Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 163: : Small punishment

Seeing that Mo Huang and Bai Yaofei had already taken action, they did not hesitate to put out the fire, and attacked from the right side.

"Skyfire Spirit Snake Palm!"

The fire extinguisher gave a deep cry, and two orange flames evacuated from the palm of his hand, turning into two blazing fire snakes, and struck Xiao Lang at a tricky angle.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The powerful players of the four great world realms at the same time shot at the same time. That scene can be described as shock.

Xiao Lang's brows were also frowning, but these scenes were tricky. Even if he were to change to another monk of the Dzogchen World Realm, he would only have to escape. If he did not get the inheritance of the Dragon Elephant, he would face this. The scene can only escape.

In fact, if there was no inheritance from the Dragon Elephant Venerable, Xiao Lang had already taken Xiao Demon God and the others to flee, where would he have spent with Bai Yaofei and the others.

Seeing the four people coming over, Xiao Lang let out a cold snort, flipped his palm, and a small mountain appeared on it.

As soon as this small mountain peak appeared, Bai Yaofei, Leiyun Mohuang Firefighting, the eyes of the four people were like a ling, they felt that the small mountain peak seemed a bit familiar.

But now that the arrow has left the string, there is no reason to recover, so they can only continue to shoot.

At the critical moment, Xiao Lang closed his eyes, felt carefully, and quickly established contact with Xiaoshan Peak.

This small mountain peak was the magical peak that was given to him by Venerable Dragon Elephant, and this was also where Xiao Lang's confidence lies.

The Suppression of Demon Peak is an era artifact. Back then, even a big demon like the Poison Soul could suppress it. There were only a few ordinary monks who had achieved great perfection in the world, Xiao Lang was naturally not afraid.

Of course, his current strength is still low, unable to stimulate the full power of Zhen Mofeng, so although he is confident, he still needs to try first.

"Go!" At the moment, Xiao Lang stretched out his hand, and Zhen Mofeng immediately flew out, the cyan luster rose greatly, from small to large, and in the blink of an eye it became a rockery-sized mountain.

The complexion of the four of Bai Yaofei changed, they felt a strong suction, and they even sucked their magic skills.

"This is the artifact that suppresses the Moon Worship Demon Clan!" Mo Huang stared in shock and said.

The other three also showed shocked expressions, no wonder this mountain is so familiar, it turns out to be the mountain artifact.

"Hurry up!" Bai Yaofei shouted repeatedly. This artifact contains a powerful gravitational formation, which can draw them over, like a magnet, which is very difficult to deal with. It is better to avoid it.

Both Lei Yun Mo Huang and Fire Fighting knew this truth, and immediately gave up dealing with Xiao Lang, retreated with all their strength, trying to get rid of the suction power of Zhen Mofeng.

Boom boom boom!

Their magical skills all hit the top of the town magic peak, but did not cause any damage.

Xiao Lang snorted coldly, then shot again, manipulating Zhen Mofeng, and slammed into the four of Bai Yaofei.

Although he can't use the power in Zhenmofeng, Zhenmofeng is an era artifact, and it can kill Bai Yaofei and the others with its own strength.

The expressions of Bai Yaofei and others changed again, and they whispered "Asshole", then fled around, not daring to shake them.

"This bastard, how can all good things fall on his head?" Lei Yun was most jealous, his eyes staring at Xiao Lang were full of chill.

But he soon became jealous, because Xiao Lang actually chased him.

"What does this **** want to do?" Lei Yun's expression changed, he immediately flew out and ran away quickly.

Even if the four of them couldn't beat Xiao Lang together, it was even more impossible for him alone.

Xiao Lang's expression was indifferent. While chasing Leiyun, he controlled Zhen Mofeng and flew towards the sky above Leiyun.


After Zhen Mofeng caught up with the thundercloud, Xiao Lang didn't even think about it. He shouted, Zhen Mofeng's blue light masterpiece, turned into a thousand-meter giant peak, and slammed down towards the thundercloud.

Leiyun’s face was full of astonishment. Although the Zhenmafeng was not as exaggerated as the previous hundreds of thousands of meters, the kilometer giant peak was also terrifying, especially the huge gravity above. Once it was pressed down, he would not be directly I'm afraid I will have to break a few bones.

At the moment, Leiyun flees, desperately avoiding the suppression of Zhen Mofeng.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast he was, he couldn't match the terrifying gravity of Zhen Mofeng, and was finally suppressed by Zhen Mofeng.


With a bang, the thousand-meter-high Zhenmofeng smashed the entire ground, and the surrounding ground instantly collapsed, and a huge pit appeared, and the thundercloud was firmly pressed under the Zhenmofeng.

Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang, the fire extinguisher took a breath, and there was a hint of fear in the eyes looking at Xiao Lang. This person was too fierce, and he did not care about the consequences. If he suppressed it like this, Leiyun would not die even if he did not die. Delamination skin.

They were all secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, Xiao Lang was not suppressing them, or they would feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Lang didn't care about them. With a wave of his arm, the magic peak of Qianmizhen quickly shrank, turned into a small rockery, and flew back.

And a huge pit was left on the ground, and in the middle of that huge pit, it was the figure of Thunder Cloud.

The thundercloud at this time can almost be described as miserable, the whole body is **** and bloody, the body is almost squashed, and the face is gray and embarrassed.

Had he not been a master of the Dzogchen World Realm, just such a terrifying injury would be enough to kill him.

"Brother!" Lei Dong yelled and flew towards Leiyun quickly. The other Lei family experts also changed their complexions and quickly went to check Leiyun's injuries.

Lei Dong arrived first, he helped Lei Yun up, and said with a worried expression: "Brother, how are you?"

At this time, although Leiyun was seriously injured and his whole person deformed, he did not faint. He took out a few pills from the space treasure with difficulty, and Lei Dong helped him put it in his mouth, and he finally got better.

Lei Dong looked at Xiao Lang angrily, and was about to say a few words, but when he saw Xiao Lang's cold eyes, he subconsciously shrank his neck, and he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.


How could Leiyun not see Thunder's cowardice, he could not help but snorted, but he didn't dare to say anything cruel to Xiao Lang. , He can't stand this body now.

"This time I will only give you a small punishment. The next time, it won't be that simple." Xiao Lang saw that Leiyun and Lei Dong had stopped cooking, and did not intend to continue. After all, this is the southern part of the Western Regions. Fenglei City is not very far from here, it really killed Thunder Cloud, and Fenglei City's Lei Family will definitely not give up.

Although he has the status of a disciple of the Tianfu Palace, if the other party has sufficient reasons, Tianfu Palace will not care.

After speaking, Xiao Lang glanced at Bai Yaofei, Mo Huang and the fire-extinguishing trio in the distance. They were shocked by Xiao Lang. At this time, they all hid far away, for fear that Xiao Lang would also give them a giant peak.

"Devil God, Xiaodao, we are gone." However, Xiao Lang didn't intend to avenge Bai Yaofei and the others. He directly recruited Demon God Xiao and the others, and turned and flew towards the distance.

Xiao Demon God, Xiaodao Wuhen and the others looked at each other and looked at each other, but Xiao Lang had left, so naturally they wouldn't say anything, so they all followed.

Xiao Lang's gaze was indifferent. He was not very broad-minded. He was purely concerned about the safety of Demon God Xiao and the others. Although he has the Demon Peak, as mentioned earlier, this is the southern part of the Western Region after all, and all the forces behind those people are Here, he is an outsider, what should he use to fight them?

The so-called strong dragon can't beat the earth snake, this is the truth.

Here, Bai Yaofei and the others were also a little surprised. Originally they thought that Xiao Lang might attack them, but they didn't expect the latter to leave.

"I should stop him just now." Mo Huang said with an unnatural expression.

Bai Yaofei glanced at him and snorted coldly: "Don't you know how much we weigh? Xiao Lang has that artifact in his hand. Even if we stop him, can we beat him?"

Mo Huang's face blushed. In fact, he also knew the truth, but the four of them were actually suppressed by Xiao Lang alone, which made him feel like he couldn't hold on to his face, so he said this.

"Hey, it seems that the five-color damask flower has nothing to do with us. Let's go back to each house." Bai Yaofei shook his head helplessly, and left here with a group of Bai family members.

Mo Huang and Fire Fighting looked at each other, and then they both left with their own people.

As for Leiyun, he was seriously injured and couldn't lead the team, so this task was handed over to Lei Dong, and he sat on Yiye Feizhou with peace of mind.

"Big Brother, you were too deflated at that moment." On the way, the knife laughed and admired Xiao Lang very much: "That **** Leiyun, I've seen him upset a long time ago, so I should give him a hard blow."

Xiao Lang smiled dumbly, this fellow with the knife is quite grudge.

"Xiao Lang, are you really going to find the descendants of Venerable Dragon Elephant?" Shura World God came over and asked aloud.

Xiao Lang nodded: "Venerable Dragon Elephant has a preaching grace to me. Since I promised him, I will naturally help him do it."

Shura World God looked at Xiao Lang appreciatively, and immediately asked, "Then when are you going to go?"

"Go back first, and wait until I refine the five-color coriander flower, and then fulfill the last wish of the venerable." Xiao Lang thought for a while and replied.

The Shura World Realm God stopped asking questions, and the group of people hurried on their way. After a few days, they finally returned to Tianlong Mountain.

"You do your own activities, I want to retreat for a while." As soon as Xiao Lang came back, he put aside a sentence and entered the alien space.

He took out the five-color damask flower and placed it in front of him, and then took out a dagger of the level of an artifact, and divided the five-color damask flower into three parts.

This five-color genkwa is a high-level magic medicine, and its power is very strong. He didn't dare to take it all at once, so he thought about dividing it into three parts and taking it three times, so as to buffer the power of the five-color genkwa.

In the monk world, there are often some greedy monks, because regardless of the consequences, they took some high-level elixir and magical medicines, which caused the meridians to be interrupted by the powerful medicinal power, and even the medicinal power was out of control, and things happened. It is better for him to sit back and relax.

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