Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 88: Star Sea

"If you are going to the Sea of ​​Stars, come here to form a team!"

"Xingchenhai professional expedition team, familiar with the major adventure routes of Xingchenhai, now we are looking for a teammate in the world, and those who are interested come to sign up!"

"Look here for those who are going to explore the sea of ​​stars. This team is still short of the last place. When it is full, we will set off immediately. All the friends of Tier 9 Void True God and above seized the opportunity.

"The Young Patriarch of Jinhong City Zhaojiabao has recruited a temporary guard team. Anyone who meets the requirements can sign up. Once the admission is favored, those who are interested will report soon!"

When Xiao Lang came to the gate of Golden Rainbow City, he found that the popularity here was very hot, and many monks formed temporary expedition teams here to explore the Star Sea together.

Xiao Lang was not surprised by this phenomenon. As one of the few semi-chaotic places in the Sky Floating Star Region, Star Sea was naturally very popular.

However, because of the dangers in the sea of ​​stars, most cultivators did not have the ability to venture in alone, so they could only team up with others to reduce the risk of entering the sea of ​​stars.

However, Xiao Lang has no plans to join these adventure teams for the time being. First, he has confidence in his own strength, and second, he is worried about those adventure teams. After all, what he is looking for is the Chaos Thunder Stone. This kind of high value thing, let others follow him can not be assured.

Therefore, after Xiao Lang came to the gate of Golden Rainbow City, he did not stay here, and flew towards the sea of ​​stars as soon as he came out.

Although Lieyunxing is not very far from the sea of ​​stars, it can take several days to reach it by flying with humans alone. This is because Xiao Lang's strength is already in the middle of the world realm, so he can be replaced by ordinary Void True Gods. , I can't reach the edge of the sea of ​​stars without ten days and a half months.

After three days of rushing, Xiao Lang finally came to the edge of the Sea of ​​Stars. There was an endless void. Except for the Sea of ​​Stars in front of him, there were almost no figures in sight.

At this moment, Xiao Lang stood in the void, and in front of him was the famous sea of ​​stars.

If you look ahead from here, you can see the vast starry sky ahead, with an endless ocean.

That piece of ocean is different from the ordinary ocean. It is derived from endless chaotic air. It belongs to a unique geographical phenomenon. Because the area of ​​chaotic air here is very huge, so the monks in the sky It was named "Star Sea".

Xiao Lang cast his gaze into the endless chaotic air ahead, and he found that there were countless large and small stars floating in those chaotic air, and those stars continued to absorb the chaotic air in the void to expand his volume.

This is the process of the world's evolution. When all the chaotic energy here is absorbed by the stars, a new universe will be born.

Of course, based on the current situation, it will take at least tens of millions of years for this universe to truly evolve into a new universe. As for now, it is impossible.

Since those stars are still in a semi-chaotic state surrounded by the air of chaos, no creatures can be seen on them, but Xiao Lang is very clear in his heart that this is only a superficial phenomenon. In fact, there are already some primitive creatures and chaotic creatures. Those stars are born, but the number is relatively rare.

Xiao Lang didn't rush into the sea of ​​stars, because the sea of ​​stars was chaotic, and if he didn't look for the direction, he would easily get lost.

Therefore, Xiao Lang first took out the map he bought from Golden Rainbow City and observed it carefully. After confirming the direction, he collected the map and flew into the sea of ​​stars.

Entering into the sea of ​​stars, Xiao Lang felt as if he had entered the middle of a sandstorm. The surroundings were all covered with yellow clouds, and the visibility was not very high.

There is no other way. After all, the chaos here is very strong, and it is good to have such visibility.

It is said that hundreds of millions of years ago, when the sea of ​​stars was still in a state of chaos, Terran monks could not get in at all. Anything.

Xiao Lang quickly adapted to the environment. While observing the surrounding movement, he flew towards the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

Xiao Lang discovered that the sea of ​​stars was very quiet, and hardly any sound could be heard, but the stars had been moving slowly and their positions were not very stable.

The purpose of Xiao Lang's trip was to find the Chaos Thunder Stone, so he set his first destination on a star named Hunyuanxing in the outer area of ​​the Star Sea.

Hunyuan Star is a famous star in the outer area of ​​the Star Sea. It is said that the area of ​​this planet is very large, no less than a medium-sized world.

What Xiao Lang values ​​is the huge area of ​​the Hunyuan Star. Generally speaking, on this huge star, it is easy to produce various primitive elements. Chaos Thunderstone is also a kind of primitive element, so it is still worth exploring. of.

According to the map, Xiao Lang flew quickly towards the position of Hunyuan Star. During this period, he even encountered one or two teams of expeditions, but those expeditions just looked at him from a distance, and they avoided it with interest. Up.

In the Sea of ​​Stars, people like Xiao Lang who dare to go alone are not fools with broken brains, or brave powerhouses with art masters, and Xiao Lang doesn’t look like that kind of broken brains. Fool, so the expedition team naturally summarized him into the bold and powerful, and naturally would not take the initiative to provoke him.

Xiao Lang was so happy too. After all, he was here to look for Chaos Thunderstone, and it would be best if he could not afford to conflict with others.

However, the facts are not exactly as simple as Xiao Lang thought. Although most of the adventurous teams are afraid to trouble him, some chaotic creatures with relatively low intelligence are not afraid of Xiao Lang’s power. There are two waves on the way. Chaos creatures attacked him.

One of the chaotic creatures is a hairy monster that looks like an ape. This hairy monster is very large, with a height of seven or eight meters, just like a small behemoth. This spear monster has intelligence. Not high, and the strength is only equivalent to the seventh and eighth rank Void True Gods, but because they use some simple weapons, and their number is relatively large, hundreds or more will appear at the same time when they attack, so Xiao Lang does not Dare to underestimate, it took a lot of effort to repel it.

Another kind of chaotic creature is a kind of strange fish, which looks very hideous and terrifying. There are two rows of sharp teeth in the big mouth of a blood basin, which can easily smash the Nineth-order Void Soldier. It is an ordinary world-level expert You must also be cautious in front of this kind of strange fish. If you accidentally get a bite by a strange fish, you might lose a layer of skin.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang's strength is good. Although neither of these two chaotic creatures are lacking, they are not enough to see in front of Xiao Lang. If it weren't for the respect for primitive creatures, Xiao Lang could kill them at will.

In the end, Xiao Lang spent a lot of effort and used the power of the world realm to drive these two chaotic creatures away.

But Xiao Lang continued on his way, flying all the way to the direction of Hunyuan Star.

After nearly ten days of rushing, Xiao Lang finally came to Hun Yuanxing.

I saw a huge star floating in the chaotic space in front of Xiao Lang, and this star was the Hunyuan Star Xiao Lang was looking for.

The size of the Hunyuan Star is very large, no less than the Moyu Star he has been to before. However, because the Hunyuan Star is still in a semi-chaotic state, it cannot automatically follow its trajectory like the Moyu Star. For this reason, Hunyuan Star moves very slowly in the sea of ​​stars, so it is also very easy to find.

Xiao Lang soon landed on Hunyuan Star, looking for the Chaos Thunderstone he needed.

Since Hunyuan Star has been developed by human cultivators, there are relatively few dangers on it. This makes Xiao Lang's search progress very fast, but it only took a day to find the entire Hunyuan Star.

It is a pity that there is no Chaos Thunder Stone that Xiao Lang is looking for on Hunyuan Star, which is equivalent to a day's effort in vain.

However, Xiao Lang didn't feel a pity. Chaos Thunder Stone was quite rare. If it were so easy to find, he wouldn't be able to travel through a small sky-floating star field and specifically come to the Star Sea to find Chaos Thunder Stone.

Since there was no trace of Hunyuan Thunderstone on Hunyuan Star, Xiao Lang didn't stop here any more. After observing the map for a while, Xiao Lang continued to fly towards the depths of the sea of ​​stars.

Xiao Lang felt that the outer areas of the Star Sea had basically been developed by adventurers, and even the Chaos Thunder Stone had already fallen into the pockets of other adventurers, so Xiao Lang felt that he would continue to stay outside the Star Sea. It is no longer possible to find the Chaos Thunderstone, only to go to the depths of the Star Sea, those places that have not been developed by adventurers, can there be hope.

With this mentality, Xiao Lang did not look for the large stars marked on the map this time. Such marked stars have generally been developed, and it is just a waste of time to go, only those whose whereabouts are uncertain. , The star that has not yet been developed can find what he wants.

In this way, Xiao Lang flew in the sea of ​​stars for another seven or eight days, and finally left the outer area of ​​the sea of ​​stars, and barely entered the middle area of ​​the sea of ​​stars.

The area of ​​the central area of ​​the Star Sea is larger than that of the periphery, so even the map dealers of Golden Rainbow City can't draw all the stars here. When they reach this area, the map basically only marks the approximate direction and location. It also makes the danger and various uncertain factors here are much more than the outer area. Many cultivators encounter danger in the Star Sea, and they are basically in this area.

It can be said that in this area, luck is more than anything. If you are lucky, it is possible that you will directly encounter some rare chaotic treasure and obtain amazing benefits. However, if you are unlucky, you may also stray into something. In a dangerous situation, his life was lost in vain.

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