


The five world gods immediately promised. Although they are all world-level cultivators, Lang Yunfeng is a direct child of the wolf family and has great power. Even they must obey the orders of the latter.


Soon, the five world realms flew out separately, four of them flew towards Xiao Lang, and the last one flew towards Xiao Devil and the others.

Although Xiao Lang was escaping quickly, he also saw this situation. He was nervous at the moment. Xiao Devil God and Asura Supreme God were only the ninth-order Void True Gods, and the Little Sword Poison Dragon Wuhen were even lower in strength, and they didn't have a world realm. Now facing the chase of the world, I don’t know if I can escape?

Although worried, Xiao Lang didn't dare to help. After all, he had more world realms here. If these world realms were also drawn over, Xiao Devil and the others would really be hopeless.

"Come on! Miscellaneous, my uncle played with you today!"

Taking a look at the Four Great World Realms and Leng Xiong World God and others chasing from behind, a fierce look appeared on Xiao Lang's face. He gritted his teeth and continued to advance at full speed.

At the same time, he used his spiritual consciousness to continuously scan the ground, striving to find more ground veins.

Unfortunately, things were not as simple as he thought. After searching along the mountains of Huangyan Valley for a long time, he could not find the second vein.

"Is there no second ground vein here?"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang frowned, and he was also faintly worried. The ground veins were their last hope. If they couldn't find more ground veins, they would be caught sooner or later.

"Boy, where to run!"

Just when Xiao Lang was distracted, a shout suddenly came from behind.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang's scalp tightened, and he hurriedly avoided.


Xiao Lang had just escaped, and a horrible light of the knife hit the place where he was just now. This made Xiao Lang's heart palpitations. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have another knife scar on his body.

However, even though Leng Xiong's World God didn't hit him, he stopped his speed. In just a short while, the other four world realms also caught up and quickly surrounded Xiao Lang.

"It seems there is no escape."

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang smiled bitterly. He was surrounded by the five world realms. Even if he had wings, he wouldn't be able to fly out. He could only fight.


The blade light of Leng Xiong's World God finally landed just now, and it struck a mountain range in the distance, cutting a deep crack in the ground.


Xiao Lang's brows frowned, and he found that a little bit of earth energy was emerging from under the deep crack.

"Haha, it's the earth vein!"

Xiao Lang was immediately overjoyed when he saw those earth auras. Originally, he thought there might be no other earth veins here, but he didn't expect that Leng Xiong World God would cut another earth vein with such a cut.

When they discovered the earth veins again, hope was ignited in Xiao Lang's heart. As long as there were enough earth veins and the earth's energy strong enough, they would have hope of escape.

"Xiao Lang, die!"

Leng Xiong’s world **** didn’t know Xiao Lang’s idea of ​​hitting the earth veins. He saw that Xiao Lang was a little distracted. He immediately seized the opportunity to split the sky-splitting technique towards Xiao Lang. The sharp light of the sword was like a meteor in the night. Cut to Xiao Lang with a fierce force.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang quickly withdrew his mind. He had suffered a loss from Leng Xiong's World God's Sky-Splitting Sword before, so naturally he would not take any more moves. He immediately evaded towards the rear.


However, as soon as Xiao Lang dodged, there were a few sharp palms blasting from behind, and you don't need to think about it, it was the other world gods who made the move.

"so troublesome."

Xiao Lang cursed secretly, but faced with the initial siege of the four world realms, he did not dare to be careless and could only deal with it carefully.


"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

"Split God's Hand!"

Almost in an instant, Xiao Lang displayed his three best magical skills and blasted them into three world realms.

Although Xiao Lang’s strength is also in the early stage of the world realm, his world heart is much stronger than the ordinary world realm because of the refinement of the world source stone. Therefore, even if he does not use world magic skills, it is enough to threaten the ordinary world. The strongest.

Faced with Xiao Lang's magical skills, the three world realm powerhouses did not dare to take care of them, and they all responded.

Stopping three of the world realms, Xiao Lang flew towards the other world realm.

"Love sword!"

Xiao Lang let out a low cry, and countless love words condensed into a sharp love sword in the void, and he mercilessly slashed towards that world realm powerhouse.

The complexion of that world realm changed. He was not Xiao Lang's opponent alone, so he quickly avoided.

Xiao Lang seized the opportunity and immediately flew out from this gap, and then fled far away.

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