Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 58: Tianlong Mountain

Here, Xiao Lang saw the dangerous situation of the Asura Supreme God and Xiao Demon God, and immediately distanced himself from Ma Ao, turned and flew towards the Asura Supreme God and the others.

"Get out of here!"

Xiao Lang yelled, and a terrifying palm directly patted that early stage of the world realm.

When he saw this in the early world stage, his complexion suddenly changed. He couldn't think that Xiao Lang and him were both in the early stage of the world stage, but the latter's strength was so much stronger than him. Xiao Lang came over with a casual palm, unexpectedly let him There was a feeling that it was difficult to contend, as if he was not facing the early stage of the world, but a powerful late stage of the world.

At the moment, the early stage of the world did not dare to stay, immediately gave up the pursuit of the Supreme God of Asura, and ran away quickly.

The three ninth-order Void True Gods who were crushing Xiao Demon God and the others, after seeing Xiao Lang himself commit suicide, they did not dare to fall in love again and left quickly.


After chasing away those few people, Xiao Lang immediately shouted, Xiao Moshen and others heard the words and immediately followed Xiao Lang towards the depths of the mountains.

"Boy, stop for me!"

Seeing Xiao Lang slipping away with a group of people, Ma Ao was also very angry. He shouted, and quickly followed him with his people.

This is a huge sum of 1.1 billion Saint Quartz, and he is also very tempted, so now he can't just watch Xiao Lang run away.

As a result, the men and horses of both sides chased and fled quickly among the mountains. Sometimes Ma Ao would catch up with Xiao Lang and the others, and then a battle with Xiao Lang and others occurred. But because of Xiao Lang's strength, Ma Aofei I tried my best to catch him.

In such a tug-of-war, two days passed, and because the movement caused by both sides was relatively large, many cultivators passing by nearby all ran to watch the excitement.

However, when those people discovered that the people pursued by Ma Ao and others were Xiao Lang who was offered a reward of 1.1 billion sacred crystals by the Xuan Yu family, some people's minds suddenly became alive.

These are 1.1 billion sacred crystals, even if it is the great power of the small perfect world, it is impossible to ignore such a huge wealth, let alone people like them.

Thinking of this, many people became greedy when looking at Xiao Lang. They also thought very much about the reward for 1.1 billion Saint Quartz.

Xiao Lang was aware of the greed in the eyes of those around him. When the color underneath changed slightly, it seemed that after these onlookers recognized his identity, like Ma Ao, they were not distracted.

This caused Xiao Lang to smile bitterly. They couldn't get rid of Ma Ao alone. If a few more people came, they would be even more difficult.

It is a pity that those talents don't care whether Xiao Lang is hard or not. In their eyes, Xiao Lang and his party are a group of walking sacred crystals, and they will not let it go.

So, among the mountains outside Tianlong Mountain, such an interesting scene appeared.

Xiao Lang and the others fled frantically, and behind them were more than a dozen people who chased them. Moreover, as the distance they flew became longer and longer, more and more people chased them. When Xiao Lang and the others By the time they flew in the mountains to the fifth day, the people behind them had changed from a dozen to a large group, and roughly, there were at least hundreds of them.

"Damn, these **** are all mixed in!"

Seeing that there are more and more competitors around, Ma Ao can't sit still. The strength of those who came before is relatively low, he is not very worried, but now, several cultivators from the late world stage have joined in. , Which makes him stressed.

In order to catch Xiao Lang, they rushed all the way from Changfeng County, and finally found Xiao Lang, and they were about to succeed. Now that so many people have mixed in, how can they catch it?

In front of so many people, even if they caught Xiao Lang, they would become the target of public criticism, and they would soon be snatched away!

However, when he thought of the 1.1 billion sacred spars, Ma Ao refused to give up anyway. After all, if he succeeded, he would immediately become very rich.

As a result, Ma Ao could only do his best to chase Xiao Lang like crazy, for fear that someone would make the first step.

Xiao Lang and the others showed bitter smiles. Faced with the chase of so many people, they had no other choice but to run away desperately.

Fortunately, the effort paid off. Although many times Xiao Lang and the others were in danger and were almost caught, they finally escaped. On the morning of the eighth day when a group of people escaped, Xiao Lang and the others finally came to the Tianfu Palace. The base area of ​​the Eastern Sub-rudder-Tianlong Mountain.

Tianlong Mountain is an extremely huge mountain, towering like clouds, majestic and majestic. More importantly, within one hundred thousand miles around Tianlong Mountain, the heaven and earth are full of pure energy, which can be directly absorbed by monks. A great treasure, it is said that the reason why Tianfu Palace chose the sub-rudder of the Eastern Region here was because of this.

Later, the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace divided the Tianlong Mountain into the territory of the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace within a radius of 100,000 miles. Unrelated people were prohibited from entering. Therefore, when Xiao Lang and the others fled to the scope of Tianlong Mountain At that time, the hundreds of tails that followed all changed their complexion. Although they all wanted to grab Xiao Lang in exchange for 1.1 billion sacred spars, they were not at the same time on the site of the sub-rudder in the eastern part of the Tianfu Palace. Dare to make trouble too.

"Everyone, stop him, don't let him enter the territory of Tianfu Palace." Someone shouted.

Ma Ao was very anxious in his heart, because he was worried that Xiao Lang would enter the sub-rudder site of the Eastern Territory of the Tianfu Palace, he tried his best to explode at an astonishing speed at the last minute and flew towards Xiao Lang.


But at this moment, a shout suddenly came from the territory of the Eastern Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace.


Immediately afterwards, there were seven or eight human figures who quickly swept out of the buildings in the mountains and came to Xiao Lang and the others.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang and the others hurriedly stopped, and the people behind who were chasing Xiao Lang also stopped, not daring to move.

Ma Ao was very helpless. He used the fastest speed to stop Xiao Lang, but in the end he was still a step late, which made him have the urge to roar to the sky.

When the seven or eight figures saw so many people suddenly coming outside Tianlong Mountain, they were stunned for a while. The front door of the Eastern Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace hadn't been so lively for a long time.

So one of the young men in white clothes asked: "What do you do?"

Xiao Lang pointed at him, Xiao Moshen and others, and replied: "Brother, we want to join the Tianfu Palace, and are here to participate in the entrance examination of the Tianfu Palace."

"Participate in the entry assessment?"

Hearing that, the white-clothed youth frowned, but he didn't say anything. In the Sky Floating Star Territory, there are many people who want to join the Sky Floating Palace. They are here to entertain these people.

Ma Ao and the others who were chasing Xiao Lang's tail, saw that Xiao Lang wanted to join the Tianfu Palace to find a shield, and they were itchy with hatred. This is 11 billion sacred crystals. If Xiao Lang join him. The Tianfu Palace, then why do they offer this bounty?

However, in front of the mountain gate of the eastern sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace, even if Ma Ao and the others want to obtain the 1.1 billion sacred crystals, they dare not make the slightest move. Their strength may not be low, but in the Tianfu Palace But they are all geniuses and evildoers, just walking out of a few silver armor disciples can suppress them, not to mention that there are stronger gold armor disciples and law enforcement elders in Tianfu Palace.

Therefore, although Ma Ao and the others are anxious, they have no other way. They can only pray in their hearts, hoping that Xiao Lang will be rejected by the Eastern Division of the Tianfu Palace. In this case, if Xiao Lang loses his umbrella, they can I took the opportunity to catch a turtle in the urn.

It’s a pity that the Eastern Sub-rudder of Tianfu Palace will not reject Xiao Lang, because the headquarters of Tianfu Palace has long ago stipulated that Tianfu Palace will recruit disciples from outside at any time, as long as you can pass the Tianfu Palace to you. You can become a member of Tianfu Palace at any time.

In the face of such rules, Ma Ao and their prayers are naturally impossible to realize.

"It's not impossible to join the Tianfu Temple, but I have to tell you that everyone has only one chance to participate in the Tianfu Temple assessment in this life. If you fail this time, then you will not be able to participate in the Tianfu Temple again in your life. The assessment is completed, do you understand?"

The white-clothed youth looked at Xiao Lang and the others, and introduced them to the rules of joining the Tianfu Palace.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded without hesitation, and said, "Understood."

"Well, now that you have decided, come and take the test!"

The white-clothed youth didn't say anything anymore, anyway, his task was to help these people perform the first pass of the assessment. As for whether the opponent passed the assessment, it didn't matter to him.

Afterwards, the white-clothed youth took out a palm-sized round crystal from the space treasure, and said to Xiao Lang and others: "Come on! This is a test crystal that can detect your strength, as long as your strength reaches the eighth level. True God Void, this crystal will light up. If you can't reach this strength, then you can go home directly, and Tianfu Palace will not accept people with weak strength as disciples."

Xiao Lang nodded. After these days of inquiries, he knew a little bit about the rules of the Tianfu Palace. If he wasn't sure about it, he wouldn't come.

"Try it all!"

Xiao Lang said to Xiao Devil and the others, and immediately took the lead and flew directly in front of the white-clothed youth, placing his hand on the test crystal.


Soon, the test crystal lit up Yaoyang's light, making the white-clothed youths amazed, Xiao Lang's strength exceeded his expectations.

After Xiao Lang finished the test, the Supreme God of Asura, Demon God, Wuhen, Xiaodao and Dulong also flew over, placing their hands on the test crystals, and all the test crystals lighted up unexpectedly.

"Hehe, it seems that your strengths are all pretty good, and all of them passed the first pass."

The young man in white put away the test crystal and said with a smile.

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