Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 63: : Nanyuan County

"What's so bad about this? The Star Eater core you gave me last time. After I got it back, I changed it to 300,000 points. All of a sudden, my points soared to the million level. Then I I used these points to buy a lot of treasures, and it only took two years to be promoted to the world and become a silver armor disciple. Speaking of which, I still took advantage!"

Ning Fuer said generously, and didn't care about the points in the words.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang could only shake his head and smile bitterly, and then walked out of the mission hall.

"Let's go, go back."

"Good Le!"

Ning Fu'er smiled, and then strode to follow.

When Xiao Lang and the others came outside the mission hall, Lang Yunfeng and his comrades were still standing there, but Xiao Lang didn’t have time to talk to Lang Yunfeng, so he didn’t even look at each other. Ning Fuer left together, talking and laughing.

Seeing his fiancée hooking up with other men, talking and laughing, Lang Yunfeng was so angry that his eyes were full of smoke, and the veins on his forehead appeared. If he hadn't reason to tell him to calm down now, he would have liked to walk over and look for it on the spot. Xiao Lang singled out.

After Xiao Lang and the others left, the youth who Lang Yunfeng had sent to follow Xiao Lang also walked out of the mission hall. Seeing Lang Yunfeng, the youth immediately walked over and whispered beside Lang Yunfeng: " Brother Wolf, I have already found out."

Lang Yunfeng glanced at him and asked, "Xiao Lang took the task?"

"Accepted." The young man nodded, and then told Lang Yunfeng the task that Xiao Lang had previously accepted.

Hearing this, Lang Yunfeng suddenly narrowed his eyes and muttered, "That mission is actually?"

Then he began to ponder, and flashes of brilliant light flashed in his eyes from time to time. When the few colleagues next to him saw this, they didn't dare to disturb him, and they all stood by silently.

After a while, Lang Yunfeng breathed a sigh of relief, a sharp light appeared in his eyes, and sneered: "Xiao Lang, I didn't expect you to take that task. It seems that your death date is approaching."

"Senior brother, what are your plans?" Seeing Lang Yunfeng's sneer, the young thief asked eagerly.

Lang Yunfeng glanced at him and said faintly: "It is natural to have plans, but it is not appropriate to say more now, let's go, if there is nothing wrong, we will go back."

After all, Lang Yunfeng left the mission hall directly, and the comrade behind him glanced at each other and left one after another.

After Xiao Lang took the task, he flew directly to the outside of Tianlong Mountain. Xiao Devil and the others were in retreat, and he did not go back. Although this task was more difficult, if he was lucky, it would not take long to complete.

"Are you sure you want to go with me?"

Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fuer on the side and asked.

"Of course! I have said that I will go with you this time, and I've seen that **** evil man feel uncomfortable a long time ago, so I can teach him this time." Ning Fuer's face was taken for granted.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang could only sigh helplessly. He looked at Ning Fu'er who didn't treat him as an outsider at all, shook his head, and then flew towards the outside of Tianlong Mountain.

"Let's go! It's too early, let's rush to Nanyun County now."



Namwon County is located on the fringe area south of the Eastern Region of Qingguang Great World. It borders the Southern Region of Qingguang Great World and is very far away from the center of the Eastern Region.

The Celadon World is divided into four regions, southeast, northwest and northwest. Each of these regions is extremely vast. However, unlike the prosperous Eastern Region, the southern region of the Celadon World is extremely chaotic. People of the three religions and nine generations take root here, and heretics are endless.

As Namwon County, which is next to the Southern Region, it is somewhat affected by the Southern Region. Although due to the governance of the Eastern Region, Namwon County is not as chaotic as the Southern Region, but it has clear rules with others. Compared with the constrained big county, Namwon County is obviously much chaotic.

Over the years, certain forces in the Southern Region have always wanted to extend their minions to the Eastern Region. After all, the Eastern Region is too prosperous, and no force does not covet it. As the largest county closest to the Southern Region, Nanyuan County bears the brunt of the Southern Region. The target of those forces.

The Blood Fiend Sect is one of these forces that want to extend their minions to the Eastern Region. Moreover, the Blood Fiend Sect has established a sect in Nanyuan County for a long time. Before that, because the Blood Fiend Sect did not do anything evil. Behavior, so the Eastern Region did not pay much attention to these things. After all, the Southern Region forces that infiltrated Nanyuan County did not stop the bleeding of the Shazong.

But recently, in Nanyuan County, there has been an astonishing news that the Sect Master of the Blood Fiend Sect, Xue Shazi, killed thousands of children and sacrificed them to some ancient evil **** in order to practice a certain evil technique. .

As soon as this incident came out, it attracted the attention of the Eastern Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace, and immediately sent someone to Nanyuan County to investigate the matter. It turned out that most of the matter was true, and that blood evil spirit did kill. Many children bleed blood to practice certain evil techniques. As for whether the blood evil spirits sacrificed these children to some ancient evil god, it has not been confirmed.

However, although this matter has not been confirmed, even if it is just a little wind, such a thing is absolutely not allowed in the Tianfu Star Region, because the people of the Tianfu Star Region can only believe in the Emperor Tianfu, and other gods absolutely Can't appear in the Sky Floating Star Territory, once discovered, will definitely be severely hit by the Sky Floating Palace.

This is also why, Tianfu Palace will hang this task at the top of the eighth level mission, and one of the reasons why the points are equivalent to the nineth level mission is to allow the disciples under the sect to destroy the blood evil spirits and float right. The prestige of the Central Empire.

Xiao Lang was not interested in these things, because he never believed in anyone, even the Great Emperor Tianfu. He just couldn't understand the evil deeds of the blood evil son and the point value of that one million. Only interested.

Of course, although Xiao Lang took the task, he was not dazzled by the one million points value. He knew in his heart that this task was definitely not so easy to complete, and Tianfu Palace had such a high point value. Reward, but until now, no Tianfu Temple disciple can get that reward, and it has been able to explain the problem.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er spent five days riding in the teleportation array to Nanyuan County, they did not rush to the Blood Demon Sect, but wandered around Nanyun County, by the way, investigate the blood demon. Some situations of the case.

After all, there is an old saying that it is good to know yourself and the enemy before you can win all battles. Now Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er don’t understand the blood evil sect and the blood evil sect. If they rush to find the blood evil sect, the result will be very good. Like the previous Tianfu Temple disciples who took over the task, the Bajiu Society was defeated by the Blood Fiend and returned, and might even have lost his life for it.

Therefore, Xiao Lang is not in a hurry. Anyway, the enemy is in the light and he is in the dark. He has a lot of time to inquire about the situation, and he will have a higher chance of completing the action only after inquiring about the situation. task.

Therefore, Xiao Lang spent four or five days searching for news in several big cities in Nanyun County, trying his best to search for things related to the Blood Fiend Sect.

However, what disappointed Xiao Lang was that although the Blood Fiend Sect had already taken root in Nam Won County, it was located in the south of Nam Won County and was far away. As a result, the news here was not very circulating. Zong acts low-key and his whereabouts are uncertain, so people in Nanyuan County are not very familiar with the Blood Fiend Sect, and there is very little news that Xiao Lang can inquire.

This made Xiao Lang a little depressed, unable to inquire about the news, and then unable to understand the blood evil sect deeply, which was quite unfavorable for his plan to deal with the blood evil sect.

"It seems that completing this task is really not that simple!" Xiao Lang sighed.

Nymph was also depressed, and the successive losses these days made her feel like she could do nothing.

"It seems that you have to go deep into the enemy's hinterland. Only in these places to find out the news, I guess you can't find anything useful." Xiao Lang shook his head and said.

"Are you going to the south?"

Hearing this, Ning Fu'er asked with a hint of surprise on her pretty face.


Xiao Lang nodded and said with a wry smile: "There is no way. There is no useful information in these places. Only by going deep into the enemy's hinterland can there be hope."

Nymph was silent. Indeed, the Blood Fiend Sect covered herself very tightly, and it was difficult for outsiders to know what was going on inside, at least in these big cities of Nanyuan County, it was difficult to inquire about the Blood Fiend Sect.

After the decision was made, Xiao Lang got up and flew out of the big city, and Ning Fuer followed.

The big cities of Namwon County are basically close to other big counties in the Eastern Region, and the southern part of Namwon County has been infiltrated by the forces of the Southern Region because it is next to the southern region of the Qingguang Great World. Although there are some cities in the south of Namyun County, but Because the scale of these cities is not very large, there is no teleportation formation that arrives directly at all, Xiao Lang and the others can only fly over by themselves.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang and Nymph are both powerful in the world. They are not only proficient in the art of great movement, but also have some understanding of the power of space. Therefore, Xiao Lang and Nymph have only spent less than ten days. Arrived to the south of Namwon County.

Xiao Lang discovered that the southern part of Nanyuan County was obviously a lot more remote than other places. There were barren mountains and ridges everywhere, and it was difficult to see large cities, even small and medium cities.

After careful observation and deliberation, Xiao Lang decided to go to Absolute Wind City, which is closer to the Blood Fiend Sect.

Three days later, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er finally came outside of Absolute Wind City.

Although Absolute Wind City is only a medium-sized city, it can be regarded as a big city in the southern part of Namwon County, but it is obviously not as prosperous and lively as other cities in the Eastern Region. The flow of people into Absolute Wind City appears to be relatively sparse .

Of course, Xiao Lang didn't pay attention to these. After taking a rest, he walked into the City of Absolute Wind with Nymph, and then walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

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