Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 165: : Yincheng

Xiao Lang stayed in a big inn in Yaohuo City. He first bought a few maps of the Tianyun Continent, and then investigated the places where the Yin family was distributed.

This kind of investigation took Xiao Lang more than ten days. Fortunately, Emperor Tian lived up to his heart. Xiao Lang's hard work was not wasted. After more than ten days, he found a lot of useful information.

In the entire Tianyun Continent, there are more than one hundred locations for the Yin clan. Excluding those with weaker strengths and some from a historical point of view, clearly belonging to the tribes, there are still 13 locations. Suspicious distribution points.

Thirteen distribution points are difficult and difficult to investigate. After all, it will take time to investigate all the thirteen distribution points.

But there is no way. If you don't check these points, Xiao Lang can't determine which point is the Yin family named by Venerable Dragon Elephant, and naturally he will not be able to complete Venerable Dragon Elephant's will.

After confirming, Xiao Lang left Yaohuo City and embarked on the journey to find the authentic Yin family.

Three days later, Xiao Lang came to a place called Bailang County, which was the first Yin clan distribution point he investigated.

According to his investigation, the distribution of the Yin clan is relatively large. It is a well-known clan in Bailang County. It is said that the clan leader is still a mid-world powerhouse, not much different from what he expected.

Xiao Lang sneaked into the Yin clan, grabbed a decent direct descendant, and then drew a trace of blood from his body, and placed it in front of the jade pendant given to him by Venerable Dragon Elephant.

To Xiao Lang's disappointment, that piece of jade pendant did not react, indicating that the Yin clan was not the same as the Yin clan mentioned by Venerable Dragon Elephant.

Xiao Lang was not discouraged either. After letting the Yin family's child go, he left the Yin clan unconsciously and embarked on the journey to find the next Yin clan.

A few days later, Xiao Lang appeared in the second distribution point of the Yin family.

In the same way, Xiao Lang sneaked into the mansion of the Yin clan, knocked out a direct child, and then asked for blood to be tested.

Yupei still had no response, Xiao Lang continued to search for the third Yin clan distribution.

In this way, Xiao Lang has been busy for more than two months and found seven Yin clan distribution points. So far the jade pendant has not shown any response.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang has a good temperament, and the previous seven defeats did not affect him.

The fact is also true. As a strong person with a small perfect world, he is naturally very tough in his heart, and this little setback has no effect on him.

Five more days passed, this time Xiao Lang came to Changfeng County.

This is a big county, located to the south of the Tianyun Continent. Although it is not as good as those big counties in the Central Region, it is still prosperous.

The Yin family in Changfeng County is also a big family. It is said that the patriarch of this Yin family is very powerful, and he is a real powerhouse in the Era Realm, and his strength has reached the first rank.

In Changfeng County, this Yin family is one of the top powers, and it also has a place among the top forces in Changfeng County.

After investigation, Xiao Lang came to the base camp of the Yin family.

Because of its strength, the Yin family occupies five cities in Changfeng County, the largest of which is the city of Yin, where their base camp is located.

According to the information obtained by Xiao Lang, Yin City is a big city with a population of tens of millions, and it is very prosperous. But when Xiao Lang came to Yin City, he saw that the gate of Yin City was half-hidden, and the pedestrians entering and leaving were sparse. , Completely unworthy of the name of the great city.

Xiao Lang saw an unusual message from the guards' vigilant eyes at the gate of the city. Perhaps this Yin City was in trouble, and even the guards guarding the gate were so all-in-one.

Xiao Lang thought for a while, but decided to go in and investigate.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

As soon as Xiao Lang walked to the gate of the city, he was intercepted by the captain guarding here.

"I'm passing by and want to go to the city to find an inn to rest." Xiao Lang said calmly.

"Look for a rest at the inn?" The gazes of the guards who guarded the city all looked over, staring directly at Xiao Lang with a vigilant look.

"Where did you come from? Do you have an identity certificate?" The captain of the guard continued to ask just now.

Xiao Lang can already be sure that this Yin City is in trouble, otherwise, how could this city's entry audit be so strict?

He thought about it, and finally took out a jade medal and threw it to the chief guard.

It was an identity certificate that he had spent 100,000 Saint Quartz in Yaohuo City to deal with this situation.

The guard took a look, then looked at Xiao Lang carefully, and then said: "The wind in Yincheng has been tight recently. Don't cause trouble when you enter, otherwise don't blame us for asking you out."

"Don't worry, I just went in and rested for a few days." Xiao Lang nodded.

"Go in!" The guard returned the identity card to Xiao Lang, and asked someone to let him go.

Xiao Lang collected his identity badge and asked casually, "You have encountered something in Yincheng recently? Why is it so strict?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't." The guard said coldly.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang didn't care, shrugged, and walked into the city gate.

The area of ​​Yincheng is large, the streets are criss-crossed, and the pedestrians come and go in an endless stream, but it will not be as deserted as the outside.

Because he was going to the Yin family to check the situation, Xiao Lang had to find out the location of the Yin family mansion first.

However, this inquiries revealed that most of the people in Yincheng were silent about the Yin family's affairs, and even looked at him with a vigilant look, which made Xiao Lang's heart uneasy.

"It seems that something happened to the Yin family," Xiao Lang said in his heart.

In the end, it took Xiao Lang a small price to find out the position of the Yin family from a person in Yincheng.

However, before Xiao Lang went to the Yin family to investigate the situation, he was in trouble first.

A few cold-faced commoner guards stopped him in an alley and blocked his way, obviously coming up to look for trouble.

Xiao Lang was naturally not afraid. He said faintly, "What do you mean by this? Do you rob?"

"It won't be a robbery, I just want to ask you a few things." A voice came, but it was a young man Pian Pian, holding a folding fan in his hand, walking slowly.

Obviously, these commoner guards were instigated by him.

"Who are you?" Xiao Lang glanced at the person and asked aloud.

Young Master Pian Pian didn't answer. He stared at Xiao Lang and said, "I heard that you are inquiring about the location of my Yin family in the city. Come on, what is your purpose?"

"Oh, it seems that you are from the Yin family?" Xiao Lang was happy. He did not expect to find a Yin family here.

Judging from the appearance of this person, he should have some status in the Yin family, maybe he is still a direct child.

"Yes, I am the Yin family, you'd better explain your purpose honestly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite." Young Master Pian Pian said coldly.

Xiao Lang naturally wouldn't be afraid of his threats. He smiled and said, "It just so happens that I'm going to find your Yin family. Since you have delivered it yourself, then I'm not welcome."

After speaking, Xiao Lang immediately disappeared where he was.

"Be careful!"

It took a while for those commoner guards to react, but it was a pity that they were more than a step slower, and when they said these words, Xiao Lang had already appeared in front of that Young Master Pian Pian.

Young Master Pian Pian didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct, attacking him if he didn't agree, and the speed was so fast.

Just about to evade, he saw that Xiao Lang's palm had been pressed on his shoulder at some point, making him completely immobile.

"Don't be so scared, I just want to prove one thing to you, not to kill you."

Xiao Lang smiled, and after speaking, he directly drew a drop of blood from Young Master Pian Pian, and then returned to the place.

"This..." The few commoner guards were collectively trapped, Xiao Lang's speed was so fast that they couldn't keep up with the rhythm. At the moment, they could only retreat to the next best thing, and surrounded the young master Pian Pian to protect him.

"Master Yin Fei, are you okay?" The commoner guard asked in a low voice.

At this time, Young Master Pianpian Yin Fei's face turned pale for a while. He didn't expect Xiao Lang's strength to be so terrifying. You know, he is also a genius in the Yin family, and his strength now has reached the realm of the 9th-order Void True God. But in front of Xiao Lang, he didn't even have the qualifications to resist.

"Who is this guy?" Yin Fei stared at Xiao Lang, depressed and grateful. What depressed was naturally Xiao Lang's powerful strength. Fortunately, Xiao Lang seemed to have no malice towards him, otherwise. , He didn't know how many times he died.

Xiao Lang didn't pay attention to what Yin Fei thought. After he got the latter's blood, he took out the jade pendant of Venerable Dragon Elephant.


When the jade pendant approached Yin Fei's blood, it suddenly lit up.

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "Okay, I finally found it."

Yin Fei and those commoner guards were all blank, wondering why Xiao Lang was so happy.

Xiao Lang collected the jade pendant, then looked at Yin Fei and said with a smile: "I just offended you, I have no other meaning, just want to prove whether you are from the Yin family."

Yin Fei was speechless. He was a direct child of Yin Fei. If he was not from the Yin family, who would be the Yin family.

In fact, the reason why he came to trouble Xiao Lang was because he observed that Xiao Lang had been inquiring about the location of the Yin family and his whereabouts were suspicious, so he would come out. Otherwise, he would not show up. Here it is.

"Since you entered the city, you have been inquiring about the situation of my Yin family. What is your purpose?" Yin Fei had the courage to ask, seeing that Xiao Lang didn't seem to be malicious.

"Come to fulfill the wish of a senior." Xiao Lang smiled indifferently: "Your name is Yin Fei, right? I found that the atmosphere in your Yin City is a bit tense. Did something happen?"

Yin Fei was wary, their Yin family did encounter something, and it was still a major event, otherwise it would not be so nervous.

However, he was not yet familiar with Xiao Lang, so naturally he would not tell him this.

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