Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 92: Qian Ren Tuan

"Haha, Daoist Xiao Lang, we have already completed half of the flight, and in about a month, we will reach the edge of the Chaos Thunder Sea. Would you like to rest first?"

On this day, Liu Tianfeng suddenly smiled at Xiao Lang.

"No need, go ahead!"

Xiao Lang shook his head. Although the journey this month was hard, it was nothing to him.

Hearing this, Liu Tianfeng nodded, and was about to call everyone on the road.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly flew in the void ahead.


Liu Tianfeng first saw the group of people, his complexion changed immediately, and he secretly said: "No, it's a group of people!"

Xiao Lang on the side heard Liu Tianfeng's words and immediately asked, "What is Qianren Group?"

Liu Tianfeng smiled bitterly: "The Thousand Ren Group is a powerful dark force near the Sea of ​​Stars, organized by a group of bandits and desperadoes, because their members have exceeded a thousand, so it was named Qian Ren Group. "

"Thousands of people are fierce and bullying. They specialize in making a living by the adventurers who rob the stars and seas. Because of the strength of this group and the large number of people, many adventurers are afraid to meet them. I didn't expect us to be so unlucky. I met a group of thousands of people."

After speaking, Liu Tianfeng smiled bitterly again. This time he encountered the people of Qianren Group, which would inevitably be another fierce battle.

After Xiao Lang heard this, he nodded in relief. It turned out that this Qianren group was a group of bandits who lived on the sea of ​​stars.

When Xiao Lang was talking with Liu Tianfeng, the group of Qianren group had already approached. Xiao Lang squinted his eyes and observed, he found that there were about 35 or so people in this group, the strength of most people. They are all the Void True Gods of the eighth and ninth levels, and there is also a late-stage world-stage, two middle-stage world-stage masters, and two early-stage world-stage masters, who seem to be very powerful.

While Xiao Lang was observing the group of Qianren group members, the group of Qianren group members had already arrived in front of them and stopped right across from them.

"Enclose me!"

The boss of the latter stage of the world yelled and gave the order without ambiguity.

Upon hearing the words, the group of subordinates immediately dispersed and surrounded Xiao Lang and the rest.

At this time, the boss of the late world stage shouted to Liu Tianfeng, Xiao Lang and the others: "Listen to me. You are already surrounded. Now, immediately hand over all the valuable treasures on you, otherwise don't blame me. You're welcome!"

Hearing that, Liu Tianfeng looked very ugly, and this group of people really came to rob. But after all, he came from a big family, and he has seen some people in the world. Although this group of people came fiercely, it was not so easy to bluff him.

Therefore, after the boss of the latter stage of the world had finished speaking, Liu Tianfeng immediately said: "I am Liu Tianfeng, the second elder of the Feiyue Xingliu family. Can friends from the Qianren Mission give me the Liu family's face and let us go?"

"Feiyue Xingliu's family?"

Hearing the words, the boss of the late stage of the world snorted and sneered: "What happened to Feiyue Xingliu's family? Honestly hand over the treasures on his body, and I can forgive you not to die."

Hearing this, Liu Tianfeng looked angry, he didn't expect these people to be so arrogant, and he didn't even put his Liu family in his eyes.

"Don't be too much! Annoyed my Liu family, you won't have good fruit for your Qianren Tuan!" Liu Tianfeng shouted.

"Huh? Threatening me?"

The leader of the late world stage sneered, and he also said, "What is your Liu family? You angered my butcher, you will die here now!"

The other members of the Qianren group laughed loudly when they heard this. They were not desperadoes who hung their heads on their belts. If they were afraid of threats, they would have starved to death.

"Tu Xiao?!"

Hearing this, Liu Tianfeng was shocked. He had heard of the name Tu Xiao. This person is the third leader of the Qianren regiment. He is very powerful. It is said that he has reached the pinnacle of the late world stage a long time ago. , Had slaughtered many world realm masters, Tu Xiao was a famous bully in the area of ​​Star Sea.

Liu Tianfeng was bitter in his heart, and it didn't matter if he met the people of Qianrentuan, it was really unlucky to even meet the third master Tuxiao of Qianrentuan.

Seeing Liu Tianfeng being bluffed by himself, Tu Xiao also smiled coldly, and said: "How? Do you know that Grandpa is great? If you know, hand over all the treasures honestly. By the way, take the beautiful one beside you The little girls will stay together, otherwise, you guys will never want to get out of here today.

Liu Tianfeng's complexion was pale. This Tu Xiao was really hateful. Not only did he want to rob all of their treasures, but he also wanted to keep his daughter behind. This was simply hitting him in the face!

Liu Feiya also paled with fright, and she did not dare to speak out. She had also heard of the ferocity of Qian Ren Tuan. Before this, there were also incidents of female monks being forcibly looted by this group of villains. In the end, the female monks could not stand the torture and commit suicide, or they were sold to the brothel or the slave market after being tired of the thugs. The end was terrible.

Xiao Lang on the side also squinted his eyes, the behavior of this group of people is really exactly the same as the robbers!

"Don't deceive people too much!" Liu Tianfeng scolded angrily.

"Give me shameless things." Tu Xiao saw that Liu Tianfeng was so ignorant of current affairs, his expression flashed with coldness, and he waved his hand and shouted directly: "Give me all, give them a little color."


Hearing Tu Xiao's order, the group of Qianren group suddenly shouted, and one after another, they used their weapons and killed the group of Liu Tianfeng.


Seeing Tu Xiao said to start the fight, Liu Tianfeng was also so angry that he looked at Xiao Lang on the side and smiled bitterly: "Daoist Xiao Lang, it seems that you have to trouble you again."

Xiao Lang nodded, but he was quite calm. The behavior of this group of people was so overbearing that he had long been upset. Since he was about to start fighting, he would naturally not stand idly by.

"Everyone obeyed the order and tried their best to kill with me, and death won't let this gangster succeed!"

Immediately, Liu Tianfeng yelled again, Tu Xiao's domineering behavior had already made him angry, and now that he was about to fight, he couldn't care about the other's face.


The dozen or so Liu family masters all shouted loudly, drew out their weapons one after another, put on a defensive posture, ready to meet the menacing enemies.

"Do it!"

Liu Tianfeng took the lead, took out a sharp long knife, coldly shot, and directly led the killing towards the side.

There was Tu Xiao in the late stage of the world, blocking the way there. He didn't have the confidence to escape from Tu Xiao, so he could only choose his way to escape.


Soon, Liu Tianfeng and his team fought those from the Qianren regiment. Liu Tianfeng took the first shot and killed one of the members of the Qianren regiment in the mid-world realm. Here, his strength is except for Xiao Langzhi. The strongest in the outside world, naturally they must block the strong from the Qianren regiment, so as not to slaughter the Liu family's masters.

And Liu Feiya also flew toward an early stage of the world, and as an early stage of the world, she also has to shoulder this important task.

As for the other Liu family experts, they tried their best to get together and resist the attacks of those members of the Qianren group.

With a move, Xiao Lang flew towards another mid-world realm, and the two soon fought.

However, Xiao Lang's strength was much stronger than that of the mid-world realm, so he quickly vomited blood back in that mid-world realm.

Xiao Lang didn't take advantage of the victory. He turned his head and glanced to the side, seeing that Liu Tianfeng was still entangled with the mid-world stage, so he immediately flew out and flew towards Liu Tianfeng.


Soon, Xiao Lang arrived in front of Liu Tianfeng, and he shot again, without the slightest fancy, and slammed directly towards the mid-world stage.

"not good!"

In that mid-world realm, he felt the power of Xiao Lang's boxing front, and his complexion immediately changed, but Xiao Lang's boxing front had already arrived, and he had no time to escape, so he could only grit his teeth and slapped towards Xiao Lang's boxing front with all his strength. .


The palms of the two quickly collided, and a tyrannical shock wave burst out, and the mid-world stage was directly blasted out by Xiao Lang's punch, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

One punch defeated a mid-world realm. With such strength, Liu Tianfeng was also shocked. He always felt that Xiao Lang was stronger than him, but he did not expect to be so much stronger than him. The two are not of the same level at all. Xiao Lang could defeat that mid-world stage with one punch, and naturally he could also defeat him with one punch.

Thinking of this, Liu Tianfeng felt extremely grateful. If he hadn't been witty at the time and invited Xiao Lang to join their team, it is estimated that he would not escape this disaster today.

"Friend Liu Dao, take your people away!"

Xiao Lang turned his head and said something to Liu Tianfeng, and flew towards Liu Feiya, who was already surrounded by the two world realms at this time, and the situation was a bit dangerous. He had to help.

Liu Tianfeng was stunned. Seeing that Xiao Lang had already left, he could only give a wry smile. He did not hesitate, and immediately commanded the others to evacuate quickly. As for his daughter Liu Feiya, Xiao Lang personally took the action, he did not need Worried.

Sure enough, when those two world realms saw Xiao Lang approaching them at the early stage, they were all shocked. Without thinking about it, they gave up dealing with Liu Feiya and ran away quickly.

There is no way, they have also seen Xiao Lang's performance just now. They defeated a mid-world realm with a punch, and their strength is simply not too strong, and the two of them don't dare to fight against it in the early world.

Liu Feiya was relieved to see those two world realms fleeing without a fight in the early stages. She gave Xiao Lang a grateful look. Although she hadn't waited to see Xiao Lang before, the strength of the latter was indeed beyond her. Unexpected.

Xiao Lang nodded towards her as an answer.

"Quickly leave here."

Xiao Lang whispered a word, chasing them towards Liu Tianfeng.

Seeing this, Liu Feiya pursed her lips, but didn't say anything, and then flew to follow.

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