Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 131: : Black Cloud Gang

Xiao Lang squinted his eyes and asked after a moment, "What strength is the deputy leader of the Black Cloud Gang you mentioned?"

"I don't know about this."

Liu Shangde shook his head and said, "I only know that he is a great power in the world, but I don't know what strength he is."

With that said, Liu Shangde looked at Xiao Lang and asked in an imploring tone: "I have said everything that should be said, and I would like to ask Dao friends to have a lot of them and spare me not to die."

Xiao Lang glanced at Liu Shangde, and immediately said, "Capital crimes are forgiven, living crimes are inevitable, Dulong, let him collect some interest!"

Hearing the words, the angry poisonous dragon, who had already been unable to suppress his anger, walked out immediately, staring at Liu Shangde grimly: "Asshole, you killed my brother, see if I don't kill you today!"

"A good man, forgive me!"

Seeing Dulong's hideous appearance, Liu Shangde's calf softened, and he immediately knelt down, begging for mercy.

The poisonous dragon was indifferent to his begging for mercy, and strode over, a thick poisonous mist filled his body, continuously rotating around him.


I saw Dulong stretched out his palm and jammed Liu Shangde's neck. The poison passed into Liu Shangde's throat through his arm, instantly corroding his throat.

Liu Shangde let out a miserable howl, but because his throat had been destroyed by the toxin, his howling became very unpleasant, like the throat of a drake, hoarse and low.

"There is an old saying that misfortune comes out of your mouth. Since you choose to do that, you have to pay some price for it."

The poisonous dragon destroyed Liu Shangde's energy world again, causing his strength to drop drastically, and then he retracted his palm.

He didn't kill Liu Shangde directly, because after all, Liu Shangde was also half-forced and half-favored to do this kind of thing. There is no need to kill him, abolish his throat and energy world. Is punished.

Liu Shangde fell on the ground, clutching his throat and abdomen and howling constantly. The poisonous dragon's toxin is not a joke. It is extremely corrosive. It can be said that Liu Shangde's throat and energy world have been completely destroyed, even with magical medicine. come back.

Xiao Lang glanced at Liu Shangde on the ground indifferently. He asked for all this and was not worthy of sympathy. Therefore, Xiao Lang quickly retracted his gaze, and then strode out the door.

"Let's go, go to Black Cloud Gang to see."

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen immediately followed, and Dulong took a look at Liu Shangde, and followed suit.

There was hatred in Liu Shangde's eyes, but his energy world was now destroyed, and his strength had fallen to the eighth-order Void True God. He was not an opponent of the poisonous dragon at all, let alone Xiao Lang, a powerhouse in the late world stage.

Therefore, he can only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, eat all the bitter fruits, and think he is unlucky.

Xiao Lang and his party left the Yuelai Inn, found a pedestrian on the street and asked for directions. After determining the direction of the Black Cloud Gang, they strode towards the Black Cloud Gang.

The group was very fast, and soon came to the gate of the Black Cloud Gang.

As a powerful force that has been entrenched in Silver Tiger City for hundreds of years, the black cloud gang’s nest is still very standard. At first glance, it looks like a giant mansion, surrounded by tall walls, and only the front door can enter and exit.

The plaque above the gate reads the five characters "Black Cloud Gang Headquarters". On each side stood two sturdy men, wearing black cloud costumes and holding black spears, looking very uncomfortable.

However, Xiao Lang didn't put these people in his eyes at all, because these people were just fifth-order and sixth-order true emptiness gods. This kind of strength was similar to that of an ant in front of him, and he could easily crush a large piece of it.

Therefore, when Xiao Lang led the group to the door of the Black Cloud Gang headquarters, he didn't even say a word, so he directly led Xiao Demon God and the others into it.

"Stop! Who are you!"

Four sharp gazes came straight from the door, staring straight at Xiao Lang, and shouted.

"The person looking for your deputy leader."

Xiao Lang said indifferently, without any intention of stopping.

"Bold, dare to break into the headquarters of the Black Cloud Gang and take it for me!"

One of the tall guards shouted angrily and took the lead to assassinate Xiao Lang with a spear.

The other guards were unwilling to lag behind, and they shot one after another, killing Xiao Lang, trying to rectify them on the spot.

It's a pity that their strength in Xiao Lang's view is no different from a man's arm as a car. It is not worth mentioning. With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind rushes out, instantly sweeping away the four guardians, and the powerful force directly blasts them All stunned, lying on the ground like a dead dog.

Without even looking at them, Xiao Lang walked directly into the door of the Black Cloud Gang.

The interior of the Black Cloud Gang's mansion is very large. There are many houses and training grounds here.

Xiao Lang released his mental power and scanned the Black Cloud Gang headquarters and found a few more powerful auras. Without a word, he led Xiao Moshen and others toward the location of those auras.

"Who dares to break into the headquarters of the Black Cloud Gang!"

Not long after Xiao Lang and the others came in, someone spotted them and immediately shouted.

As soon as this shout was heard, all the people in the Black Cloud Gang headquarters heard the movement, and several teams immediately swarmed towards this side.

Before long, Xiao Lang and the others were surrounded by hundreds of Black Cloud Gang disciples.

A rugged man with a beard came out, stared at Xiao Lang and his group, and shouted: "Who are you guys, why forcibly broke into my Black Cloud Gang headquarters!"

"There is something to do with your deputy leader."

Xiao Lang didn't care about the other's fierce eyes, and calmly said his reason.

The rough man frowned when he heard the words, and then said, "What can I do with our deputy chief?"

"You don't need to worry about this, call your deputy chief over here, otherwise don't blame me for killing you."

Xiao Lang said lightly.

"What a big tone! I want to see how you want to kill!"

The rough man yelled angrily and commanded the disciples of the Black Cloud Gang, shouting: "Take these people down for me! Let them know that my Black Cloud Gang is not that easy to break through."


A crowd of black clouds shouted to help the disciples, immediately set up a battle and attacked Xiao Lang and his party.


Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang snorted coldly, and saw that he slapped his hand casually, and the vast divine power suddenly surged out, forming a huge energy wind, which directly blasted all the black cloud gang disciples in front of him.

A dozen Black Cloud Gang disciples flew with a palm, and Xiao Lang's strength immediately shocked the others, and for a moment he dared not move forward.

That rough man was also shocked. He was a cultivator at the peak of the early world stage, but he asked himself that he would never be able to achieve Xiao Lang, so what level of power is this person?

Seeing Xiao Lang and the others were about to break through and leave, the rugged man immediately shouted: "Whatever you are doing in a daze, let me go! Stop them anyway!"

The disciples of the Black Cloud Gang looked at each other when they heard this, but due to the identity of the rough man, they had to obey his orders. At the moment, they could only bite the bullet and continue to attack Xiao Lang and others.

Xiao Moshen Wuhen Poisonous Dragon three shots one after another, their strength is generally higher than these Black Cloud Gang disciples, plus their good talent, almost like a tiger entering a flock, no one can stop them.

Even more frightening was Xiao Lang. In order to save time, he played a few tricks like palms, and instantly countless palm prints spread all over the world and attacked everyone.

Although the Thousand Chance Prajna Palm is just an ordinary magical skill, it can't bear Xiao Lang's strength too strong, and those Black Cloud Gang disciples can't stand it at all. As long as they touch Xiao Lang's palm prints, they will either die or be injured, in the blink of an eye. Most of the Heiyun Gang disciples fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

At this time, Demon God Xiao and the others also resolved the battle, and hundreds of Black Cloud Gang disciples all fell to the ground, and apart from the rough man, none of them could stand.

Seeing all of his subordinates fell to the ground, the rugged man was a little weak, and he no longer looked like he was bullying.

"You... don't mess around..."

The rough man stepped back and shouted with a guilty conscience.

Xiao Lang was about to use some means to force this person to take him to Hei Song, the deputy leader of the Black Cloud Gang, but at this moment, more than a dozen figures flew out from the depths of the Black Cloud Gang headquarters.

Those were three men in black, tall, short, fat and thin, with different expressions, but one thing they had in common was their temperament. They were all relatively gloomy, which made people feel uncomfortable.

There were more than a dozen entourages behind the three men in black, but those people were relatively ordinary, so Xiao Lang didn't care.

"Black Beard, what's the matter?"

The headed man in black looked at the many Black Cloud Gang disciples who fell on the ground, then looked at the rough man on the side and asked.

"Leader, this group of people forcibly broke into my Black Cloud Gang headquarters and injured so many of our brothers, you must be the master for us!"

Seeing the man in black questioning, the rough man knelt down and said with tears and nose, his appearance was completely incompatible with his rough appearance.

The man in black is Heiyun, the leader of the Black Cloud Gang. After listening to the rough man, he turned his eyes to Xiao Lang and others, and asked in a low voice: "What do you mean by your excellency? Why do you want to break into my Black Cloud Gang and hurt him? I have so many brothers?"

"Late world stage?"

Xiao Lang didn't answer Hei Yun's question directly, but observed the opponent's strength and found that Hei Yun turned out to be a master of the late world stage.

It was clear in his heart that it was no wonder that the Black Cloud Gang was the only one in Silver Tiger City, occupying such a large position as the gang headquarters. It turned out that there was a master in the late world stage.

Of course, Heiyun's strength is still not enough in front of him, so he directly said: "I came to your deputy leader Hei Song and wanted to ask him something, but your brothers from the Heiyun Gang would not listen. Then I have to Come in by yourself."

"What a big tone, what do you think of my Black Cloud Gang?"

Hei Yun didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so arrogant. He almost regarded their Hei Yun Gang headquarters as his own turf. He wanted to come in. If he didn't teach these people a profound lesson today, his Hei Yun Gang's face would be completely lost. Up.

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