Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 121: : Qianshan Shenquan

"Interesting kid."

Seeing Xiao Lang so straightforward and happy, Zheng Fei and Yang Hong also smiled at each other.

Afterwards, Zheng Fei looked at Xiao Lang and said, "It just so happens that I don't like to be circumspect, I will tell you the truth, we need the Protoss very much now, so you only need to hand over the Prosperity in you, and then Apologize to Xiao Feng, this is what we have done."

"Hand over the Protoss? Kneel down and apologize?"

Hearing that, Xiao Lang smiled coldly, the demands of this group of people were really a bit excessive!

"What if I say no?" Xiao Lang said.

"Then we have to teach you how to behave." Zheng Fei said calmly.

"What a big tone!" Xiao Lang said coldly: "I can't accept your request. If you continue to struggle, don't blame me for being polite."

"You're welcome?"

Seeing that Xiao Lang actually dared to threaten them, Zheng Fei frowned. He thought Xiao Lang would compromise, but the latter was so hard-hearted that he didn't give them face at all, and he was not polite to threaten them to entangle them again. Out the gap between them?

"Boy, I have heard of some things about you, and I know that your fighting strength is good, but I have to advise you, there are people outside the world, there are days outside the world, and some things are not as simple as you think." Yang Hong, who has never spoken much, said Shi said coldly.

"It won't bother you to care."

Xiao Lang waved his hand, stopped paying attention to the group of people, turned his head and said to Nymph, "Let's go!", and then swept forward first.

"What a lifeless thing!"

Upon seeing this, Zheng Fei's expression became a little cold, he said coldly, and then stepped out, shaped like the wind, catching up with Xiao Lang, with five fingers bent into claws, and grabbed his shoulders. .

Zheng Fei is a powerhouse at the peak of the latter stage of the world realm and a disciple of the Tianfu Temple. He is stronger than the average world realm monk. Although this claw is ordinary, his five fingers are vigorous and powerful, and he can tear it from the shoulders of the world realm monk. If the next piece of meat is caught on Xiao Lang, the latter will definitely not feel good.

But how can Xiao Lang be an idler?

As early as the moment Zheng Fei took the shot, Xiao Lang had already noticed it. Seeing Zheng Fei grabbing towards his shoulder, Xiao Lang immediately turned around, shouted "Go back" in a low voice, and then blasted his fist.


The attacks of the two quickly collided, and in an instant, a powerful shock wave broke out, and both of them took a few steps back.

Xiao Lang stomped his feet and quickly stabilized himself on the spot. He stared at Zheng Fei with cold eyes, and said coldly, "Is it ready to take action now?"

Zheng Fei's complexion was a bit ugly. He originally thought that with his strength, even if he could not catch Xiao Lang just now, he would at least be able to frustrate the other party. However, from the current situation, Xiao Lang is in a very good state and has not been affected at all. influences.

"This kid has some abilities."

Zheng Fei immediately gave Xiao Lang such an evaluation in his heart, but he didn't care very much, because he had only used 50% of his power just now, and he was far from using his full strength. Xiao Lang was able to catch his attack. His combat effectiveness is indeed higher than that of ordinary people.

"Boy, I admit that your strength is good, but in front of me, your strength is not enough, so I advise you to do what I say, at least you will not be eliminated, if not, you will not only You will be eliminated, and you will suffer from flesh and blood, so choose yourself!" Zheng Fei said indifferently.

"Put away your hypocrisy, I am not interested in what you said." Xiao Lang said bluntly.

"You are such a stubborn fellow."

Seeing that Xiao Lang didn't listen at all, Zheng Fei also shook his head. With a movement, he shot Xiao Lang again.

But this time, Zheng Fei didn't keep his hands anymore, because he had lost his patience and was ready to crush Xiao Lang with absolute strength, seize his Shuling Jade Medal, and help Lang Yunfeng teach him by the way.

Zheng Fei's speed was very fast, and he had arrived in front of Xiao Lang in an instant, pressing down with his huge palm, and slapped Xiao Lang's Tianling Gai relentlessly.

Because there is no restraint power, Zheng Fei's move is very powerful, and the wind rages wherever he passes, enough to kill some monks in the mid-world realm.

However, Xiao Lang's expression was very calm. Zheng Fei, as the sixth-place winner of the previous examination, was indeed powerful, but he had not yet reached the point where he could threaten him.

Therefore, when Zheng Fei's palm wind hit him, Xiao Lang let out a cold snort, stepped forward, the endless divine energy burst out, and then also pushed out with a palm.


The two attacks collided again, and this time it was even more powerful. The violent shock wave spread like a fierce tsunami, devouring everything.

Seeing this, Ning Fuer quickly retreated. She was just a monk in the early stage of the world. Neither Xiao Lang nor Zheng Fei could compare to her. If she was hit by the shock wave of their battle, I was afraid that she would Suffered.

On the other side, Lang Yunfeng also retreated far away, not daring to watch the battle close, but his eyes were full of gloat, staring at Xiao Lang, wishing that he was killed by Zheng Fei on the spot.

It’s a pity that Lang Yunfeng is destined to be disappointed, because after the first fight, Xiao Lang did not experience the serious injury and defeat he expected. On the contrary, Zheng Fei’s situation was not very good and he was hit by Xiao Lang. After flying out, I finally stopped.

"How can this be!"

Lang Yunfeng's eyes widened, with a look of surprise on his face.

Also unbelievable is Zheng Fei himself. He is on the side of the battle. He has deeply realized how terrifying the power of Xiao Lang’s palm is. That power almost penetrated the skin of his arm and penetrated into the bones of his meridians. In the middle, if it weren't for the speed of unloading force fast enough, I'm afraid even the bones of the meridians would be injured.

"This kid, how can there be such a powerful force!"

Zheng Fei glared at Xiao Lang in disbelief. It was the first time that he had been in the Tianfu Palace for so long and was dominated by someone with a lower strength than him.

When Zheng Fei was shocked, Xiao Lang did not intend to give him time to react. In his opinion, since Zheng Fei chose to attack him, he would have to bear the price of the attack.

A golden light flashed on Xiao Lang's arm, and dark golden scales emerged. Then he moved in front of Zheng Fei and immediately shot out with a palm.

"Split God Prajna Palm!"

There was a rumbling sound, and Xiao Lang's palm wind was like the birth of thunder, deafening, making Zheng Fei react from the shock.

"Damn it!"

Seeing Xiao Lang's palm wind was close at hand, Zheng Fei couldn't help but screamed, and immediately responded in a frantic manner.

Xiao Lang did not rush, and continued to take out his palms. Although the power of the Split God Prajna palm is not strong, it consumes a small amount and can be used continuously. With more than a dozen palms, even if Zheng Fei reacts quickly, He was also caught off guard, embarrassed, and several scorched palm prints appeared on his body.

"Asshole, get out of my way!"

Zheng Fei felt the severe pain from his body, and couldn't help swearing, running his supernatural power frantically, and forcibly disrupting Xiao Lang's fighting rhythm, only then was he able to escape.

When he escaped, Zheng Fei had turned into an embarrassed look with ragged clothes and scattered hair. His previous image and temperament were completely destroyed.

Zheng Fei also knew that his image was completely ruined, and his body was trembling with anger. The look in Xiao Lang's eyes seemed to be cannibalistic, very vicious and vicious.

"You are looking for death!"

Zheng Fei has a hideous face and gritted his teeth. He has participated in so many sect assessments, and this is the first time he has been forced to look like this. Even if he met Kun Peng who had been sitting firmly in the first place before, even if he couldn't beat the opponent. He was able to escape smoothly, but now he was beaten like this by a newcomer. Once this happened, his face was lost.

In fact, Elder Shang Yuankun has indeed noticed the situation here, and more than once transformed the picture here on the outside screen and published it.

However, Zheng Fei didn't know that Elder Shang Yuankun had already published the scene here. He stared at Xiao Lang fiercely, and then flew forward.

"Boy, go to hell!"

Zheng Fei had a hideous face and clenched his fists. The veins on his arms were violent, and the endless divine power surged out, forming huge peaks in the void.

"Thousand Mountain God Fist!"

Hearing Zheng Fei yelled angrily, his fist slammed down, and the huge peaks in the void immediately smashed down, forming a momentum of Qianfeng pressing the top, pointing directly at Xiao Lang.

In the distance, Ning Fu'er's complexion changed drastically. Qianshan Shenquan is said to be Zheng Fei’s fame and unmatched power. He once defeated three masters at the pinnacle of the latter stage of the world in a row. Unexpectedly, he would beat Qianshan Shenquan so quickly. After using it, it seemed that Xiao Lang was really anxious.

Afterwards, Ning Fu'er looked at Xiao Lang again, Qiao's face was full of worry.

At this time, Xiao Lang's brows were frowning, Zheng Fei's Qianshan Shenquan was indeed very powerful, which brought him a lot of pressure.

He knew very well that this was the time to decide the outcome. If Zheng Fei's Qianshan Divine Fist could not be broken, he would definitely be the one who was defeated in this battle.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's eyes burst into a strong war spirit!

"What a Thousand Mountain Divine Fist, I want to see what is so great about your magical skill!"

After that, lightning flashed on Xiao Lang's body, and endless thunder and lightning swept away from him, and the "Holy Thunder Body" was formed in an instant.

At this moment, Xiao Lang looked like a nine-day thunder god, very domineering, his soles slammed in the void, and he immediately flew out, smashing the first mountain with a punch.


Immediately a deafening explosion sounded, and after using the Holy Thunder Body, Xiao Lang's physical strength surged, almost comparable to the most terrifying body cultivation, and the peaks and mountains were shattered with just one punch.

As for the counter-shock power brought by the Qianshan Divine Fist, it was directly ignored by Xiao Lang.

After winning the first blow, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with cold light, which immediately turned into thunder and swept to the foot of the second mountain, another fist slammed out.

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