Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 104: : The Land of Christmas God

Xiao Lang is very aware of the consequences of unstable foundations, so he must solve this hidden danger as soon as possible, so that he will not encounter unnecessary troubles when he is promoted in the future.

Time flickered, and one month passed. Finally, on this day, Liu Tianfeng signaled everyone to slow down, because the Lake of Xuanshen was about to arrive.

Xiao Lang looked forward, and saw a giant continent floating in the void hundreds of thousands of miles ahead. Across the distance, Xiao Lang could sense that giant continent, as if it was dormant. An immense chaotic energy, but that chaotic energy seemed to be blocked by something and could not be released normally.

Needless to think about it, the vast chaotic energy is the Lake of the Gods of Birth in Liu Tianfeng's mouth, and the thing blocking the energy of the chaos is the seal outside the Lake of Gods of Birth.

"Haha, in front is the Land of the God of Birth, and the famous Lake of God of Birth in the Sea of ​​Stars is there."

Liu Tianfeng also saw the giant continent hundreds of thousands of miles ahead, and immediately said to Xiao Lang with a smile.

Xiao Lang nodded, and then said, "Let's go over!"

Liu Tianfeng didn't procrastinate, and nodded, he took the lead and flew towards the continent of the God of Birth.

The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles was nothing but an hour's matter for Xiao Lang and the others, so soon Xiao Lang and the others had come to the edge of the continent of the Birth God.

At this time, Xiao Lang discovered that the surroundings of the Motherland of the God of Birth were quite lively at this time. From time to time, monks who came from all over the world to participate in the Grand Festival of God of Birth flew from outside, and then landed on the continent of God of Birth.

Not only did Xiao Lang sigh with emotion, but the Lake of Birth of the Gods is located in such a dangerous place deep in the Sea of ​​Stars. There are so many monks who have come to participate in this event without any hesitation. It seems that the Lake of Birth of Gods is indeed extraordinary. what!

However, as I think about it, the chaotic air is of great benefit to the world heart of the world realm strong. If you can practice in it for a period of time, the world heart will be strengthened, which has great benefits for the cultivator to improve his strength. There is no world realm cultivator. Can resist this temptation.

Thinking about this, Xiao Lang turned his head to look at Liu Tianfeng on the side, and asked: "Friend Liu Dao, shall we go directly to Xuanshen Lake or where?"

Liu Tianfeng’s expression of excitement at this time, he has long yearned for the Lake of Birth God for a long time, but he suffered from insufficient strength before, unable to come alone, and his status in the Liu family is not high, there is no way to mobilize more power to defend himself , So I can only dream about it, this time he finally arrived here unharmed, how can he not be excited?

Hearing Xiao Lang’s question, Liu Tianfeng nodded and smiled immediately: “Just go to the outskirts of Xuanshen Lake and wait. Now there are five days before the seal of Xuanshen Lake opens. After five days, the seven forces will send out three thousand. If we can get a few places in the lake, we will make a lot of money."

"The quota for entering the lake?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lang was slightly taken aback, a little puzzled.

Liu Tianfeng smiled and said: "Yes, the so-called quota for entering the lake refers to the quota for entering the Lake of the Gods for cultivation. Every time the Lake of the Gods of God is opened, there will be tens of thousands of world-level monks coming. The Qi of Chaos is limited, and there is no way to hold so many people practicing at the same time."

"Therefore, the seven forces in charge of the Lake of Birth God set a rule. The number of people who enter the Lake of Birth God to practice each time can only be about 3,000. Among them, the seven major forces divide up 1,000 of them, and the rest For the two thousand places, other forces and monks on the scene compete fairly. Only monks who get the places to enter the lake can enter the Lake of Birth, and those who don’t get places can only practice by the lake."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang nodded, and came over with relief. Although the seven major powers are a little overbearing, this is undoubtedly the best solution, and although there are many people here, most of them actually They are all helpers brought by some forces, and there are not many real world realms. The two thousand places are evenly distributed, which is enough for the leaders of most forces.

After that, Xiao Lang and Liu Tianfeng briefly discussed, and they led everyone to fly towards the continent of the Birth God.

The continent of the God of Birth is very large, but most of the places are wasteland. Only in the middle area of ​​the continent of God of Birth can you see a few unknown chaotic plants and some strange-looking chaotic creatures.

Nanshen Lake is located in the center of the Nanshen Continent. Xiao Lang and the others flew all the way and spent most of the day before reaching the outskirts of the Nanshen Lake.

Xiao Lang quickly saw the true face of Tanshen Lake. It was located in a huge basin. The area was not very large, but it was not bottomless. The lake was not greenish but yellowish, not because of turbidity. , But the performance of being flooded with chaos.

"Unexpectedly, a lake actually has such a strong chaotic air!"

Xiao Lang was surprised. It was not that he had never seen Chaos Qi, but it was the first time he saw such a large amount of Chaos Qi at once.

After that, Xiao Lang looked around the Lake of Birth God. There was a huge square seal formation. The thick sealing light curtain covered the Lake of Birth God. The bottom of the sealing array almost penetrated the God of Birth. The mainland plate sealed the entire Lake of Birth in the Great Formation. Unless it was broken with brute force, it was impossible for outsiders to enter.

But it is strange to say that people cannot enter, but the energy and chaotic air in the space can enter it. It seems that this seal formation is indeed not simple.

"Hehe, that is the Great Seal of the Four Elephants. It was built by the elders of the Seven Great Families. It can withstand the full attack of the Venerable Third Stage Era. Even the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the world can't shake it. "

Liu Tianfeng pointed to the seal formation and explained with a smile.

Xiao Lang nodded, and he could also see that the big formation was not simple, and it was definitely not something that a world realm cultivator could break open.

Later, Xiao Lang said, "Shall we find a place to settle down first?"

Liu Tianfeng nodded and agreed, and then he pointed to a giant city thousands of miles away from the Lake of the Gods of Birth, and said: "The seven great forces built a city outside the Lake of the Gods of Birth a long time ago, specifically for the monks who came here to live. Go there first!"


The group of people flew in front of the giant city and landed. Xiao Lang saw at a glance that the three characters "Yellow Dragon City" were hung on the gate of that city, and that was the name of the city.

At the moment, the group didn't hesitate, and after paying a certain fee at the gate of the city, they walked into the Yellow Dragon City.

Next, Xiao Lang Liu Tianfeng and others settled in Huanglong City, because there were still five days before the seal was opened, they were not in a hurry.

With the passage of time, more and more people walked into Huanglong City, and the atmosphere in Huanglong City became more and more warm. Xiao Lang and others have stayed in the simplest place these days and did not go out to hang out. There are more and more people, the fish and the dragon are confused, and if something happens, it will be very troublesome, and the seal of the Lake of the Gods is about to be opened, they do not want to cause trouble.

Finally, five days passed in a flash, and it was time for the seal of Xuanshen Lake to open.


In the early morning of this day, a melodious bell sounded from the horizon, and then a strong and powerful voice resounded over Huanglong City.

"All the monks who participated in the Festival of Gods Lake, all gather outside the city!"

As soon as this voice came out, in Huanglong City, tens of thousands of monks flew towards the outside of Huanglong City like locusts crossing the border.

Xiao Lang, Liu Tianfeng, and the others were among them. The voice just now should have been made by people from the Seven Great Forces, who belonged to the leader of the Lake of Birth Festival, and they naturally couldn't ignore it.

Soon, all the monks in Huanglong City gathered on a huge square outside the city. At this time, on that square, huge viewing platforms have been erected. In the middle of the viewing platforms, There is a huge round ground on which stands a middle-aged man wearing a blue brocade robe.

The middle-aged man is nine feet tall and has a calm face. Although he didn't speak, he still had an aura of anger and prestige. Even when facing the hundreds of thousands of monks in Huanglongcheng, the middle-aged man's complexion was quite similar. Calm, completely unmoved.

"Dear friends, I am the host of this birthday event, Luo Xiongyu, the master of Tianluomen, welcome everyone to the continent of the Goddess. Please find a place to sit down!"

When the middle-aged man saw that all the monks had arrived, he said loudly.

Hearing the voice of the middle-aged man, Xiao Lang suddenly raised his brows. This person was the same person who had summoned them just now. He carefully looked at the middle-aged man for a while, and found that he could not see the strength of the other party at all. Slightly surprised.

Liu Tianfeng on the side said: "Tianluomen is one of the seven powers that control the Lake of Birth God, and that Luo Xiongyu is the sect master of Tianluomen. It is said that he has reached the fifth stage venerable ten thousand years ago, and his strength is very powerful. Even in the Sky Floating Star Territory, he is very famous, but he did not expect that this grand event would be hosted by him."

At this time, the monks present had basically taken their seats, and the entire square was overcrowded in an instant and it was extremely lively.

Xiao Lang and the others also found a place to sit down, waiting for Luo Xiongyu's next speech.

Finally, after all the monks were seated, Luo Xiongyu began to speak again.

"Hehe, since everyone is ready, then I won’t talk any more nonsense. Now that I’m here, everyone must be familiar with the rules of the Lake of the Gods, because the resources of the Lake of the Gods are limited. If you want to get To enter the qualifications to practice in the Lake of Birth God, you must have enough strength." Luo Xiongyu said with a smile.

"Lord Rohmen, just say how to select the places for the lake this time!"

At this time, someone said directly.

"it is good!"

After hearing this, Luo Xiongyu smiled immediately and said: "This time the selection method for entering the lake is very simple. You only need to enter the trial space prepared by our side to compete, and the two thousand people who stayed will be able to get the quota for the lake. "

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