Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 161: : The Regret of Lord Longxiang

"Earth veins?" Venerable Dragon Elephant was taken aback for a moment. He shook his head and said: "No, this is just an alien space I constructed. It is not a real world. There is no reincarnation of the heavens and the cycle of the five elements, so the earth veins cannot be derived. ."

"That's it." Xiao Lang felt a little regretful. If he had earth veins, he might be able to use the power of earth veins to display the gathering formation, and he might be able to counter the Night Demon Emperor phantom.

"Do you want to use the power of the earth veins to fight against the poisonous souls?" Venerable Longxiang couldn't see Xiao Lang's thoughts, so he asked.

"I have this idea. I have used this method to resist strong enemies before." Xiao Lang nodded and admitted.

"The method of using the earth veins is relatively rare. I didn't expect you to understand this." Venerable Dragon Elephant was a little surprised. He smiled and said: "But don't worry, even if there is no earth veins, the poison soul will not be easy to defeat me."

Xiao Lang nodded, now he can only look at Venerable Dragon Elephant.

At this time, the night demon emperor phantom had already been killed, and the cold and biting claw wind rushed in, making people feel the spinal cord chills.

Upon seeing this, the Venerable Dragon Elephant immediately displayed the Devil's Palm and Shenlong Shaking Fist.

With one hand as a palm and the other as a fist, they made moves at the same time, which actually pushed the Night Demon Emperor phantom back a few steps.

When Venerable Poison Soul saw this, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly, "I want to see how long you can hold on?"

After talking about his figure, he flew to the side of Venerable Dragon Elephant and attacked from the side.

The addition of Venerable Poison Soul increased the pressure of Venerable Dragon Elephant, and he was almost shot several times, causing danger.

Fortunately, the body of the Night Demon Emperor's phantom had become a little illusory now, it should be that the time limit was approaching.

Venerable Poison Soul also noticed this, a trace of panic flashed across his face, the Night Demon Emperor's phantom was his last trump card, once he disappeared, his current dominant position would immediately disappear.

Therefore, he must completely kill Venerable Dragon Elephant before the Night Demon Emperor phantom disappears to ensure his safety.

"Sky Soul Claw!"

"The Voice of the Devil!"

"Vientiane Magic Hand!"

For a time, Venerable Poison Soul released several powerful magical skills one after another. In the space, black soul claws, weird notes, and huge powerful magic hands appeared at the same time, each killing towards Venerable Dragon Elephant.

On the other side, the Night Demon Emperor Phantom also opened his big mouth, spitting out seven or eight black gas cannonballs, all blasting towards Venerable Dragon Elephant.

Venerable Dragon Elephant had a cold face, and immediately launched a counterattack. With all his cards, he had no reservations, and he used the Dragon Elephant magic to the extreme.

The seal of the dragon elephant, the golden wheel of the dragon elephant, the palm of the icon town, the dragon shaking fist, one move after another, released from the hands of the dragon elephant, and the various magical abilities that rushed in the sky, and the black gas cannonballs crashed. Collide.

boom! boom! boom!

A series of sparks erupted from the space, like fireworks, gorgeous and dazzling.

At the same time receiving so many attacks, Venerable Dragon Elephant also seemed a little strenuous, sweat beaded on his forehead.

Fortunately, he finally resisted and was not directly defeated.

At this time, the phantom of the Night Demon Emperor had become more and more illusory, almost translucent.

"Damn it, there's no time." Venerable Poison Soul gritted his teeth, showing unwillingness. One hundred thousand years ago, he lost to Venerable Dragon Elephant once. Now one hundred thousand years later, he has understood the Night Demon Sutra. In the end, he lost to Venerable Dragon Elephant.

It is a pity that this is the reality that is about to happen, and the Poison Soul has to accept it.

He rolled his eyes, and suddenly turned to flee, while the Night Demon Emperor phantom slew towards Venerable Dragon Elephant like crazy.

"Want to run?" How could Venerable Dragon Elephant couldn't tell that Venerable Poison Soul had reached the end of the road.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a move came out of the devil's palm of Elephant Town.


After a loud noise, the Night Demon Emperor phantom shattered and disappeared.

"Poison Soul, where to run!" Seeing that the Poison Soul had already run away, the Dragon Elephant shouted, and immediately went to chase him down.

At the same time, Venerable Dragon Elephant displayed a formation with both hands and penetrated into the magic peak on the earth.

"Power of Demon Suppression!" Venerable Dragon Elephant yelled, and the Demon Suppression Peak erupted in an invisible wave, and the surrounding gravity instantly increased thousands of times.

"Not good!" Poison Soul Venerable's complexion changed drastically, and the gravity directly acted on him, causing his body to be as heavy as copper and iron instantly, and he fell uncontrollably.

Fortunately, his strength was fair. After the initial imbalance, he finally stabilized.

However, in this gap of time, Venerable Dragon Elephant has already caught up.

"Poison Soul, it's over!" Venerable Dragon Elephant's face was cold, and he punched and palmed out all the last two forms of Dragon Elephant magic.

"No!" Venerable Poison Soul roared unwillingly. His body was dragged by the power of Summon Peak, and his movements became much slower, unable to break free for a short time, he could only watch Venerable Dragon Elephant. The attack fell on himself.


In the next moment, Venerable Poison Soul was blasted away, and his body was directly destroyed, revealing the remnant soul of Venerable Poison Soul.

Only then did Xiao Lang discover that Poison Soul Venerable was a thin man in a black robe. His skin was very dark, and his eyes were like demons, gleaming with cold light.

"This is the Moon Worship Demon Race?" Xiao Lang squinted his eyes. It was the first time he saw the Moon Worship Demon Race. Although this race was similar in appearance to humans, it was not a pure human race.

In fact, the Moon Worshiping Demon Race has the bloodline of the ancient demon race, but later the human race gradually prospered and replaced the ruling position of the ancient demon race, and the ancient demon race gradually disappeared and retired. At present, there are only some branches related to the ancient demon race. The demon clan is still active in the endless universe.

As soon as the remnant soul of Venerable Poison Soul appeared, it was immediately drawn by Zhenmofeng, and finally suppressed steadily.

"Zhen Mofeng was made with the head of hunting beasts, and it was born with restraint to the moon-worshiping demons." Venerable Dragon Elephant knew that Xiao Lang would be puzzled, so he explained with a smile.

"So that's it." Xiao Lang nodded clearly, there is actually such a thing as hunting monsters in this world?

At this time, the soul of Venerable Dragon Elephant broke away from Xiao Lang's body, revealing his true deity.

"Haha, the poisonous soul has been surrendered, you wait for a moment here, I will eliminate this trouble, and then come to talk to you." Venerable Dragon Elephant ordered, and went to Zhenmo Peak to cast down demons.

Xiao Lang waited quietly in place.

Thousands of miles away, Shura World God and Xiao Demon God rushed over and joined Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was also relieved to see that they were all right.

Afterwards, the two sides had a conversation, and heard an unwilling roar from the town magic peak.

"I can not be reconciled!"

"Dragon Elephant, don't be proud of you, sooner or later I will worship the Moon Demon Race into the Sky Floating Star Territory and kill the human race!"


Xiao Lang and his group were silent.

In a short while, Venerable Poison Soul's roar disappeared completely, and Venerable Dragon Elephant flew over from Zhen Mofeng.

"I have seen the Venerable." Seeing this, the Shura World God, Xiao Demon God and the others immediately bowed their hands in salute. The other party was an Era Realm Venerable, and he was also a hero who eliminated demons from the Human Race, and deserved their respect.

Venerable Dragon Elephant smiled and nodded, indicating that they are not polite, and then he said to Xiao Lang: "Venerable Poison Soul has been removed, I have to thank you this time."

"Your Honor is polite." Xiao Lang hurriedly responded.

"My time is running out. Before I disappear, I have a request to tell you about it." said the dragon elephant.

"Venerable please speak clearly."

"In order to suppress the poisonous soul, I exhausted all my strength, and the lamp ran out. As a result, many of the funeral matters were not explained clearly."

Venerable Dragon Elephant said faintly: "Back then, I drove into the Sky Floating Star Territory by myself. I devoted myself to cultivation and did not establish my own power. But earlier, I gave birth to a child with a woman from a small family. They are my descendants. Now more than 100,000 years have passed, and I don’t know if that family is still there, so I want you to have time to see them for me."

Xiao Lang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that Venerable Dragon Elephant still has such a romantic history, but he did not refuse, nodded and agreed.

"I don't know where is the family that the venerable is talking about? What is its name?" Xiao Lang asked.

"Back then, I met her in a medium-sized world called Tianyun Continent. Her family name is Yin. Although we have been dating for some time, I have never been to her family because I just got the Tianfu at that time. The champion of the conference rushed to the headquarters of Tianfu Palace, and didn't know until later that she had a child."

Xiao Lang was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Venerable Dragon Elephant would also stay in Tianfu Palace.

Venerable Dragon Elephant continued: "In Tianfu Palace, my strength has increased a lot, and I have become a core disciple of Tianfu Palace headquarters, but when I was about to bring their wives to my side, Tianfu Star Field and However, war broke out in the Moon-Worshipping Demon Clan. I was sent to the border area and stationed there all year round to fight against the Moon-Worshipping Demon Clan’s invasion. This defense lasted tens of thousands of years.

"Later, Venerable Poison Soul led the army of the Moon Worship Demon Clan and invaded the azure world on a large scale. I was appointed as the commander of the Sky Floating Army to stop Venerable Poison Soul. We fought for three days and three nights, and finally suppressed with my life. Venerable Poison Soul, but until the moment I died, I couldn't see the last of their mothers."

"Now more than 100,000 years have passed, they have long since turned into a pile of loess."

Venerable Dragon Elephant gave a wry smile after speaking, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Xiao Lang sympathized with the experience of Venerable Dragon Elephant. The Sky Floating Star Territory more than 100,000 years ago was indeed much more chaotic than it is now. Major aliens invaded the border, and many powerful men were sent to the border to resist alien invasion. , This can also be found in the history books.

At the same time, he was in awe. Venerable Dragon Elephant may not be a qualified husband and father, but he was an upright hero. In order to seal Venerable Poison Soul, he did not hesitate to pay the price of his life, which is difficult for ordinary people to do.

"Venerable, rest assured, I will definitely fulfill your last wish." Xiao Lang assured.

"Thank you." Venerable Dragon Elephant nodded. He flipped his palm and took out a delicate jade pendant. Inside the jade pendant, a few rays of starlight were circulating: "This is the token of love for me and her back then. There are them inside. Something unique to the family, you hold it first, it can help you find them."

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