Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 81: Xing Yao Sheng Slash

"Are you happy too early?"

Looking at the contempt of the black-clothed man, Xiao Lang was quite calm. He said sarcastically, and immediately saw him stretch out two fingers, and a sword light composed of love characters burst out suddenly. , And finally stabbed on the light shield of the black man.

Just hearing a "bang" sound, the light shield in front of the black man was pierced with several conspicuous cracks in an instant.

"How can this be!"

Upon seeing this, the black-clothed man suddenly exclaimed in disbelief. He found that he still underestimated Xiao Lang's strength. The latter only took a moment to break through his defenses. This strength was stronger than he thought. many.

Right now, the man in black did not dare to despise Xiao Lang anymore, he immediately shot another light shield, and this blocked Xiao Lang's love sword power.


Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang let out a cold snort, and continued to circulate the divine power in his body to attack. This time his palms turned into dragon claws, and the split **** Prajna palm was directly displayed.


Although the light shield of the black-clothed man blocked Xiao Lang's love sword power, he was finally shattered by Xiao Lang's split **** Prajna palm.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's attacks in an orderly manner, one after another, the black-clothed man suddenly gritted his teeth bitterly. He did not expect that after he used the Star Luo Divine Formation, he would be suppressed by Xiao Lang, which made him feel very aggrieved. , It was the first time he was beaten like this by a monk in the middle of the world.

Under extreme suffocation and anger, the black-clothed man gritted his teeth fiercely and immediately gathered everyone's strength to fight back.

"Xingluo Extreme Kill!"

I saw the black-clothed man yell, and a dazzling light appeared between his palms. The light was as sharp as a blade, and as soon as it appeared, it blasted towards Xiao Lang.


The attacks of the two immediately collided in mid-air, making a deafening sound, and then the black-clothed man and others and Xiao Lang both stepped back a hundred steps.

Xiao Lang frowned. This black-clothed man was able to beat his split God Prajna palm in equal measure. It seems that the latter's strength is not simple!

"Xiao Lang, get out of the way!"

At this moment, Ning Fuer's tender voice suddenly came from behind.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang immediately flashed aside without hesitation.

"call out!"

In the next moment, a huge flame of phoenix swept past him, carrying a terrifying power, and came to the man in black in the blink of an eye.

This is exactly Nymph's Fire Phoenix Arrow method!

The black-clothed man and the others just had a fight with Xiao Lang, and he hadn't had time to react at this moment, so when the flames of the Phoenix came, the black-clothed man was directly hit by the Fire Phoenix Arrow method.


There was another roar, and this time because the black-clothed man and others had no time to prepare, all the power of the flame true phoenix poured on them.


Being hit by the Fire Phoenix Arrow method frontally, the black-clothed man and others all let out a muffled grunt. The lower-strength guys even flushed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Fortunately, they were in the Star Luo Divine Formation. , This was not shot.

"These two bastards!"

The black-clothed man's complexion was extremely ugly. He originally came to rob Xiao Lang full of confidence, but he suffered a big loss in the latter's hands after starting his hand, which made him feel like he couldn't hold back his face.

"Everyone listens to the order and immediately use the second layer of the Star Luo Divine Array!"

Anxiously, the black-clothed man shouted.


After hearing the words, the few subordinates all promised loudly, and then everyone's handprints changed, and their aura rose up accordingly.

In the blink of an eye, the energy of the men in black and others has changed. Originally, they all had a star of energy condensed, but now that energy star has become a set of energy armor.

After putting on the energy armor, the men in black and the others were much stronger than before. After the second layer of the Star Luo Divine Array was used, their strength increased a lot.

Xiao Lang didn't expect that there would be a second layer in this astrolabe array, which made him frown.

Before that, he was not afraid of the men in black and the others, because his current strength has reached the middle stage of the world, and there is no need to fear the general late stage of the world, but now the black-clothed man has used the second position of the Star Luo God Array After leveling up, all aspects have obviously strengthened a lot. When put together, it is estimated to be stronger than the peak of the blood evil spirit. In the face of such power, he has to deal with it carefully.

After the black-clothed man got the increase of the second level of the Star Luo Divine Array, his confidence became full. He looked at Xiao Lang gloomily, and said indifferently: "I have to admit, your kid does have some strength, but I Still the same sentence, if you refuse to hand over the **** evil corpse, you won't even think about passing it today."

"is it?"

Xiao Lang said coldly: "Then try it!"

Hearing this, the black-clothed man's complexion sank, and he drank a low sentence: "Toast and not eat or drink fine wine!"

Immediately, he stopped talking nonsense, stepped out directly, and swept towards Xiao Lang.

"Xing Yao's Fist!"

The black-clothed man yelled, and the five people behind him suddenly burst into endless starlight, all of which were gathered on his fist.

Afterwards, the black-clothed man blasted a punch without hesitation, and the huge starlight on his fist immediately blasted out, rushing towards Xiao Lang.


Before the fist light arrived, it had already exploded with extremely huge power, and the space where it passed was violently shaken by this.

Xiao Lang's gaze showed a dignified look. Before, he still looked down upon this group of people, but now the power of this group of people can threaten his safety.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang didn't keep his hands anymore, and saw that his hands were sealed, and with a low shout, two light beams flew out of his arms immediately, fusing into a dragon image in the air.

"go with!"

Xiao Lang pointed with one hand, and Long Xiangyin was driven out by him.

With a sound of "Boom!", Xiao Lang's Long Xiangyin directly collided with the black-clothed man's Xing Yao's fist, but this time Xiao Lang's attack was no longer the same as before. It was just a blink of an eye, Long Xiangyin. It couldn't be stopped, and the boxing of the black man's Xing Yaozhi fell to pieces.

"Hahaha, Xiao Lang, you are nothing more than that, let's hand over things obediently!"

After blasting Xiao Lang's Dragon Elephant Seal with a punch, the man in black suddenly laughed wildly. His eyes were sinister and fierce, and the Xing Yao's fist in his hand continued to blast towards Xiao Lang.

Facing the strength of the black-clothed man, Xiao Lang didn't seem to panic. When he moved his figure, he retreated to the back and avoided the Xing Yao's fist of the black-clothed man.

At the same time, Xiao Lang continued to change his seal. Soon after, two light beams shot out from his arms and merged in the void.

"Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel!"

Xiao Lang let out a low cry, and the two light beams quickly merged into a golden wheel in the void, exuding full power like a golden scorching sun.

After condensing the dragon elephant golden wheel, Xiao Lang didn't even think about it. He stretched out his hand again, and the dragon elephant golden wheel immediately swept out and flew towards the black-clothed man and the others.


The black-clothed man's complexion changed, he could clearly feel that the power of the dragon elephant golden wheel was much stronger than the previous dragon elephant seal, even if he felt a little pressure.

In a hurry, the black-clothed man's handprints changed again, and the previous Xing Yao's fists dispersed, condensing into a fierce sword light.

"Xing Yao Sheng Slash!"

With a sharp shout from the black-clothed man, the blade light immediately shot out like a comet, and slashed towards Xiao Lang's dragon elephant golden wheel.


In the next moment, the two collided in the void. Since Xiao Lang and the black-clothed man used their strongest tricks, under this collision, an unparalleled wave of terror broke out in an instant.

The violent impact produced endless fire, and the terrifying shock wave instantly razed the tall mountain below, and the ground was full of shocking cracks.

Xiao Lang frowned. He did not expect that even if he used the Dragon Elephant Golden Wheel, he would still be unable to defeat the black man's Star Luo Divine Formation. It seemed that it would not be so easy to win this battle.

Thinking that Lang Yunfeng might be lying in ambush nearby, Xiao Lang turned his eyes and said to Ning Fuer: "Let's go!"

Then he pulled Nymph, and flew quickly toward the front.

Xiao Lang was not afraid of the black-clothed man, but he felt that since it is difficult for him to crack the black-clothed man's Star Luo Divine Formation, it is useless to stay here. It is better to take this opportunity to leave and wait for the sky to float. After the palace, it is not too late to find Lang Yunfeng to settle the account.

"Xiao Lang, don't run if you have something to do!"

The black-clothed man saw Xiao Lang ran away, and suddenly became anxious. His task was to kill Xiao Lang and **** the corpse of Xue Shazi, but now he not only did not have a complete task, but also let Xiao Lang run away. People from the wolf family know, it's probably not easy to deal with each other.

It is a pity that Xiao Lang did not hear of the man in black's aggressive strategy, and continued to flee quickly with Nymph.

In fact, if he is really determined to break the Star Luo Divine Formation of the man in black, it is not impossible, but he is worried that Lang Yunfeng will be in ambush nearby, so he must escape, after all, from the current situation. Look, once they are surrounded by more people, it is bound to be very troublesome.

"Catch me!"

Seeing that Xiao Lang ignored him at all, the man in black was also very angry. He immediately waved his hand and commanded several of his men to chase after him.

However, because the dragon elephant golden wheel and Xing Yao Shengzhang in front of them were still fighting fiercely, they could only bypass these two magic skills to chase Xiao Lang, but when they came around, Xiao Lang and the others had already Ran away.

In this regard, the man in black was a little helpless. He had already seen Xiao Lang's strength. On his own, he was not Xiao Lang's opponent. In the face of such strength, if Xiao Lang wanted to escape now, they could not. He could catch up, but due to the orders from above, he could only lead a group of his men to catch up. Whether he could catch up or not was up to luck.

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