Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 83: Silver Armor Disciple

It is said that the silver armor of the Tianfu Palace is a powerful world artifact with strong defensive capabilities. When he fought with Lang Yunfeng, he exhausted all means to give Lang Yunfeng a sword, but he was killed by the wolf. Yun Feng's silver armor was easily blocked, showing the strong defense of the silver armor.

Xiao Lang might go to the Sea of ​​Stars in a while, and it would be very useful for him to get a silver armor suit.

The Tianfu Palace rewards and punishment hall has a large area, but the flow of people here is relatively sparse, far less than the popular gathering place of the Mission Hall and Wanbao Hall.

Xiao Lang didn't care about this. After he arrived at the reward and punishment hall, he walked straight in.

Inside the Reward and Punishment Hall, as sparsely as the outside, only a few disciples and elders of the Reward and Punishment Hall were busy.

What surprised Xiao Lang was that he actually saw Lang Yunfeng in the reward and punishment hall.

"This guy is actually a disciple of the Reward and Punishment Hall?"

Xiao Lang frowned. He only knew that Lang Yunfeng was a silver armor disciple of the Tianfu Palace, but he did not expect that the latter was actually a member of the Reward and Punishment Hall. No wonder when he saw Lang Yunfeng in the Mission Hall for several days. The disciples of the floating palace followed him to flatter, it turned out that Lang Yunfeng also had the identity of a disciple of the Hall of Reward and Punishment.

Although the disciple of Reward and Punishment Hall is also a disciple of Tianfu Temple, he still has the right to manage other Tianfu Temple disciples. If you can make a good relationship with such a person, there is still room for maneuver if something happens in Tianfu Temple in the future.

But this identity of Lang Yunfeng is not a good thing for Xiao Lang. Lang Yunfeng can open the back door to others, and he can naturally stumble him. In case he commits something in the Tianfu Palace, it is because he and the wolf For Yunfeng's relationship, the latter is not bad if he doesn't add oil and vinegar.

"Xiao Lang!"

When Xiao Lang saw Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunfeng also saw Xiao Lang, and a faint cold light flashed in his eyes immediately.

But he was in the reward and punishment hall now, so it was naturally impossible to add bad words to Xiao Lang. Therefore, after the initial gloom, Lang Yunfeng put on a smiling face and greeted him.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Lang, what's the matter in the reward and punishment hall?" Lang Yunfeng looked at Xiao Lang and said with a sinister smile.

Seeing Lang Yunfeng walking over, Xiao Lang's complexion was not very good either, this guy tripped him over and over again, making him unbearable.

He stared at Lang Yunfeng and said in a deep voice: "Lang Yunfeng, you are such a good method. You have a clear track record of my trip to Nanyuan County. I really admire someone in Xiao!"

Hearing this, Lang Yunfeng's complexion became stiff, and then he became gloomy a little bit, and said faintly: "Xiao Lang, let me remind you that this is the Tianfu Palace Reward and Punishment Hall. You'd better not talk nonsense and be careful to speak out. "

Xiao Lang snorted coldly, ignoring Lang Yunfeng, and walked past the latter. Lang Yunfeng was right. This was the Reward and Punishment Hall of Tianfu Palace. He had no choice but to take Lang Yunfeng. Where, he had already killed this crap.

Seeing that he was ignored, Lang Yunfeng's complexion was also very ugly, he stared at Xiao Lang's back bitterly, gritted his teeth.

"Asshole, you'd better pray not to fall into my hands, otherwise I will tell you not to eat it!"

At this time, Xiao Lang had already arrived in the reward and punishment hall. He walked towards a female disciple who looked **** and beautiful. He clasped his fist and said, "Senior sister, I'm here to authenticate the silver armor disciple. May I ask where is the certification? ?"

Upon hearing this, the female disciple turned around and looked over, revealing a beautiful face. Seeing Xiao Lang's ordinary face, the female disciple did not show anything strange. She stretched out a lush jade finger and pointed to the one dressed in front. The elder of Jinpao said: "Go to Elder Wu!"

Xiao Lang looked in the direction pointed by the female disciple, and soon saw the Elder Wu.

At the moment, Xiao Lang clasped his fists again, said "Thank you for your advice, Senior Sister", then turned and walked towards the Elder Wu.

When the female disciple saw Xiao Lang turned around and left, she also frowned. She had always had confidence in her appearance, but in Xiao Lang's eyes just now, it seemed that she didn't see any intentions other than asking for advice. It made her feel a little depressed. When did her Lan Ya's charm be so bad?

"Hmph, I want to see, you guy who is not even a Profound Armor disciple, what can you do to directly authenticate a Silver Armor disciple." Lan Ya said bitterly.

Xiao Lang didn't know that he had just asked for a question, which would have caused Lan Ya's dissatisfaction. At this time, he had already come behind the Elder Wu.

"Disciple Xiao Lang has seen Elder Wu." Xiao Lang saluted.


Elder Wu turned around when he heard this. He glanced at Xiao Lang and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to certify the silver armor disciple." Xiao Lang said respectfully.

Hearing this, Elder Wu nodded. As the elder of the Reward and Punishment Hall, Tianfu Temple disciples would come to him to authenticate the title every once in a while. He was used to it.

"Take your Xuan Jia Ling out and let me have a look!" Then Elder Wu said.

Xiao Lang shook his head and said, "I don't have a profound armor order."

Elder Wu was stunned. He took another look at Xiao Lang. Generally speaking, after ordinary Tianfu Temple disciples entered Tianfu Temple, they would first begin authentication with Xuanjia disciples, and rarely went to Yinjia disciples at the beginning.

After all, certified Silver Armor disciples not only need the strength of the world, but also need to have one million points. This is not a small number. Most disciples of Tianfu Temple may not be able to accumulate so many points after busying for many years. The task of Tianfu Palace is not so easy to complete.

Like Xiao Lang, who went to Yinjia disciples from the beginning, Tianfu Palace was not unprecedented in history, but it rarely appeared.

Therefore, after the initial astonishment, Elder Wu quickly calmed down. He nodded and said: "Well, you can show me the sky floating order."

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate when he heard this, took out the Tianfu Order and handed it to Elder Wu.

The latter took the inspection, and immediately took out a crystal ball the size of a palm, placed the sky floating order on it and felt it, and a string of fonts appeared immediately.

"The integral value of Tianfu Palace: One million!"

Seeing this string of words, Elder Wu's doubts finally dispelled, this guy really has a million points value!

"The point value has passed, you show your strength and come to me to see." Elder Wu returned the Tianfu order to Xiao Lang, and said immediately.

Xiao Lang nodded, and after receiving the Sky Floating Order, he immediately mobilized his entire body's power. In an instant, a powerful aura appeared from him, reaching the mid-world stage.

"Well, good strength, you have passed the certification, come with me to get the silver armor!" Elder Wu nodded in satisfaction, and even walked towards the interior of the reward and punishment hall.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang immediately took away his aura and stepped forward to follow.

After the two left, Lan Ya woke up from the shock. It was the first time she saw someone jump directly from a beginner disciple to a silver armor disciple.

"It's actually a guy who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger." Lan Ya cursed secretly.

Lang Yunfeng’s complexion is not very good, although he already knew that Xiao Lang already had the conditions to become a silver armor disciple, but seeing his enemy become a silver armor disciple, he received the attention of the sect, and he also knew it. Not very comfortable.

When Lang Yunfeng was depressed, Xiao Lang had already followed Elder Wu to a wide weapons warehouse inside the reward and punishment hall.

Xiao Lang discovered that thousands of new silver armor suits were placed in this weapon storehouse, and each suit had silver light flowing on it. Not only did it look beautiful, it also had the beauty of strength.

"Pick a set yourself!"

Elder Wu pointed to the silver armor in the armory and said to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was not polite, and immediately selected from the armory.

The silver armor suits of Tianfu Palace are basically the same, so Xiao Lang had chosen one set before long. Under the guidance of Elder Wu, Xiao Lang dropped a drop of blood into it, and the silver armor suit instantly It was a burst of dazzling light.


The next moment, the silver armor suit turned into mercury, and it flowed directly on Xiao Lang's arm, and it was automatically put on him.

This is more than that. When Xiao Lang put on the silver armor suit, he immediately felt that the silver armor suit seemed to merge with his skin. It didn't take long for the entire silver armor suit to blend into him. In her skin, it disappeared.


Xiao Lang was stunned, this silver armor suit was indeed magical, and it could blend into the skin.

His mind moved, and the silver light flashed on his body, and the silver armor suit appeared on his body, protecting his entire body tightly.

"It deserves to be a battle suit specially made by Tianfu Palace for the disciples, and the effect is indeed extraordinary."

Xiao Lang praised in his heart, and at the same time felt a pity that such a good thing could not be returned to Demon God Xiao and the others. It was really a pity.

"Well, now that you have selected the silver armor, this certification is also over."

At this time, Elder Wu smiled.

"Thank you elder." Xiao Lang also clasped his fists.

Elder Wu waved his hand, and led Xiao Lang out of the armory, so he continued to be busy with him.

Xiao Lang completed the certification and didn't plan to stay here anymore, so after bidding farewell to Elder Wu, he walked outside the reward and punishment hall.

"Your luck is very good, this time the blood evil sect, if it weren't for the help of the people from Absolute Wind City and the three major families, I guess you wouldn't even be able to get a vellus hair."

When Xiao Lang passed by Lang Yunfeng, Lang Yunfeng sneered directly.

Hearing this, Xiao Lang frowned. He glanced at Lang Yunfeng and said faintly: "Although I have borrowed the power of Absolute Wind City and the three major families, I am better than some people who want to grab it directly. ."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Lang Yunfeng's ugly complexion, he immediately left the reward and punishment hall.

After coming out of the Reward and Punishment Hall, Xiao Lang rushed straight to his residence.

He intends to go back to retreat for a period of time, and strive to refine the Chaos Thunderstone purchased from the Jinlan City Fair to increase the power of Thunder Dragon. After all, Thunder Dragon is also one of his attack methods, and it can't just be abandoned. .

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