Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 147: :Changfeng Valley

A day later, Xiao Lang, Shura World God, Xiao Demon God, Wuhen, Dulong, and Xiaodao gathered at a restaurant near the Teleportation Array Square in Cloud City.

"Well, since we have already inquired clearly, let's not waste time anymore, and set off immediately to the ancient ruins."

The five people discussed for a while and told the news they had inquired about. In the end, Xiao Lang made a final decision and decided to set off immediately to the ancient ruins in the south.

The Western Regions are a large area, even if it is from Cloud City to the south, it will take three days.

Xiao Lang and the others drove day and night. Finally, after the third day, they arrived at the county town "Bone County" where the ancient ruins were located.

The location of the ancient ruins this time is in this white bone county.

Before coming here, Xiao Lang already knew the information about Baigu County.

Baigu County is one of the ten largest counties in the southern part of the Western Region. It has a large area and is no smaller than Sirius County in the Eastern Region. However, as far as Xiao Lang knows, Baigu County is actually just an ordinary county. It is better than Sirius in terms of strength and background. The county is far apart.

This is because the south is deserted, lacking in resources, and rare people. It belongs to the kind of place where birds do not shit. Such a place is not competitive at all. Therefore, even if the strength of Bone County is not very good, it can easily occupy a large area. .

It was also because of the average strength of the White Bone County that even if the ancient ruins appeared in the White Bone County, the owner of the White Bone County would not be able to develop it alone, and could only watch the monks from other counties come to grab the treasure.

After arriving at the county town of Baigu County, Xiao Lang and his team spent another two days rushing from Baigu County to Changfeng Valley where the ancient ruins are located.

Two days later.

The speed of Xiao Lang and his group slowed down, for no other reason, the Valley of the Wind has arrived.

"Is Long Wind Valley ahead?"

Devil Xiao looked at the huge valley in front of him and said in a low voice.

Xiao Lang nodded, his gaze was also looking at the huge valley in front of him.

The area of ​​the valley is very large, and there are many hills in it, but the most conspicuous one is the huge purple vortex in the middle of Changfeng Valley.

Xiao Lang observed for a while, and he saw that the purple vortex was actually a channel, but this channel was really big enough, with a light diameter of 40 or 50 meters, which was huge.

The purple vortex channel is connected to an alien space, and the specific situation cannot be observed with the naked eye, but Xiao Lang used his mental power to sense it, and he could find that there was a strong sealing force in the space of Long Wind Valley. That should be The seal of the ancient ruins.

It's a pity that the seal is not opened, and it is impossible to enter it through the purple vortex channel.

Then, Xiao Lang looked at the Long Wind Valley again, where many explorers had already arrived. Because the seal had not been opened yet, those explorers were currently living in the Long Wind Valley temporarily.

"There are so many people here."

Shura World God narrowed his eyes and whispered.

At this time, there were 800 monks in Longfeng Valley, not one thousand, he did not expect that this ancient relic was so attractive that it attracted so many monks to hunt for treasure.

"Let's also find a place to stay temporarily, and wait for the seal of Changfeng Valley to open."

Xiao Lang said, with a movement, he took the lead in flying towards the Long Wind Valley.

"it is good!"

When the Devil Xiao, the World God of Shura and others saw this, they quickly followed.

After a while, Xiao Lang and his group landed on a mountain.

"A few more here."

When some monks saw Xiao Lang and his party coming, they suddenly looked unhappy. Although this ancient relic is a no-owner, there is more competition for one more person. Therefore, those monks naturally don't like Xiao Lang and the others. arrival.


Xiao Lang felt the bad eyes of the monks, and suddenly snorted, a huge wave of power emanating from him, spreading far away.

"Late world stage?!"

Xiao Lang's power fluctuations made many cultivators feel it, and immediately those cultivators who had no good intentions were slightly surprised, and some of the movements on their hands stopped without a trace.

Most of the people here are the Void True Gods, and only a small part of the world realm is strong, and most of the world realms are only in the early world realm, and very few can reach the late world realm. Therefore, when they have Knowing that Xiao Lang's strength was in the latter stage of the world stage, he immediately condensed some of the unkind thoughts in his heart, and each pretended to leave.

Seeing those people leaving, Xiao Lang also snorted and ignored him. He naturally knew that the people here did not welcome newcomers, but in the face of absolute strength, those people did not dare to say anything.

After that, Xiao Lang and his group found a place to settle down temporarily.

The seal of the ancient ruins is still very stable and cannot be opened temporarily, so all they can do is wait.

Xiao Lang could feel that the strength of the seal seemed to be slowly weakening. Although he didn't know the reason for the weakening, if he continued at this speed, it would only take a few days to open the seal and enter the ancient ruins.

During the time he was waiting, Xiao Lang was not idle either, and he inquired a lot about the ruins around him.

After inquiring, Xiao Lang learned that the first person who discovered this ancient ruin was a man named Shao Yuan. This person had discovered the ancient ruins more than ten years ago, and took advantage of the time when the seal was weakened. I personally explored the ancient relics and brought out many treasures. For example, the "Dragon Elephant Magic Art" that Xiao Lang auctioned at the Chiyun City auction site was brought out by Shao Yuan from the ancient relics. After twists and turns, it finally fell into Xiao Lang's hands.

It is precisely because of this that the ancient ruins have attracted so many people's jealousy, and they all want to explore them.

In addition, Xiao Lang also inquired about two important messages.

The first message is about the origins of the ancient ruins. It is said that this ancient ruins was created by a strong man named "Venerable Dragon Elephant", but why did the Lord Dragon Elephant create this ruin? Know the reason.

The second message is that in the core area of ​​the ancient ruins, there is still a seal. If you want to obtain the treasures in the ancient ruins, you must first open that seal.

According to the source, if you want to open that layer of seal, you must obtain four keys from the ancient ruins. Only after collecting the four keys can you open the seal and truly enter the core area of ​​the ancient ruins.

At that time, Shao Yuan failed to obtain the four keys, so he could only search the periphery of the ancient ruins. The treasures he obtained were not high-level, and even the dragon elephant magic was incomplete.

These are very important messages, and after Xiao Lang inquired about it, he knew a little more about the ancient ruins.

With the passage of time, more and more people came to Changfeng Valley for expeditions, and even some famous local people began to appear in Changfeng Valley.

For example, Bai Yaofei, the grandson of the old county guard in Baigu County, attracted the attention of many monks as soon as he appeared, and made everyone look at him. This is a real landlord and ground snake.

In addition, there are "Leiyun", the young master of the Lei family of Fenglei City, the suzerain of the Western Wilderness Sect, "Mo Huang", the big disciple of the Dragon Fire Sect, "Fire Fighting", etc., each of which is famous in the area. People of the wind and clouds, when they appeared, attracted the attention of many monks.

Xiao Lang came from the Eastern Regions and was not familiar with these local ground snakes, but he still kept an eye on them, because he found that those people were very strong, like Bai Yaofei, Leiyun, Mo Huang, and Fire Fighting. All have reached the world realm of great perfection.

Because the seal of the ancient ruins still showed no signs of loosening, the monks of Changfeng Valley felt bored, so they set up a stall in Changfeng Valley, started a transaction, and took out some treasures that they didn’t need much. Others exchange for some equivalent items.

Such a small temporary market was quickly welcomed by everyone. In just one day, the originally dull Longfeng Valley became lively.

Xiao Lang and the others were unwilling to be lonely, wandering around in the temporary market in Changfeng Valley to see if they had what they needed.

Soon, Xiao Devil, Xiaodao, Wuhen, and Poisonous Dragon have harvested. Their strength is low, and their requirements for treasures are naturally not very high. It can be said that most of the treasures in the Changfeng Valley Temporary Market are correct. They are useful.

After shopping for a while, the world **** of Shura found what he needed. It was a purple fruit. It is said to have a beneficial effect on the monks who have just entered the world. It can strengthen the foundation and strengthen the foundation. The world of Shura It took a lot of money for God to exchange it from the stall holder.

Only Xiao Lang was empty-handed and hadn't gained anything yet, but he looked calm and didn't care about it.

His eyes calmly swept across the many treasures on those stalls, without any waves in his heart.

After all, his strength belongs to the higher ranks. Although the treasures here are very precious, they have not yet reached the point of attracting him. Therefore, Xiao Lang almost visited most of the temporary bazaars, but he could not find one. A delightful treasure.

Xiao Lang could see it too well. This was just to try his luck. If he didn't, there would be no, and it would have no effect on him.

Therefore, after wandering for a while and not finding any useful treasures for him, Xiao Lang also put away his mind to continue wandering, and was ready to go home.

However, just when Xiao Lang was about to leave here and went back to see the piece of jade slip given to him by Venerable Wuxiang, his eyes were inadvertently attracted by a treasure on a remote stall.


Xiao Lang raised his brows and immediately became interested, and walked over calmly.

After a while, Xiao Lang came to the booth.

The stall was a middle-aged man with dark skin, a thinner body, and a very ordinary dress, belonging to the most inconspicuous category of people in the crowd.

However, Xiao Lang could tell that the strength of the middle-aged man had reached the latter stage of the world, and he was also a top-notch wave in Long Wind Valley.

And what attracted Xiao Lang to come was a crystal clear purple fruit on the men's booth.

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