Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 159: Night Magic

"call out!"

Above Zhen Demon Peak, the Dragon Elephant Seal cut through the void and flew towards the pitch black claws on the opposite side.


In the end, the two collided, and the deafening explosion sounded immediately, and the intense light almost illuminated the entire sky.

"what happened?"

Among the mountains of Zhenmafeng, many monks who participated in the treasure hunt raised their heads and looked at the thunderstorm-like scene on the top of Zhenmafeng.

In fact, they had long known that someone was fighting on the top of Zhenma Peak, but before they thought it was Bai Yaofei, Leiyun Mohuang Fire Fighting and others fighting for the magical medicine.

But the power of the explosion just now was really terrifying, even if Bai Yaofei and the others were powerful, it was impossible to make such a big move, right?

As a result, everyone became curious and wondered if what happened above.

Some people who are not afraid of death have given up on the treasure hunt, flying towards the top of the mountain, wanting to go up and see the situation.

There were more and more such people. In the end, almost most of them had no intention of hunting for treasures, and all went to the top of the mountain.

And when they rushed to the top of the mountain, they were shocked by the sight in front of them.

All dozens of world-level cultivators fell to the ground, and all four of Bai Yaofei from Leiyun Mohuang Fire Fighting were seriously injured and fell to the ground for a long time.

"How is this going?"

Everyone looked up to the sky, and soon saw the dragon elephant and the poisonous soul who were fighting.

Of course, because both of them were attached to others with their remnant souls, everyone saw Xiao Lang and Shao Yuan.

"Xiao Lang? Shao Yuan?"

"How could it be them?"

Everyone was confused, puzzled by the scene before them, and wondered how the two of them started fighting.


Lei Dong found the thundercloud lying on the ground, and immediately led people to run over and helped him up.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Asked thunderously.

"Damn, I'm in trouble."

Lei Yun gritted his teeth and said, his body was still paralyzed at this time, unable to move.

"What's the matter with Xiao Lang? Why did they run up?"

Lei Yun asked again, he was very puzzled, Xiao Lang was still fighting there, why did Lei Yun fall?

"That kid got lucky and was chosen as the inheritor by the remnant soul of Venerable Dragon Elephant. He also took the five-color damask flower. Shao Yuan who fought with him was actually by a moon worshiper. His remnant soul is possessed, and all of us have been pitted by him."

Lei Yun cursed, his tone full of jealousy.


Lei Dong opened his eyes, shocked and jealous, shocked at Shao Yuan's identity as the moon worshipping demon clan, and at the same time jealous of Xiao Lang's luck. Isn't it better?

When the Lei family lifted Leiyun up, the people brought by Bai Yaofei Mo Huang to put out the fire also helped them up and brought them to a safe area.

Before long, everyone knew what happened here.

"Shao Yuan is actually a moon worship demon? How is this possible!"

"What's impossible, we were all deceived by him!"

The faces of everyone showed anger, and they wanted to kill Shao Yuan personally to vent their hatred.

But when they saw Shao Yuan's combat effectiveness, they all cancelled this idea.

Facing the strength of Era Realm, even if they shot together, they couldn't be opponents of each other.

"It's Xiao Lang's attention right now."

Finally, everyone put their hopes on Xiao Lang.

Because they learned that Xiao Lang had received the inheritance and help from the Dragon Elephant Venerable, and his strength had greatly increased and he could face Shao Yuan.

"Let's leave first!"

Lei Yun whispered.

The five-color coriander flower has been taken away by Xiao Lang, and the inheritance of the dragon elephant has also fallen on Xiao Lang. It is useless for them to stay, it is better to leave here first.

What's more, if Xiao Lang and Venerable Dragon Elephant fail and are killed by Venerable Poison Soul, they will be in danger.

In view of various reasons, Lei Yun made a decision to leave here first.

As for the five-color damask flowers on Xiao Lang's body, if Xiao Lang had his life to walk out of the ruins, it would not be too late for them to grab it.

Right now, Lei Yun led a group of Lei family members and quietly walked towards the bottom of Zhenmofeng Mountain.

Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and others who have the same idea as them, they also know that there is no benefit to get here, it is better to leave here first.

Soon, Bai Yaofei, Leiyun, Mo Huang, Fire Fighting and others all evacuated the top of the mountain.

When other ordinary monks saw that these people had gone, naturally they would not stay here anymore and left one after another.

Venerable Poison Soul discovered this early and tried to stop it many times, but was intercepted by Venerable Dragon Elephant.

"Dragon Elephant, you are looking for death!"

Venerable Poison Soul angrily rebuked that those people were all the soul food he had prepared, and if he let them go, it would have a huge impact on his resurrection plan.

"You better take care of yourself before talking!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant snorted coldly.

Venerable Poison Soul gritted his teeth, "Dragon Elephant, since you let them go, then use your remnant soul as compensation!"

After he finished speaking, he slapped several heavenly soul claws in a row, madly attacking the dragon elephant.


Venerable Dragon Elephant snorted coldly.

I saw two beams shot out of his arms again, intertwined and merged.

Soon, a huge dragon elephant golden wheel lay across the void, resisting all the attacks of those heavenly soul claws.

"Dragon Elephant, try this!"

Venerable Poison Soul screamed.

I saw him open his mouth and spit out several notes in succession.

The notes are very obscure and incomprehensible, unlike human language. Each note carries a powerful evil spirit, as if these notes came from hell.

"The Voice of the Devil!"

Seeing the obscure notes spit out by Venerable Poison Soul, Venerable Dragon Elephant couldn't help frowning.

He and Poison Soul Venerable are enemies, and naturally know the latter's methods.

The Voice of the Demon is a kind of sonic magical skill, the notes it emits can directly damage the spirits. If the spirits are not strong enough, as long as they hear this kind of notes, they will be shocked on the spot.

Even if the strength is strong and the soul is stable, it must be handled carefully.

One hundred thousand years ago, he suffered a lot from this trick.

"Little guy, look good, this is the back part of the dragon elephant magic!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant said to Xiao Lang using his soul.

Xiao Lang immediately concentrated, staring at Venerable Dragon Elephant to perform new magical skills.

I saw Venerable Dragon Elephant's eyes flickering, and the divine power of his whole body ran wildly, gathering in the meridians of his arm.

In an instant, a dazzling light burst out from the arm of Venerable Dragon Elephant.

Next, Xiao Lang's eyes widened suddenly, because he found that the two iconic marks on his arm had actually begun to move.

"There are such methods!"

Xiao Lang smacked his tongue secretly. He never expected that the iconic seal could move.

Soon, the iconographic imprint was transferred to the palm of the left hand.

At this time, I saw Venerable Dragon Elephant yelling: "The Devil's Palm of Holy Elephant Town!"

In an instant, the iconography of the icon doubled, almost occupying the entire palm.

Endless brilliance erupted from the iconic seal, and as Venerable Dragon Elephant shot out with a palm, an extremely terrifying power burst out immediately.


A holy elephant phantom volleyed out of the sky, with a mighty momentum, as if it could suppress the world.

As soon as the icon came out, the notes of the terrifying voice of the heavenly devil were all blocked, and there was no way to go further.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that his voice of Heavenly Demon failed, Venerable Poison Soul suddenly became angry.

"Dragon Elephant, don't be too happy too early."

Venerable Poison Soul snorted coldly.

"Do you have any means, just show it!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant said lightly.

"Hmph, although I have been suppressed here for 100,000 years, do you think I have done nothing?"

Venerable Poison Soul's disgruntled way.

"What do you mean?"

Venerable Dragon Elephant frowned.

Venerable Poison Soul sneered: "Through one hundred thousand years of comprehension, I have understood the last level of the Night Demon Sutra. Wait for me to summon the Night Magic Phase and see how you fight it!"

As he said, Venerable Poison Soul bit his fingers and drew an extremely mysterious pattern on his palm.

"Does this guy really understand the Night Demon Sutra?"

Venerable Dragon Elephant frowned and muttered to himself.

The Night Demon Sutra is a very powerful Demon Sutra of the Worshiping Moon Demon Clan. It is said that if the last level of this sutra is successfully cultivated, it will be able to summon the ancient Night Demon Sovereign's law, and its combat power will soar.

Thinking of this, Venerable Dragon Elephant made a decisive decision and immediately took action to stop Venerable Poison Soul.


Venerable Poison Soul sneered, and saw his palm with the mysterious pattern drawn violently into the sky.

"Night Demon Sutra, the Demon Emperor appears!"

Venerable Poison Soul shouted.

This word is very strange, as if it can penetrate time and space, summoning the mighty power of ancient times.


Following the voice of Venerable Poison Soul fell.

The mysterious pattern on his palm immediately flew into the sky, and rapidly expanded, covering the entire Zhen Demon Peak in a blink of an eye.


The huge formation pattern slowly revolved, and a dull sound came out, a breath that seemed to come from ancient times, overflowing from the formation pattern.


A deep muffled roar came from the formation pattern.

Afterwards, Xiao Lang and Venerable Dragon Elephant saw a tall black figure walking out of that huge formation.

The black figure is in the form of a human, wearing a crown on his head, and wearing a dark gold costume. It is five meters tall.

Especially the eyes of the black figure burst out with a striking light, making people afraid to look directly.

"It really is the phantom of the Night Demon Emperor!"

Venerable Dragon Elephant whispered.

He had participated in the battle to destroy the Moon-Worshipping Demon Clan before his death, and he had personally seen a great power from the pinnacle of the Era Realm in the Central Empire of the Sky Floating Fight against a great demon of the Moon-Waiting Demon Clan.

At that time, the great demon of the Moon-Worshipping Demon Race summoned the phantom of the Night Demon Emperor and directly defeated the great power of the Tianfu Central Empire.

In the end, three great powers of the Sky Floating Central Empire made a move to obliterate the great demon of the moon worshipping demon clan and return the phantom of the Night Demon Emperor back to ancient time and space.

From this one can imagine how terrifying the power of the Night Demon Emperor's phantom is.

Venerable Dragon Elephant never expected that Venerable Poison Soul would actually comprehend the last layer of the Night Demon Sutra during the 100,000 years he suppressed, and successfully summoned the phantom of the Night Demon Emperor.

"Trouble now."

Venerable Dragon Elephant's face became serious.

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