Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 86: Credit value

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head. This feeling of looking hot but unable to afford it is really uncomfortable!

It seems that in the future, there is still a lot to earn points. There are many good things in the Wanbao Hall of the floating palace. If you can exchange more, it will also be beneficial to his strength.

After wanton imagination, Xiao Lang condensed his mind and continued to observe from the large light curtains inside Wanbao Hall.

He saw a lot of horrible things again, but the price made him smile.

"The Aegis of the Heavens, a top-class world artifact, with extremely strong protection, which can withstand the attacks of the world's Dzogchen strong, and it is priced at 13 million points."

"Ancient dragon spirit, a strange animal in the late world, can control elements such as wind, fire, thunder, and lightning. It is powerful and can be tamed into a spirit beast to control it. The price is 9 million points."

"Nine Heavens Swordsmanship, a superb world-class skill, created by the great elder of the Eastern Region of the Tianfu Palace when he was young. It is extremely powerful and sells for 6 million points."

Looking at the string of astronomical figures behind the treasures on the light curtain, Xiao Lang smiled bitterly. Although these things are not as good as the magical skills of the previous era, they are not simple things. The price is enough to make most of them. The Tianfu Temple disciples were daunted.

He couldn't help feeling full of emotions, it is no wonder that the Eastern Sub-rudder of the Tianfu Palace can be well-known in the blue light world. Such a background is indeed profound.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang shook his head, and then stepped away from here. The treasures on this light curtain are indeed attractive, but the expensive price is also destined to be envious of him now, and there is no need to stay. Time wasted here.

After a while, Xiao Lang came to another light curtain in Wanbao Hall and continued to observe.

After continuously observing several light curtains, Xiao Lang's gaze suddenly stopped and stayed in the middle of one light curtain, where there was a short string of text.

"Holy Thunder Body, a mid-range world magical skill. This magical skill is a simplified version of the Nineth Rank Saint Thunder Body of the Epoch Divine Skill. It uses thunder and lightning to strengthen the physique. After successful cultivation, both the physique and speed will increase a lot, and in the future If you cultivate the Nineth Rank Saint Thunder Body, this magical skill can also lay a solid foundation for the practitioner. The price is 1.5 million Saint Quartz."

When Xiao Lang saw this string of words, his mind immediately became active.

Although this holy thunder body is a world magical skill with thunder attributes, it is very suitable for him to cultivate, because his body has a large amount of thunder origin power, which has the same attributes as holy thunder body.

Moreover, his body had been transformed by the power of the origin of the thunder before, and he had a trace of thunder and lightning long ago, and he could fully cultivate this sacred thunder body magic skill.

Before that, Xiao Lang was still worried about how to make better use of the power of Thunder Origin. Although he could summon Thunder Dragon as an attack method, after all, this attack method was still too single to help him better. Give full play to the power of the origin of thunder, but if he can practice another world magical skill with thunder attributes, it will definitely be good for him.

And this Holy Thunder Body magical skill is a magical skill that is very suitable for him to practice. In terms of level, the Holy Thunder Body is already a middle-grade world magical skill, and its power can definitely keep up. In terms of potential, the Holy Thunder Body is a nine-level saint. The simplified version of the thunder body can help him lay a solid foundation, and in the future, it will be much easier to cultivate the Nineth Rank Saint thunder body.

The magical skill of Rank Nine Saint Thunder Body, Xiao Lang has seen on other light screens just now, this magical skill is the same as the previous Wanjian Imperial Art, it is also an era magical skill, although the price is as high as 6000 Ten thousand points value, but if successful in cultivation, it will have a great increase in Xiao Lang's strength, enough to make his combat effectiveness even higher.

Therefore, if he could cultivate the Holy Thunder Body now to lay the foundation for the future cultivation of the Nineth Rank Holy Thunder Body, Xiao Lang would still be very happy.

It’s just that the price of that Saint Thunder Body has made Xiao Lang depressed. The price of one and a half million is not high for the mid-level world magical skills, but he now only has one hundred. Ten thousand points, which is far from 1.5 million.

"Do you still have to do a task?"

Xiao Lang's face was bitter, and he felt a little depressed. The Tianfu Palace mission was not that easy to do. The reason why he was able to complete the eighth level mission in just two months last time was thanks to Absolute Wind City. Helping with people from the three major families, otherwise, with his current strength, it would be impossible to complete that task within a few years, or even longer.

"Huh? Xiao Lang, are you here too?"

Just when Xiao Lang was worried about the 500,000 points value, a crisp voice suddenly came from behind.

Hearing the words, Xiao Lang turned his head and looked behind him, and soon saw Ning Fu'er walking towards him with a surprised look.

"Girl Fuer?"

Seeing that the person was Ning Fu'er, Xiao Lang was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Why did you come here?"

"I'm here to hang out." Ning Fu'er had already walked to Xiao Lang and said with a smile: "Where are you, come here to exchange treasures?"

"Yeah." Xiao Lang nodded.

"Did you get any good things?" Ning Fuer asked with a smile.

"No." Xiao Lang said helplessly: "It's a world magical skill, but the points are not enough."

As he said, Xiao Lang suddenly turned his gaze to Ning Fuer and couldn't help thinking.

Ning Fu'er was so stared by Xiao Lang, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed. She asked weakly, "Xiao Lang, what are you looking at me for?"

Xiao Lang licked his lips, and said with a shy smile: "Then what, discuss something with you? I'm attracted to a world magical skill, but I still lack 500,000 points. I don't know if you have it now. There is no remaining point value, please lend it to me first?"

Hearing this, Nymph suddenly rolled her eyes, this guy actually hit her attention so quickly.

"Don't worry, I will do the task to earn points soon, and I will pay you back at that time." Xiao Lang continued, although asking a girl to borrow points made him a little embarrassed, but for After getting the "Holy Thunder Body", he gave it up.

"Who cares about your interest?"

Ning Fu'er pursed her lips and said in a low voice. Finally, she took out her Sky Floating Order, handed it to Xiao Lang, and said, "Here, there are still 600,000 points here. Take it all. !"

She wasn't coveting Xiao Lang's interest. What he believed was Xiao Lang's character. Before, she and Xiao Lang only met together, and the latter was willing to offend Lang Yunfeng for her. This quality is not something ordinary people can have.

"Thanks a lot."

Seeing that Ning Fu'er loaned his points value to herself without hesitation, Xiao Lang was also quite moved in his heart, but he was not hypocritical. After thanking Ning Fu'er, he took over Nymph's Sky Floating Order. .

Later, Xiao Lang smiled at Ning Fu'er: "Go, let's exchange that magical skill."

With that said, Xiao Lang took the lead and walked towards the service window of Wanbao Hall.

Soon, the two came to the window, and Xiao Lang said directly: "Hello Elder, I want to exchange the magical skill of the "Holy Thunder Body"."

Sitting in the room inside the window was an old man of about 50 years old. After listening to Xiao Lang's words, he said lightly: "One and a half million points."

Xiao Lang nodded, and then handed his Sky Floating Order to the window. The old man took the Sky Floating Order and said after a while: "There is only one million points, which is half a million points short."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang immediately handed over Nymph's Sky Floating Order, and said: "This is my friend's Sky Floating Order, so let's deduct the bad 500,000 points here!"

After listening, the old man glanced at the Ning Fuer behind him, nodded after a moment, and deducted 500,000 points after receiving the Tianfu order.

"Okay, let's take the Tianfu order, I'll get you the jade slip of the holy thunder body." The old man handed out the Tianfu order and immediately got up and left.

After a while, the old man returned to the window and handed out a palm-sized jade slip for the exercise technique, saying: "This is the jade slip for the saint thunder body, you put it away."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang quickly took the jade slip of the exercise technique and probed his divine power into it. After confirming that it was correct, Xiao Lang nodded, "It is indeed the Holy Thunder Body, thank you elder."

After that, they left here with Nymph.

"Thank you again this time. If it weren't for you to lend me the points, I can only go out and do tasks to earn points."

After the two walked out of Wanbao Hall, Xiao Lang immediately held a fist and smiled at Nymph.

"It's just a small matter." Ning Fuer waved her hand indifferently.

"I plan to go to the Sea of ​​Stars recently to find more Chaos Thunderstones. When I come back from the Sea of ​​Stars, I will do a mission to earn points and return it to you." Xiao Lang smiled.

Upon hearing this, Ning Fu'er looked at Xiao Lang in surprise, "Are you going to the Sea of ​​Stars?"

Xiao Lang nodded: "Well, I need more Chaos Thunderstones to improve my strength. Only by going to the Star Sea can I find enough Chaos Thunderstones. I can't go."

"Do you need me to pay you?" Ning Fuer asked.

Xiao Lang laughed and said, "No, I can go alone. I have troubled you last time, so I can't let you help every time."

Ning Fu'er didn't insist either, because she happened to take on a task recently and needed to complete it, so she really didn't have much time to accompany Xiao Lang to the Star Sea.

"Then you pay attention to your own safety." Ning Fuer ordered.

"Do not worry!"

Xiao Lang laughed, and the two chatted again for a while before they parted ways and left.

After Xiao Lang returned to his residence, he once again created an alien space in the nearby mountains. He walked into the space and prepared to start practicing with the "Holy Thunder Body" he had just exchanged.

Since I plan to go to the Sea of ​​Stars, I naturally have to be prepared. As a semi-chaotic place in the Sky Floating Star Territory, the Star Sea is very dangerous, especially in some dangerous areas, even if the world's great perfection powers enter Now, there is a risk of falling, he is not confident enough to ignore any risks in the sea of ​​stars.

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