Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 70: Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel

As the mysterious power in his body continued to increase, Xiao Lang's strength soon surpassed his usual peak level and reached the mid-world level.

This sudden increase in power made Xiao Lang feel very refreshed in his heart. He shouted, and the dragon elephant pattern on his arms immediately burst out with a dazzling light.

"Dragon Elephant Seal!"

Hearing only a low drink from Xiao Lang, the dragon elephant pattern on both arms shot out a dragon shadow and an elephant shadow, and the two light and shadow quickly merged together, and then turned into a dragon elephant seal and blasted toward the blood-colored fist.


Soon, Long Xiangyin slammed into the scarlet fist and removed most of the power from the scarlet fist.

With the help of Long Xiangyin, Xiao Lang's pressure was greatly reduced. He seized the opportunity and immediately fled here.


After Xiao Lang retreated to a safe distance, Xiao Lang changed his hand sign and immediately gave a low drink. The light on the dragon elephant seal instantly rose. Immediately after he heard a "bang", the entire dragon elephant seal exploded, huge. The impact force made the Scarlet Fist unable to move forward, and even some cracks appeared on the surface of the Scarlet Fist, which was obviously about to collapse.

Seeing that he couldn't kill Xiao Lang with three successive moves of the Blood Demon True Fist, the expression of the blood evil spirit was also pale. He did not expect Xiao Lang to be so powerful. You must know that under the continuous attacks of his three moves , That is, the monks in the late world stage will suffer a big loss. Xiao Lang actually intercepted all these three moves in the early stage of the world stage, making him both surprised and angry, and at the same time the killing intent in his heart became more and more intense.

"Master, I won't play with you, goodbye!"

However, before Xue Shazi could use a new method, Xiao Lang sneered, and immediately turned and left without hesitation. After the delay, Ning Fuer had already run away, and he didn't need to stay staying. Here it is.

Next, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate to use the energy in his body and moved frantically in the direction of the volcanic valley.

"Damn bastard!"

Seeing Xiao Lang actually turned and escaped, Xue Shazi's expression turned pale, he cursed, and Xuan even led the rest of his subordinates and quickly chased Xiao Lang.

Next, Xiao Lang and Xue Shazi and the others were chasing and fleeing between the 100,000 li mountains outside of the Blood Sha sect, and the speed of both sides was used to the extreme.

However, since that mysterious power emerged from Xiao Lang's body, Xiao Lang's speed also increased a lot, and even Xue Shazi could not catch him for a while.

Finally, after more than half an hour, Xiao Lang's speed slowed down, and the volcanic valley was almost here.

Taking a look at Xue Shazi who was catching up quickly behind him, Xiao Lang showed a sneer on his face, and then his figure continued to swoop out and rushed into the volcanic valley.

"Xiao Lang, here!"

Xiao Lang had just entered the volcanic valley, and a figure flew over in the distance, which had escaped Ning Fuer before.

Seeing that Ning Fu'er was okay, Xiao Lang also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he immediately flew to Ning Fu'er and said: "Blood Shaman has caught up with him, get ready."

Ning Fu'er nodded. At this time, she had changed back to her previous dress, which was no longer as hot as before, but it matched her temperament better.

"call out!"

Outside the Fire Valley, Xue Shazi quickly flew over. Seeing Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er both here, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he showed a trace of doubt.

"Why don't you two run away?"

Xue Shazi stopped opposite Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er, he asked in a low voice, Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er's sudden stop behavior made him feel a little vigilant, he asked, and released his mind carefully. Scanning the surrounding environment, but did not scan any abnormalities, this situation aggravated his doubts.

"Our goal has been achieved, so naturally there is no need to run."

Xiao Lang smiled faintly, now that the blood evil spirit has been successfully introduced into the attack area of ​​the gathering formation, as long as he displays the gathering formation, the blood evil spirit will be almost like the turtle in the urn.

"Really? It seems that you brought me here on purpose?" Xue Shazi stared at Xiao Lang gloomily, and said in a deep voice.

"You are right."

Xiao Lang did not deny this, anyway, the blood evil spirit had already successfully taken the bait, he didn't have to worry about the blood evil spirit running away.

"Hehe, is it? Then I have to take a look, what tricks you two ants can make?"

Seeing Xiao Lang confessing his intentions, Xue Shazi was taken aback for a moment, and then sneered. He had already used his divine sense to investigate the surrounding situation and found no ambush nearby, so he didn't think that it was based on Xiao Lang. The strength of the two people and Nymph can produce something that threatens him.

"as you wish."

Xiao Lang also smiled faintly. He nodded to the Nymph on the side. The latter immediately understood, and then retreated to the distance, began to activate the ground formation, gathering the earth energy in the surrounding earth veins.

Before going to the Blood Fiend Sect, Xiao Lang had already taught Nymph how to use the gathering formation, so Ningfu was quite familiar with it, and quickly activated the ground veins in the entire volcanic valley.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

For a time, in the entire volcanic valley, countless earth gas rose from the earth to the sky, and the scene was magnificent.


When Nymph saw this, she immediately made a move with both hands. As if being pulled, the air of the earth quickly gathered above her head, and then condensed into an energy sphere above Nymph's head.

"Oh? Is this the atmosphere of the earth?"

Seeing this scene, Xue Shazi was also stunned. Although he didn't know how to use the Qi of the Earth, he had previously seen a strong man of the Great Perfection of the World Realm use the Qi of the Earth. The consummate powerhouse gathers a considerable amount of earth energy, and then uses some kind of secret technique to detonate it. Those earth energy erupts with destructive power in an instant, and even enemies higher than him are severely injured. Now that Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er had gathered the Qi of the Earth, Xue Shazi suddenly became vigilant in his heart.

"Can't let them gather successfully!"

Xue Shazi groaned in his heart, and then he stepped out and flew towards Nymph.

Xiao Lang naturally wouldn't let the blood evil spirit approach Ning Fu'er, so when the blood evil spirit approached, he immediately moved, and then intercepted the blood evil spirit son.

"Go away!"

Xue Shazi shouted in a low voice, and the two blood demons directly punched out. Although he wanted to kill Xiao Lang, the most urgent thing was to stop the energy of Nymph's gathering place.

Xue Shazi knew very well in his heart that he could truly remain invincible only if the energy of Ning Fuer's gathering place was prevented and Xiao Lang and the others had no means to resist.

Once Nymph successfully gathers the energy of the earth energy, everything is hard to say. After all, the great power he has seen before using the earth energy to fight, but left him. Very impressed.

On this side, Xiao Lang also unambiguously launched a counterattack in the face of the two blood demon real punches hit by the blood evil spirit.

"Dragon Elephant Seal!"

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

Xiao Lang's counterattack was simple. He directly displayed two world magical abilities, and then punched the two true blood demons.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the next moment, Xiao Lang’s two world magical abilities slammed into the blood demon true fist, making two deafening explosions. Fortunately, Xiao Lang now has a mysterious power bonus, the power of those two world magical abilities. Only by adding a lot can the two blood demon real punches be intercepted.

Xue Shazi had expected this result a long time ago, and immediately shot again, only to see that his hands were knotted, he was muttering words, and after a long while he whispered: "Blood Demon Hands!"

With the low voice of Xue Shazi, a huge blood-red arm appeared in the endless blood mist behind him. As soon as the blood-red arm appeared, it was under the control of Xue Shazi. , Quickly grabbed Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang's complexion was quite solemn. The blood demon hand used by the blood evil spirit this time was obviously much stronger than the previous blood demon true fist, and the huge blood demon arm seemed to be a real existence. Feeling hard to crack.


Xiao Lang gritted his teeth. He knew the current situation very well. If Ning Fu'er didn't buy some time, Ning Fu'er would not be able to complete the gathering formation and their plan would have failed.

Therefore, Xiao Lang immediately stretched out his hands and activated the dragon image mark on his arms.

For a moment, the dragon-like imprints on Xiao Lang's arms burst out with a burst of brilliance, and in a blink of an eye, a dragon-like imprint was formed in the void.

However, Xiao Lang knew very well that the Dragon Elephant Seal alone could not repel the blood demon hand of the blood evil spirit, and that he had to have stronger power to hope for success.

Therefore, Xiao Lang continued to urge the energy in his body to surge towards the dragon image mark on his arms.

"Come out!"

When Xiao Lang shouted loudly, the two dragon-like imprints on his arm unexpectedly burst into two beams again.

Those two light beams irradiated the dragon elephant seal, unexpectedly changed again.

I saw that the shape of the Dragon Elephant Seal had changed to a circular shape at this moment. After a while, the Dragon Elephant Seal had completely changed its appearance and turned into a very conspicuous round golden light wheel.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

Xiao Lang shouted in a low voice, his hands altered, and the golden light on the round golden light wheel soared, and immediately flew towards the blood demon hand of the blood evil spirit.

The Dragon Elephant Divine Art is divided into two levels. The first level is the Dragon Elephant Seal. Xiao Lang has used it many times now and is quite skilled in this.

The second level of Dragon Elephant Divine Art practiced on the Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel. Xiao Lang didn't have enough realm before and had never used it. This was the first time.


As Xiao Lang drove the dragon elephant golden wheel forward, the next moment the dragon elephant light wheel collided with the blood demon hand of the blood evil spirit, and a fierce fire burst out in the sky.

In the end, the power of the dragon elephant golden wheel was still a bit weaker, and was smashed by the blood demon hand.

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