Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 73: Come to kill

The Void Great Hand played this time by Absolute Wind City Lord is much more condensed than before. Not only that, there are a series of light golden runes on the Void Great Hand, which looks very mysterious and its power is bound to be good.

Upon seeing this, Xue Shazi also changed his complexion. He still had some understanding of the Lord of the Wind. The golden rune of the empty hand was the magical skill of the Lord of the Wind, "Splitting Empty Hand". The world's magical skills are very powerful.

The blood evil spirit is very depressed. Among the people here, he is not afraid of anyone else, but he is full of jealousy towards the Lord of the Wind. Now facing the city Lord of the Wind, he does not want to face it head-on. But because Hong Quan had delayed him for a while, the Lord of the Wind was already very close to him, and it was too late for him to escape.

"What a bad luck!"

Xue Shazi cursed secretly, unable to avoid the attack of the Lord of the Wind, he could only choose to face the Lord of the Wind, but because of the difference in strength between the two sides, once a confrontation occurs, the injury in his body will inevitably increase again. , Maybe it will really fall here.

At this point, Xue Shazi gritted his teeth fiercely, and a cruel color flashed in his eyes, and then he bit the tip of his tongue again, spitting out a burst of blood into the endless blood mist behind him.

In an instant, the endless blood mist turned into a monstrous sea of ​​blood, and a huge blood-colored skeleton appeared from it. It was the evil power "Blood Demon Coming" that the blood evil spirit had previously performed.

As soon as the scarlet skeleton appeared, there was a roar, and then under the command of Xue Shazi, he grabbed the huge void with his hand.

And because of the second loss of essence and blood, the injuries in the blood evil child's body are now more serious than before, and the breath is very vacant and unstable, no longer the prestige before.


In the midair, the huge scarlet skeleton finally collided head-to-head with City Lord Absolute Wind's Sundering Hand. The terrifying impact immediately caused a strong shock wave, and the blood evil face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Xue Shazi gritted his teeth fiercely, and immediately took out a high-level space jade card from the space treasure. He stared fiercely at the City Master of Juefeng and Xiao Lang and others, gritted his teeth and said: "Juefeng, Xiao Lang, Hong Quan, I remember today's affairs, and in the future, my **** evil son will definitely visit one by one. Calculate today's accounts!"

After speaking, the blood evil spirit directly crushed the high-level space jade medallion away.

Hearing the sound of "Om!", a strong spatial force immediately appeared around him, enveloping the blood evil spirit.

"not good!"

"Stop him!"

The City Lord of Absolute Wind, Xiao Lang Hongquan and others were all shocked. The Space Jade Card has powerful space power and can transport people to other places. If the blood evil spirit successfully uses the Space Jade card, they will kill the blood evil spirit this time. Zi's ​​plan also failed.

Thinking of this, the City Master of Absolute Wind no longer paid attention to the huge blood-colored skull, his figure swept out, the silver-white light on his palm lit up, and he quickly grabbed it towards Xue Shazi.

On the other hand, Xiao Lang displayed the power of love and space, moving madly towards the blood evil spirit, and at the same time he used the power of affection to try to delay the blood evil spirit.

It is a pity that they were a step late after all, when they arrived, the figure of the blood evil spirit had been teleported away by the power of the space jade card.

"Damn it!"

The Lord of the Wind had an ugly expression. He didn't expect that he still could not stop the blood evil spirit in this situation, which made him feel annoyed.

Xiao Lang was also very helpless. He didn't expect that the blood evil spirit had a space jade card. If it was an ordinary space jade card, the blood evil spirit would definitely not be able to escape, but the blood evil spirit's space jade card had a very high level and was teleported. The speed is very fast, even if he joins forces with the City Master of Absolute Wind, he can only watch the blood evil spirit slip away from them.

At the moment, Xiao Lang looked at the depressed City Master of Extreme Wind, and said with a wry smile: "City Master, the blood evil spirit has already run away, what are your plans next?"

City Master Juefeng glanced at Xiao Lang, and said helplessly: "This time we are completely torn between the blood evil sect, so I decided to attack the blood evil sect immediately before the blood evil sect had not reacted. So I can kill them by surprise."

Xiao Lang nodded, this is a way.

"I agree!"

Hong Quan also flew over at this time, holding up a sign of approval, and said: "Blood Shazi is a perverse and violent person, and he has always been retributable to his enemies. This time we have forged such an insoluble beam with him. There is no room for maneuver. In that case, it is better to take advantage of the time to defeat the Blood Sect in one fell swoop."

"Yes! Go into the blood evil sect in one go, don't give the blood evil time to breathe."

Wei Yunde, the head of the Wei family, and Geng Changsong, the head of the Geng family, also nodded in agreement.

Seeing that none of the three Patriarchs objected, City Master Juefeng looked at Xiao Lang again, wanting to see if he had any suggestions.

Xiao Lang glanced at the back and saw that Ning Fu'er had returned, he immediately smiled, then turned his head and said to City Master Juefeng: "I don't have any comments."

"Okay! Now that everyone has decided, let's set off now, and strive to eliminate the Blood Fiend Sect in one fell swoop before it can react." The City Master of Absolute Wind said loudly.

At this time, Xiao Lang suddenly asked: "City Lord, did you really receive the order from Venerable Nan Yuan? Venerable Nan Yun really asked you to destroy the Blood Sect?"

Upon hearing the words, City Master Suddenly stunned, then shook his head and smiled: "Where is there any decree, these are just for me to fool the blood evil spirit. Venerable Nan Yuan has disappeared for more than three thousand years, where can I find it? He wants decrees!"

"Furthermore, if Venerable Nan Yuan was still there, those forces in the Southern Territory would have been honest and honest. How could they dare to be arrogant and do a lot of evil on the territory of Nan Yuan County like they are now. He was thrown out by Venerable Nanyun."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was stunned. He didn't expect that the decree of Venerable Nan Yuan that City Master Juefeng said before was actually false.

He didn't give up, so he asked again: "Then what's the matter with your Nan Yuan Venerable token?"

City Master Juefeng smiled and said: "This token was given to me ten thousand years ago when Venerable Nan Yuan was still alive. It is okay to fool people, but because Venerable Nan Yun has been missing for more than 3,000 years. , This token is useless."

Xiao Lang was speechless for a while, feelings and all these things were made up by the Lord of the Wind!

The City Master of Absolute Wind also laughed, and then he and the other three Patriarchs summoned their respective teams, and after some sorting out, they rushed towards the position of Bloodwind Valley.

Xiao Lang and Ning Fu'er also followed the team. Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fu'er and asked, "How are those guys?"

"I have to ask, this lady made the shot herself, of course, it was all done."

Ning Fuer naturally knew that Xiao Lang was asking the people of the blood evil sect, so she raised her white chin and said proudly.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang also smiled, but he was a little worried. After all, Ning Fu'er is a disciple of Tianfu Palace, so how could she be stumped by those blood evil sects, thinking of this, he shook his head and stopped asking This matter.

The group of people flew quickly in the mountains, and it didn't take long before they finally came to the entrance of Bloodwind Valley.

The entrance gate of the Bloodwind Valley had been burned to ashes by Nymph, but when Xiao Lang and City Lord Extreme Wind arrived, most of the Blood Fiend Sect stood guarding it. Obviously, the blood evil spirit was early. It was expected that Xiao Lang would come, and they had already dispatched everyone to the entrance of the Valley of Blood Wind.

"This guy's reaction is quite quick."

Seeing the guards guarding at the entrance of Blood Wind Valley, City Master Absolute Wind couldn't help snorting coldly.

Xue Shazi was also guarding the entrance of Bloodwind Valley at this time, and seeing Absolute Wind City and Xiao Lang flying over with a large group of people, he immediately got up from his seat and shouted: "The enemy is here, everyone will give it to me. alert!"

As soon as the words of the blood evil son came out, the people of the blood evil sect all fought out their weapons, staring fiercely at the City Master of Extreme Wind and Xiao Lang and others.

"Blood Shazi, are you not ready to surrender?"

The City Master of Absolute Wind cast a blank expression at the people of the Blood Fiend Sect, then looked at the Blood Fiend in the middle, and shouted.


Hearing this, the blood evil spirit laughed and said: "Juefeng, do you really think you are not guaranteed to win this time?"

After hearing this, the Lord of the Wind frowned, did not speak, the blood evil sneered, then he clasped a fist at a white-haired old man next to him, and said: "Elder Deer, next, I will ask your old man to take action and help My blood evil sect has passed the difficult time."

Hearing this, the white-haired old man nodded immediately and said faintly: "Well, since you are the blood king's person, I will naturally not stand idly by. Don't worry, I am here this time. Those guys don't want to walk into your blood. Gu Banbu."

"With the words of Elder Deer, I feel more relieved."

Seeing that Elder Deer agreed, Xue Shazi was overjoyed and hurriedly clasped his fists to thank him.

This Elder Deer was an outer elder of the Heavenly Sect, and he was as loyal to the Blood King of the Heavenly Sect. This time he was ordered by the Blood King to come to his Blood Sect to explain something, but it happened by accident.

Elder Deer's strength is also a small perfect world, and he is in the same position as the Lord of the Wind. Although he cannot directly defeat the Lord of the Wind, it is always possible to hold the opponent.

As long as Elder Deer helps him to hold the Lord of the Wind, he is completely sure to kill others. When the time comes, the Lord of the Wind is hard to beat by four hands, and they will inevitably be defeated, and they are the final victory of this war By.

After that, Xue Shazi looked at the City Master of Absolute Wind and sneered: "Absolute Wind, have you seen it? This is the outer elder of the Heavenly Fiend Sect and my former brother. You'd better think carefully before deciding to take it. Don't continue, otherwise once you offend the Heavenly Evil Sect, you definitely won't be able to take it around."

The City Master of Absolute Wind did not leave, although he was a little surprised by the fact that the Blood Shazi was able to remove the soldiers from the Tian Shazong, but as the saying goes, there is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened. Since he has already taken the inexplicable relationship with Xue Shazi Liang Zi, even if he admits his counsel, there is no way to resolve it. It's better to fight, maybe it will be successful.

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