Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 97: : Raiden Group


Amidst the thick dark clouds ahead, a huge lightning with a strong basin of water suddenly appeared. As soon as that lightning appeared, it was like a huge electric snake, slashing towards Xiao Lang swiftly.


Xiao Lang spotted the lightning for the first time, and saw a flash of cold light in his eyes, without avoiding it, he stepped out directly, and then patted the lightning with a palm without hesitation.

With a "boom", sparks flew everywhere!

Xiao Lang's palm blasted directly on the lightning, and the powerful force instantly destroyed it.

With one move to destroy the lightning, Xiao Lang smiled faintly. Although the power of this lightning is powerful, it is only a threat to the monks in the early stage of the world, but it is basically harmless to him.

However, before Xiao Lang had time to be happy, another equally powerful lightning flashed out of the dark cloud in front of him, and then blasted towards him.

This was not over yet. In the surrounding clouds, there were sturdy lightning blasting from it. Most of the lightning blasted towards Xiao Lang, while a small part of the lightning blasted towards Liu Tianfeng and the others.

Looking at the dense lightning around, Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed. He didn't expect to encounter a huge lightning group. Although these lightning can only pose a threat to ordinary cultivators at the beginning of the world realm, in such a large number Below, even the powerful in the late world stage had to deal with it carefully.

Xiao Lang knew very well that these lightning swarms might not be able to kill him, but if they didn't deal with it carefully, they would be embarrassed.

Therefore, when those lightning bolts blasted toward him from all directions, Xiao Lang did not hesitate to shoot several sharp palms in succession.

"Thousand Chances are like palms!"

Following Xiao Lang's stern cry, in an instant, countless solid palm prints flew out, smashing on the lightning like raindrops.

Although the Thousand Chance Prajna palm is not a powerful magical skill, the victory lies in the large attack range. Under such a dense attack, most of the lightning was stopped.

However, a small part of the lightning escaped Xiao Lang's attack and continued to blast towards Xiao Lang.

In response to this, Xiao Lang didn't rush, and immediately displayed his Holy Thunder Body.


In an instant, Xiao Lang's body burst out with a strong silver light, and silver currents lingered around his body like a silver snake.

The moment Xiao Lang displayed the Holy Thunder Body, his breath also became a little more vigorous. This is exactly the effect of the Holy Thunder Body on the strength increase, but because Xiao Lang's Holy Thunder Body has just stepped into the threshold , So the increase in his strength is not very obvious.

However, Xiao Lang didn't care. Although the power of these lightnings was powerful, they were not enough to threaten him. The Holy Thunder Body at this stage was completely sufficient.

"Boom boom boom!"

Soon, those lightning strikes Xiao Lang's body, making a series of dull clashes.

Being struck by such a large amount of lightning at the same time, it would be very embarrassing to change to an ordinary mid-world cultivator, but Xiao Lang seemed quite contented, as if these lightnings could not affect him at all.

Seeing that these lightnings couldn't affect him, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and immediately smashed the surrounding lightnings one by one.

Compared with Xiao Lang’s ease and comfort, Liu Tianfeng and his team have to work harder. These lightning swarms may not threaten Xiao Lang, but the threat to them is great, even if it is Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya. You have to deal with it carefully, not to mention the good players in the Liu family, if it weren't for Liu Tianfeng, a mid-world powerhouse who had taken most of the pressure, there might have been deaths and injuries.

That's the case, the Liu family's good players are also quite embarrassed by those lightning swarms, and even some people have already lost their favor.

Seeing his subordinates being driven into embarrassment by lightning, Liu Tianfeng felt very helpless. He wanted to free his hands to help his subordinates, but the lightning group in front of him made him useless. At the moment, he can only pray in his heart not to cause casualties. it is good.


At this moment, a huge and solid energy palm print suddenly fell from the sky, and the powerful force directly destroyed half of the lightning group around Liu Tianfeng.

Then Liu Tianfeng saw Xiao Lang's figure descending in front of him like a god.

"You Daoyou Liu, go and help, just leave it to me here."

As soon as Xiao Lang appeared, he said something to Liu Tianfeng.

After hearing this, Liu Tianfeng glanced at Xiao Lang, then nodded and said "Thank you very much," and then turned and swept towards the Liu family's masters.

Soon, Liu Tianfeng came to the Liu family's good players. He didn't hesitate and immediately took action against the lightning group. With Liu Tianfeng's help, the pressure on the Liu family's good players was drastically reduced. Take a breath.

After a while, the lightning group around Xiao Lang Liu Tianfeng and the others was finally cleared. Liu Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief and immediately set about checking the physical condition of the Liu family's masters. After confirming that most of them had only suffered some skin injuries, he was relieved. .

Afterwards, Liu Tianfeng gave Xiao Lang a grateful look. If Xiao Lang hadn't cleared most of the lightning swarms this time, they would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

Xiao Lang nodded towards Liu Tianfeng, and immediately said: "Since there is nothing wrong, let's go quickly. There seems to be a lot of lightning swarms around here. It is not safe to stay here for a long time."

Liu Tianfeng naturally had no objection, he wished to leave here soon.

Therefore, Liu Tianfeng and his party simply cleaned up, and then left here with Xiao Lang and flew toward the deeper part of the chaotic thunder sea.

Not long after, Xiao Lang, Liu Tianfeng and others stopped suddenly, because in front of them, there was a huge dark cloud group, in which thunder and lightning flashed, and the thunder sounded loudly, and it was very unstable.

The reason Xiao Lang stopped was because he sensed the aura of chaotic thunderstone in the dark cloud.

"It's a strong thunder and lightning. It seems that there is more than one chaotic thunderstone in this dark cloud." Xiao Lang muttered, staring at the thick dark cloud in front of him.

Immediately, Xiao Lang turned to Liu Tianfeng and said, "Let's go in and have a look?"

"it is good!"

Liu Tianfeng nodded and agreed.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang didn't hesitate, and immediately flew towards the thick dark cloud, Liu Tianfeng and others followed.

Because this group of dark clouds is in the Chaos Thunder Sea, its area is not very large. Xiao Lang and the others have only spent a few moments before they have reached the depths of the dark cloud group.


In the dark cloud group, dense thunder and lightning continued to attack Xiao Lang and the others. However, the power of these lightning was far less than those of the previous lightning group, so Xiao Lang and the others only took a little effort and took the dark cloud group. Most of the thunder and lightning scattered away.

After the thunder and lightning in the dark cloud group dissipated, most of the dark clouds also dissipated, and the chaotic thunderstone in the middle of the dark cloud group was revealed.

What surprised Xiao Lang was that the chaotic thunderstone in the middle of the dark cloud group was not one, but three in total. No wonder the thunder and lightning in the middle of the dark cloud group were so dense before, there was a reason.

"Good fellow! There are actually three Chaos Thunderstones!"

Liu Tianfeng also saw the three chaotic thunderstones, and immediately exclaimed that three chaotic thunderstones appeared in the middle of a dark cloud group. This is a very rare thing. Of course, such a thing is placed in the chaotic thunder with strong thunder and lightning. In the sea, it's not completely unreasonable.


When Liu Tianfeng exclaimed, the three chaotic thunderstones seemed to be wise and flew away in three directions at the same time.

"Where to run?"

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang sneered, and immediately he stepped out directly, in the shape of electricity, chasing one of the chaotic thunderstones.

Liu Tianfeng didn't hesitate, and immediately jumped out, chasing after another chaotic thunderstone.

The last chaotic thunderstone was chased by Liu Feiya. Although the latter was only the early stage of the world, it was more than enough to chase a chaotic thunderstone.

After a while, Xiao Lang, Liu Tianfeng, and Liu Feiya returned to the original place, each holding a chaotic thunderstone in their hands, which was their trophy.

"Friend Xiao Lang, Lei Shi here."

Liu Tianfeng was also unambiguous, and directly passed the Chaos Thunder Stone in his hand to Xiao Lang.

Upon seeing this, Liu Feiya also handed out the Chaos Thunder Stone in her hand.

When Xiao Lang saw this, he was taken aback, then smiled and shook his head, and said, "You are welcome, since these two chaotic thunderstones have been captured by you, naturally they belong to you."


Hearing this, Liu Tianfeng was also stunned. To tell the truth, he still coveted the Chaos Thunderstone. Although this thing is not a treasure, it is also a rare wonder, and because of its The rarity makes the price of Chaos Thunder Stone always high in the Sky Floating Star Region. Even if you don't use it, you can easily sell it at a good price.

Therefore, when Liu Tianfeng heard that Xiao Lang was willing to give him the Chaos Thunder Stone, he was still very happy.

"Since Fellow Daoist is so generous, then I will accept it cheeky." Liu Tianfeng smiled, and immediately put the chaotic thunderstone into his bag. When Liu Feiya saw it, she also took the chaotic thunderstone in her hand. Up.

Xiao Lang smiled and nodded, and didn't care. It was Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya's trophies, and he would naturally not take it alone.

"Let's go, let's go to another place and see if we can find more Chaos Thunderstones."

Xiao Lang smiled and said, his demand for Chaos Thunder Stone is great, and this chaotic Thunder Stone is not enough.

After speaking, Xiao Lang collected his Chaos Thunder Stone, and then flew towards the depths of the Chaos Thunder Sea.

As time passed, three days passed.

In the past three days, Xiao Lang and the others have encountered several large dark cloud groups, and they have harvested a lot each time. After three days, Xiao Lang has obtained no less than ten Chaos Thunder Stones, and the Chaos Thunder in the hands of Liu Tianfeng and Liu Feiya The total number of stones is no less than six.

Just when Xiao Lang was planning to find a place to refine the chaotic thunderstone in his hand, he made a new discovery by accident.

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